Rodrigo Hidalgo


Лина из Лимы
Script Supervisor
Десять лет назад Лина ради заработка покинула свою родину Перу и устроилась домработницей в Чили. Это позволило ей не думать о деньгах и посылать средства своему сыну Джуниору. На Рождество она должна ехать домой, к своей семье, однако ряд обстоятельств заставляет её засомневаться в этой идее.
This Is Cristina
Cristina and Susana have been best friends since high school. Now, both over 30 years old, they are still living like they did in their teenage years. Or maybe they never grew up.
Sweet Family
A fat woman attempts to lose weight in order to use her mother's wedding dress with the help of her evil sisters and needy fiancé.
...And Suddenly the Dawn
Still Photographer
Pancho Veloso, an old writer of celebrity articles, returns to his hometown of Chilean Patagonia after more than 40 years of having fled. When trying to write "salable" stories about that area so called "the end of the world", he will face his past and leave his imposture.
...And Suddenly the Dawn
Pancho Veloso, an old writer of celebrity articles, returns to his hometown of Chilean Patagonia after more than 40 years of having fled. When trying to write "salable" stories about that area so called "the end of the world", he will face his past and leave his imposture.
Argentino QL
An Argentine artist moves to Chile in search of a more stable life and a possible future for his profession. Thanks to his talent and arrogance will go far, but not for long...
El Derechazo
Delinquent 1
When Bruno, a filmmaker overwhelmed by alimony, receives an ultimatum from his editor to find a subject that help them with ratings, a political candidate appears.
Che Kopete: La película
El vecino
A young artist starts a friendship with his neighbour, a criminal who, tormented because of one of his crimes, seeks forgiveness.