Dominika Kulczyk


Бесконечная буря
Когда альпинистка попадает в метель, она встречает застрявшего незнакомца и должна спустить их обоих с горы до наступления темноты.
Stolen Dreams
Every third woman in the world married as a child comes from India. From an early age, they are taught meekness and obedience. This is to prepare them for marriage. They often become wives long before they reach the age of puberty. They become pregnant almost immediately after they get married, which poses a serious threat to their health and life. Also, underage wives have no chance to continue their education. They remain completely dependent on their husbands and in-laws for the rest of their lives. About 23% of girls from India experience this fate every year.
Молодой человек устраивается на работу в рекламное агентство, где находит инструменты для запуска онлайн-атак на людей, которым он хочет отомстить.