Phoebe Garcia-Pearl


Stage V
Executive Producer
Lydia attends a bereavement group for people who have lost a loved one to cancer. As she hears the different stories of loss around the group and how grief has manifested itself in so many different ways, she is triggered to remember different memories during her father’s illness where each stage of grief affected her own life.
Stage V
Lydia attends a bereavement group for people who have lost a loved one to cancer. As she hears the different stories of loss around the group and how grief has manifested itself in so many different ways, she is triggered to remember different memories during her father’s illness where each stage of grief affected her own life.
Stage V
Lydia attends a bereavement group for people who have lost a loved one to cancer. As she hears the different stories of loss around the group and how grief has manifested itself in so many different ways, she is triggered to remember different memories during her father’s illness where each stage of grief affected her own life.
Stage V
Lydia attends a bereavement group for people who have lost a loved one to cancer. As she hears the different stories of loss around the group and how grief has manifested itself in so many different ways, she is triggered to remember different memories during her father’s illness where each stage of grief affected her own life.
Five-Year-Old Miss Honey
Матильда — очень необычная девочка. Ну посудите сами — умножать в голове огромные цифры, двигать взглядом предметы, и делать еще много чего сверхъестественного — это что, по-вашему, нормально? Но ее родители равнодушны к ней — их не только не поражают способности Матильды, им даже не интересно как живет их дочь. Все, чего хотят «сердобольные» мама с папой — избавиться от нее. Так они и поступают — отправляют девочку в интернат. Вот там-то Матильда и начинает давать волю своим поразительным талантам. А умеет она выкидывать такие номера, что поверьте, мало не покажется.