Raúl López

Raúl López


Raúl López


Forgotten Roads
Facundo / Ambrosía
Claudina is a repressed woman from the countryside. After her husband passes away, she meets Elsa, a married woman with whom she discovers real love. In a little conservatory town in the south of Chile, obsessed with UFO sighting, she starts a new journey.
Бесконечная поэзия
Cafe Iris Second Waiter
Юный Алехандро переезжает в Чили, где находит свое призвание и становится поэтом. Здесь он освобождается ото всех оков, от своей семьи, от наставлений отца. Знакомится с молодыми поэтами и обретает музу.
The Oak's Shadow
Birthday Uncle
Jorge, a biology teacher, lost his wife 5 years ago, and has not been able to overcome his grief. His children consider their grandfather Roberto as their main father figure. Everything changes when the latter is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and they have to put him in a rest-home. It is then that Jorge reconsiders his damaged relationship with his father and children.