Walter Buschhoff

Walter Buschhoff

Рождение : 1923-07-08, Worms, Germany

Смерть : 2010-12-07


Walter Buschhoff


Eine Liebe auf Mallorca 2
Herr Häussler
Rudy, the Racing Pig
Professor Kurt
Flat-dwelling urban family win a pig in a raffle, and decide to keep it. They lose their flat (no pets allowed) but eventually Rudi the pig makes good.
Wer zweimal lügt
Franz Hübner
Das größte Fest des Jahres
Vinzenz Bieler
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Die Erbschaft
Ein Unding der Liebe
Left behind by his mother, an alcoholic prostitute, Georg grew up carelessly with his aunt and grandmother. As an adult he works in a department store canteen and has become an outsider due to his shape and infantile appearance.
Münchhausens letzte Liebe
Non-Stop Trouble With the Experts
Otto von Ludwig
Willi Schulze is a car mechanic. Together with Paul, who escaped from an orphanage, he runs a garage. During the testing of a car, Willi finds out the brakes aren't working that good. A fatal accident can just be prevented. He tries to hitchhike home and gets picked up by American election expert Willy Schneider. Together they also get an accident and both lose their memory. The police assumes Schulze is the election expert and rapidly he turns into the pivot in a stone-hard election-contest.
Путешествие в сказку
Justice Grimm
У одиннадцатилетней Лизы не было времени на игрушки, она была слишком занята заботой о своих братьях и сестрах и работой по дому. Во время снежной бури в канун Рождества Лиза попадает в Страну игрушек. Туда, где старый Барнаби Барнекл собирается жениться на молодой Мэри Контрари, несмотря на то, что она любит Джека. Лиза пытается предотвратить эту ужасную свадьбу и вместе со своими новыми друзьями выясняет, что Барнаби хочет захватить власть над Страной игрушек. Лиза, Мэри, Джек и Джордж Порги просят помощи у Мастера игрушек, но он не сможет помочь им, пока они не поверят в игрушки по-настоящему.
Didi auf vollen Touren
Deutscher Minister
German vehicle fanatic Dieter 'Didi' accepts to drive a truckload of waste barrels to a French dump site. Didi ignores the plant needs to dump toxic waste after a major incident, which made the international news. But while the French site exploiter's agent Marcel believes it's Did's load, that's in fact a deliberately obvious diversion. Now everyone chases everyone else.
In Amt und Würden
Die Unbekannten im eigenen Haus
Hector Loursant
Timon von Athen
Das Schweigen im Walde
The young Count Ettingen leads a dissolute life in Munich with the demanding Baroness Prankha at his side. To finance his life, he has his uncle cut down the forests in his estate without caring about the consequences. When he catches his girlfriend having an affair, however, he retreats to the mountains. From the young alpine dairymaid Lore he learns about another side of life and wants to stop the overexploitation of the forest. But the baroness still wants his money.
Anita Drögemöller und die Ruhe an der Ruhr
Don Alfonso
Directed by Alfred Vohrer, and written by Jürgen Lodemann and Werner P. Zibaso, «Anita Drogemöller und die Ruhe an der Ruhr» is a 1976 Crime film . Monique van de Ven and Harald Leipnitz are starring, alongside Helga Anders, Reiner Schöne, Brigitte Mira and Dirk Dautzenberg.
The Education in Love of Valentin
This sex comedy concerns the efforts of Julien to get his timid, "backward" 20-year-old son to take an interest in sex and get married. After a series of adventures with women (arranged by papa), Valentin finally gets married to a woman who appears to be as shy as he is. Things get complicated when his father begins an affair with her.
Le docteur Ruth
Rod Taylor plays a United Nations bio-warfare disarmament expert whose lonely wife (Catherine Jourdan) has a steamy affair while she's away in France. But soon she finds out the hard way that her lover is not quite the charming and stable guy she thought he was, and starts to fear him and wonder about his true motives.
Cautio Criminalis
Dr. Schultheiß
Around the World with Fanny Hill
In Stockholm, Fanny Hill is tired of being a housewife, and she suspects that her husband Roger, a TV-commercial director who's surrounded by starlets, is cheating on her. So, she sets a trap for him with her friend Monica, files for divorce, and heads to Hollywood, with Monica, to meet film stars. She falls into a film career, with lots of nude scenes, and as it takes her from L.A. to Hong Kong and Venice, Roger follows her, jealous, hoping to win her back. In every city, she acts and she seduces, making comedy out of both; but does her heart still belong to Roger? It's on to Munich to find out.
Der Stoff, aus dem die Träume sind
Germany during the Cold War, a boy has fled Czechoslovakia. Star reporter Walter Roland investigates the background. In the process, he uncovers a plot: Western and Eastern agents are on the hunt for the Warsaw Pact's deployment plans against NATO, which a Czech officer has taken out of the country.
Das Geheimnis der Mary Celeste
Norman Peace
Bloody Friday
Walter Lotzmann
Womanizing thug Klett is sprung from the courthouse by two accomplices, then sets about planning the big heist of a local bank, equipped with a cache of high-powered weapons he's acquired from an American army outpost. Together with his faithful protégé, who reluctantly on-boards his young girlfriend and her AWOL brother, the quartet bumble their way through the supposedly full-proof plan that aims to deliver them a cool million in cash and a new life in Australia. Predictably, things deteriorate quickly at every turn.
The Sudden Wealth of the Poor People of Kombach
An intriguing Hans Christian Anderson-style fairy tale aesthetic and voice over narration. Sudden Wealth is a despairing chronicle of a group of starving peasants who finally seize governmental wealth like a dysfunctional group of Robin Hood's Merry Men, only to be betrayed by their inescapable selves and systematically dehumanized (think bucolic Orwell) and reprogrammed by what we'll put under the rubric of God and Country.
Das haut den stärksten Zwilling um
Peter's Chef
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Keiner erbt für sich allein
Sir Charles Barker
Heintje - Mein bester Freund
Herr Hartmann
Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin - Stunde der Entscheidung
Der Pfarrer von St. Pauli
Generaldirektor Carl Ostro
Weh' dem, der erbt
Vizepräsident Sir Charles Barker
Ehepaar sucht gleichgesinntes
German sex comedy
Hilfe, ich liebe Zwillinge!
Ende eines Leichtgewichts
Arthuro Tonheiro
The Brazen Women of Balzac
Phileas Leuwenstam
A Count and Countess, their lovelife losing luster, invite some people over ...
Scarabea – How Much Land Does a Man Need?
G. W. Bach
A Teutonic lecher on vacation has a wager with some local peasants that he can't make a walking circle from sunrise to sunset to secure some coveted land. The middle-aged businessman embarks on his journey only to be slowed down by the beautiful reporter Scarabea. With thoughts of drunkenness and sex on his warped mind, the man tries to circumnavigate the parcel of property. The story is a retelling of an ancient folk tale told by Tolstoy where the initial victim bets his soul to Satan against the land he desires.
Baron Pentz
Sich selbst der Nächste
Of Mice and Men
Ein Schlaf Gefangener
Soldat David King
Hauptwachtmeister Fröhlich
Bericht eines Feiglings
Rette sich, wer kann oder Dummheit siegt überall
Flieger Ross
Once a Greek
An extravagant comedy with Heinz Rühmann.
Porträt eines Helden
Leo Fuller
The Fountain of Love
In this comedy, set in an Austrian mountain village, the town leaders conspire to attract tourists by touting a mythical "fountain of love" that runs nearby the village. When the minister of tourism discovers this, she immediately sends her agents to check out the veracity of the potentially scandalous water. After the village mayor declares a 3-day ban on sexual activity, he then plugs up the fountain. When the agents come, they find nothing. One of the agents wants to have his boss come and check it out personally, but changes his mind after he drinks some of the water. It really is an aphrodisiac! Soon tourists are arriving by the hundreds to sample the mysterious water. Unfortunately, the minister finds out and claims the water for the state.
Doktor Murkes gesammelte Nachrufe
Das Liebeskarussell
An episodic film, telling four erotic tales: Angela isn't sexually satisfied by her husband, so she simulates sleep-walking to visit her neighbor across the street every night; when his bathtub runs over, shy Peter gets to meet his sensuous neighbor Lolita; at a high-school reunion his former students pull a prank on Prof. Hellberg and make him believe he cheated on his wife while being drunk; Sybill has a good time during a break at the opera with the famous conductor Cramer.
Die schwedische Jungfrau
The House in Karp Lane
Bei Tag und Nacht
Der trojanische Krieg findet nicht statt
Die Verbrecher
Josef Berlessen
Die Grotte
Der Kommissar
The Endless Night
Ernst Kramer
Anthology film about a night at airport Berlin-Tempelhof. Due to fog passengers can't leave Berlin by plane and struggle to find other ways out of Berlin.
Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker
Dicke Luft
Das Leben beginnt um acht
Willibald Barthels
Der Datterich
Fritz Knippelius
Schritte in der Nacht
Чудо отца Малахиаса
Ночью на площади священник Малахиас молит Бога, чтобы тот убрал ночной бар подальше от церкви. Бог исполняет просьбу Малахиаса, и бар по воздуху переносится на пустынный остров. На месте бара открывается торговля святой водой, сосисками, изображениями Малахиаса. Печать, радио и телевидение используют это «чудо» и дурачат наивных верующих. А торговцы и спекулянты зарабатывают на этом большие деньги. В баре богатые бездельники и рыцари наживы устраивают безобразные оргии. Увидев все это, Малахиас умоляет Бога сделать «чудо» несостоявшимся. И бар в своем первоначальном виде оказывается на прежнем месте.
Zeit des Glücks
Nicolas Merovée
Johnny Belinda
Floyd McGuiggan / Fergus McGuiggan
Ein Weihnachtslied in Prosa oder Eine Geistergeschichte zum Christfest
Geist der gegenwärtigen Weihnachten
Der Frieden unserer Stadt
Bedienung, bitte!
Faker Englund
Das große Messer
Buddy Bliss
Ruf ohne Echo
Eine Dummheit macht auch der Gescheiteste
Johanna aus Lothringen
Der Schinderhannes
Iltis Jakob
Der Dank der Unterwelt
Die Erbin
Arthur Townsend
Der versteinerte Wald
Zwei Bayern im Harem
Halim Pascha
Vater, unser bestes Stück
Hotel Allotria
Heiße Ernte
Oskar Blume
IA in Oberbayern
Dr. Hans von Spörling
Her father urges Greta to marry the noble lawyer Dr. Hans von Spoerling. But her former boyfriend Fred Roland is informed of the planned engagement and arrives from America just in time. Put under pressure from both parties, Greta leaves and hits the road. She ends up in Schlaffenhofen, a small village in Southern Bavaria. The attractive woman and her modern car - with Berlin's number plate 'IA' on it - is a small sensation. But the two fiancée haven't given up on her, especially since her father promised her to the first who finds her.