Dana Smržová


Experiment Eva
Set Decoration
In the mid-eighties, screenwriter and director Jaroslav Balík tried to give voice to the problems of an ambitious young woman who decides to get back to work after a few years spent on maternity leave. NFA.CZ
House Call
Set Decoration
Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
On the Great River
Set Decoration
Second movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Settlement of Crows
Set Decoration
First movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu
Nechci nic slyšet
Set Decoration
Paleta lásky
Set Decoration
Romance for a Crown
Set Decoration
A musical comedy about a date between boy and girl which started badly but continued very unexpectedly...
Girls from a Porcelain Factory
Set Decoration
The fifteen year old Maruska (Lenka Korínková) starts as a new staff in the porcelain warehouse. For the boss Svetla (Míla Myslíková) it is the last straw. She asked to extend her staff consisting of four girls and a retired lady by a man, not a child. The kind and ever fussy Svetla, battling in vain with overweight decides to leave her position and to take another one in the office. As soon as she finds out that the position will be taken by Arnost Jarolím (Josef Langmiler), she insists on a hand over inventory.
Night of Orange Fires
Set Decoration
Petr Rynes (Svatopluk Matyás) is celebrating his forty-fifth birthday in the company of his friends. He is happy with his wife, and his abilities at work have been rewarded with the medal For Outstanding Work. But a few short seconds are enough to change his life when he makes the ill-judged decision to take his car to bring a friend's wife to the celebration, and hits a pedestrian on the way. He has of course been drinking at the party and is consequently sentenced to sixteen months in prison. Being in jail is not an easy thing for a honorable communist. He soon gets into conflict with several violent inmates, who think they can break his spirit by violence.
V každém pokoji žena
Set Decoration
Tři nevinní
Set Decoration
Půlnoční kolona
Set Decoration
Девушка на метле
Set Decoration
Юная ведьма Саксана училась в магической школе неприлежно. Вместо вороны могла превратиться в курицу или корову. Загадочная грусть-тоска съедала ее сердце. Папа, летучая мышь, ребенком не занимался, поскольку днем спал. Четырехрукий директор школы ругал ее за неуспеваемость. И просвета в этой жизни не было, пока однажды Саксанко не узнала, что может в виде совы перенестись в мир людей и пожить там полной жизнью 44 часа – все лучше, чем ничего.
Jsem nebe
Set Decoration