Wang Shengli

Wang Shengli

Рождение : 1978-05-14, Harbin, China


Wang Shengli


The Man Who Moved Mountains - The Fall of Heaven
New chapter from Mojin Universe.
The Queen of Kung Fu
Treasure Seekers
Scarred Dao
Group of professional treasure hunters goes to the jungle in search of the “dragon veins” of Kunlun Ruins. Every step they take is dangerous. The mysterious and primitive clan that kills people, the stone beast mountain forest that is haunted by ghosts, the phantom butterfly that eats human flesh and blood, and the thousand-year-old dragon that suddenly comes back to life.
Королева кунг-фу
А Си наделена сверхчеловеческой силой, ее железный кулак непобедим. Родители продают А Си в Шанхай, но девушка не намерена влачить жалкое существование. Могущественный евнух Пэй становится ее покровителем и теперь А Си намерена избавить один из районов Шанхая от опиума, азартных игр и проституции.
Huo Jiaquan: Girl With Iron Arms
A young girl with magical powers is trafficked to Shanghai by her smoke-addicted parents to become a dancer. She became famous in the French Concession with her iron fist. She became famous in the French Concession for her iron fist and became a person of high moral standing.
Matchless Hero Fang Shiyu
The film tells that Fang Shiyu’s father was killed by the sacred traitor, and Fang Shiyu pursued the revenge for truth. He was devastated by the bloody sea and the hope of the same door. In order to seek justice, the safflower rebellious party, encountering savage and eager to go hand in hand, escaped from birth with the help of the former Qingmei, and finally won the perfect ending, and staged the love of a true chivalry. Hate feelings and hatred. The film is exclusively broadcast on the iQiyi movie channel on April 18th!
Biography of the Mutants 6
Buzu Chief
Biography of the Mutants 4
Buzu Chief
Biography of the Mutants 5
Buzu Chief
Biography of the Mutants 3
Buzu Chief
Biography of the Mutants 2
Buzu Chief
Biography of the Mutants
Buzu Chief
Зов героев
Big Zhu
В начале XX века после крушения династии Цинь Китай погружается в хаос гражданских войн. Множество группировок в различных регионах страны берут власть в свои руки, параллельно враждуя друг с другом. Группа селян из отдалённой деревни объединяется, чтобы дать отпор лидеру жестокой вооружённой банды.
Период Троецарствия. Цао Цао уже стар, но все ещё остается влиятельным человеком. Сын Цао Цао пытается занять место отца.