История австрийца Франца Егерштеттера, который отказался служить в нацистской армии и был казнен в 1943 году. В 2007 году его причислили к лику блаженных.
В тихую, Богом забытую немецкую деревушку приезжает автобус. Из него выходит группа турецких гастарбайтеров и одутловатый, неуклюжий увалень Абрам, которого играет сам автор пьесы. При встрече с ним не здоровается родная мать, и по деревне постепенно расползаются слухи, что парень сидел в тюрьме, причем посадили его якобы за то, что в нынешнем продвинутом мире именуется бисексуальностью. Абрам никому ничего доказывать не собирается, он с железной выдержкой выносит все издевательства и провокации. Впрочем, местный народец своего не упустит. Единственный на всю деревню комбайн поломался, и появление механика Абрама решает все проблемы.
A scientist invents a serum that keeps a dog's head alive after its body dies. When the scientist dies of a heart attack, his crazed assistant cuts off his head and, using the serum, keeps the doctor's head alive and forces it to help him on an experiment to give his hunchbacked nurse assistant a new body.
His grandpa gives the orphan boy Robbie a foal that they call "little brother". The boy loves the animal and wants to train it as a racing horse - but then his grandpa dies. Robbie's sister isn't old enough to care for themselves, so they get a guardian who decides to sell all the horses. Robbie hides his "little brother" at a farm, but it's hard for him to come up with the rent regularly..
There's only one way for the farmer Assbichler to save his farm from ruin: he has to marry off his son Toni to the pretty Rosl, the daughter of the rich farmer Pius Mang. Mang, however, wants his daughter to marry a well-off man; and so Assbichler has to borrow some cattle to give the farm the appearance of a large farming estate.
This is essentially a "Kraft durch Freude" propaganda film though the organization is never mentioned. A company's three day outing might very well be the last because bankruptcy is just around the corner. The people on the trip have all their individual problems and wishes, too. This episodic film might sound quite promising considering the basic idea but its script is determinedly optimistic and leads everything and anything to a happy end. The dramatic parts are finished in a rather implausible way, the comedic are terribly predictable. There's a badly misjudged singing scene in the bus, some bavarian shtick, the Regensburger Domspatzen are singing in Augsburg and so on...