Scott Hylands
Рождение : 1943-01-01, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Scott Hylands is a Canadian stage, film and television actor, best known for playing Detective Kevin 'O. B.' O'Brien on the television police drama series Night Heat from 1985 to 1989. He's a graduate with a BA in Theatre and English from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 1964. After moving to the USA, he became one of the original company members of the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco, California, appearing in over 20 productions. Over the next 15 years, he accumulated an impressive and long list of credits in Los Angeles based film and television as well as a strong profile in the theatre community, appearing often at the Mark Taper Forum, the Los Angeles Shakespeare Festival, and Theatricum Bottanicum. He returned to Canada in 1981, kept working in theatres across Canada, and appeared in innumerable film and television projects.
Mr. Black
Мужчина делает все возможное, чтобы сохранить право собственности на приморский коттедж, который он построил вместе со своей покойной женой.
When a professional matchmaker’s own marriage loses its spark, she seeks to recharge the relationship by asking her husband out on a blind date. As Mother’s Day approaches and their romance starts to rekindle, she wonders if her career-driven husband will finally learn to put his family’s needs before his job.
One woman's unexpected race to the altar teaches her a whole new meaning to marriage.
Randall Cafter
When Tom loses his job at an advertising agency, he enlists a youthful con-man to help save his career.
When Nicki finds two horses stranded deep in the Rocky Mountain snow, she makes it her mission to find a way to get them to safety. With no other options, she picks up a shovel and starts to dig out the mile-long path, inspiring her father, Matt, and the rest of the community to join together and save the horses in the spirit of Christmas.
Earl Potter
A quirky coming of age story about an 11-year-old boy named Redwood who dreams that if he can beat Jack Nicklaus at the 1975 Master's of golf he'll reunite his parents.
Mercurio Arboria
Действие разворачивается в футуристическом 1983 году. Молодая женщина, заключенная в экспериментальную лабораторию, загадочным ученым, должна найти в себе силы, чтобы преодолеть это заключение против ее воли под постоянным присмотром всевидящего ока доктора Барри Найла. Доведенная до отчаяния, у Элены не остается выбора как решиться на побег из ее лабиринтообразной тюрьмы, в процессе которого она раскрывает тайны своего тюремщика.
A world-renowned archaeologist must reawaken the storm god Ba'al by collecting four ancient amulets scattered around the world. As each amulet is uncovered, Ba'al's fury threatens to destroy everything in its path with the most powerful storm mankind has ever seen.
Arnie Filmore
Disguised as executives from a Dutch Oil Company, Aliens from outer space buy a local farming company and promise to create jobs for the failing farming town. Their goal is to use crop circles to heat up the temperature of the earth and eventually turn the entire planet into a Club-Med for extra-terrestrials.
Clint Corbin
When a barrage of meteors hurtles through the atmosphere straight for Mayor Anna McPherson's town, Anna must lead the desperate fight to save the town and her family from the flaming balls of destruction shooting down from the sky.
When Anna Malone finds an old music box hidden in a house she is renovating, she has no idea the joys, sorrows, and hidden dangers it will bring.
A life-time criminal is on the run after completing a diamond theft gone wrong. She seeks her mother's help in staying on the run and resist the urge to reconnect with her daughter.
Charlie Long
After uncovering evidence that her stepfather was murdered by her D.A. ex-husband and a ring of corrupt cops, a young woman is forced to flee with her daughter. She winds up hiding in a small, rural town, and things take a turn for the better when she falls head over heels for a local ranch owner -- but is danger still hot on her tail? Stay tuned!
Frank / Carny
Tony Hawk's Boom Boom HuckJam arrives in the town of Lincolville and bumps a crummy circus. The evil circus ringleader, Grimley, exacts his revenge by kidnapping Tony and jacking the HuckJam. Tony's only hope is a bunch of local skater punks.
Detective Bill Malone
A murderer goes after a female attorney when he thinks that she has witnessed one of his killings.
Lucy and Paul return to their childhood home for a celebration dinner when their Uncle Stan shows up with inappropriate gifts for all, and a way-too-young fiancée named Candy. Once the gifts are unwrapped, all Hell breaks loose.
Richard Crunch
Писателю-фантасту Бо Айкенсу до смерти надоело жить в Лос-Анджелесе. Решив удалиться от суеты и безумия большого города, он переезжает в маленький чудесный городок под названием Черная река. Здесь все счастливы, спокойны, доброжелательны и веселы.
Но понемногу Бо начинает осознавать, что городом управляет какая-то неведомая сила. Странные события, происходящие вокруг, наводят Айкинса на мысль покинуть это странное место. Но оказывается, что сделать это совсем непросто…
Matt Parker
It has been nine years since Bancroft's character shot Brown's son. She goes to the prison to vent her rage at him over what he did, and discovers he's not the monster she thought he was.
Coach Les Modeau
A high school halfback must choose between the gridiron dreams of his football coach father, and his own dream of becoming a musician.
Solomon John
A woman fears for her son's health when her ex-husband kidnaps him.
Baxter and Travis are two guys hired to protect a millionaire's daughter from bad guys.
Maurice Quintal
True story of a brand-new Canadian airliner running out of fuel in-flight and forced to glide to the nearest airfield.
Frank Stewart
A man attempts to rescue people trapped on the I-880 bridge after the top half collapses during the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.
Fred Ritchie
Everybody expected military flight Boxtop 22 from Thule into the vast frozen wilderness of Canada's North Western territories to be boring routine, but in a matter of minutes a crash reduces Gulf War veteran pilot Captain John Couch's crew and passengers to ever-growing despair. First they consider themselves relatively lucky as 14 out of 18 aboard are alive, including Captain Wilma De Groot, a medical doctor, but as time progresses the merciless cold makes it seem hopeless to check on Bob and Sue, who cannot be moved near the only campfire, while rescue attempts on land from Alert ('only' about 10 miles) and by air from Edmonton (8 hours flying) take no less then 32 hours to reach the plane wreck...
Delta Squad Sergeant Mike Paxton
Фильм основан на реальных событиях расскажет нам жуткую историю о Джоне Уэйне Гейси: Хорошем друге, добропорядочном гражданине и крупном предпринимателе. Именно такой его жизнь казалась на первый взгляд. Но в ходе следствия по делу о пропавшем подростке, перед нами предстанет безжалостный серийный убийца. Жертвами его безумной страсти стало более тридцати юношей, которых он под различными предлогами заманивал в свой дом, где насиловал, подвергал пыткам, а затем убивал.
A plane crash in the Mexican desert leaves a small group of survivors who are desperate for food and water. Fearing that they may never be found where they are, they head for where it is hoped there will be civilization and rescue. When their hopes prove unfounded, they must face the horrible possibility of choosing between giving up and dying, or doing the unthinkable to survive.
Dr. "Tex" Goodnight
Dr. R. Adams Cowley, the Baltimore physician who pioneered medicine's first shocktrauma unit, fights hospital bureaucracy to gain recognition for his center.
RCAF Pilot Capt. Hank Tucker
В Скалистых горах во время собачьих боев Альберт Джонсон спасает от толпы полумертвого пса, набив морду его хозяину. Тот собирается ему отомстить, но неудачно. Нескольких человек Джонсон подстрелил. Местный представитель закона, крутой Эдгар Миллен, вынужден устроить на Джонсона охоту, хотя и подозревает, что тот невиновен. К охоте присоединяются все любители повеселиться. Но охота за наградой оказывается весьма опасной для многих из охотников…
A woman hires a contract-killer when her ex-husband kidnaps her son.
Lee Devlin
The widow of a wealthy shipbuilder tries to hold onto his business and becomes involved with boardroom intrigue in her bitter struggle to maintain control of the company. Based on British TV series "The Foundation." Pilot to a prospective series.
Glenn Curtiss
A beautifully photographed story that gives insight into the lives and accomplishments of the Wright brothers and the period in which they lived.
Tom Burkhardt
A romantic comedy about various engaged couples and their families who, as wedding dates rapidly approach, are caught up in a whirlwind of emotional crises, from past loves and parental pressure to social and financial obligations.
Capt. Collins
Военная драма изображает жизни пяти американских морских пехотинцев, начиная с их тренировок в учебном лагере для новобранцев в 1967 и заканчивая наступлением на Вьетнам в 1968. Их жизни быстро превратились в адский кошмар. Внутренне сломленные из-за бессмысленной войны, напуганные беспринципностью их союзника — Южного Вьетнама — и постоянно подвергающиеся опасности из-за их же собственного командира, молодые люди нашли возможный выход из этой ситуации. Им сказали, что если они нарочно проиграют в футбол команде Южного Вьетнама, то они смогут провести остаток войны, играя показательные игры за линией фронта. Тем не менее, как они вскоре узнали, во Вьетнаме все оказывается не таким простым, каким кажется поначалу.
A pregnant woman and her husband discover they are half-brother and half-sister, thanks to his father and her mother.
Dr. Chris Durant
A young doctor fresh out of medical school takes a job at a big-city hospital, and on his first day finds himself making life-and-death decisions.
Alan Greene
The leader of a rock group is haunted by the ghost of a music star who took her own life at the turn of the century.
Humphrey Devize
A war-weary soldier who wants to die tries to convince a zealous cleric to accuse him of witchcraft and hang him instead of a beautiful condemned woman already accused of witchcraft who wants to live.
Asst. Caretaker
Когда самое страшное в истории человечества землетрясение накрывает Южную Калифорнию, Лос-Анджелес встает на дыбы, а ударные волны разбивают вдребезги судьбы его жителей.
A family's outing turns out badly as they are terrorized by a gang of young thugs.
Captain Melech Ben Zvi
During World War II, Archbishop Angelo Roncalli attempts to save Jews in Italy from Nazi exterminators.
A reclusive Albertan DJ runs his popular pirate radio station in a remote farmhouse but begins to feel pressure from his romantic relationship with a fan and his producer who wants more mainstream content.
Adapted from a story by Truman Capote ("In Cold Blood"), the world of the prison convict is open to the viewer. As the story develops, one thing becomes clear. As in the outside world, there is a "system"; and just as on the outside, there is accommodation, honesty, cynicism, violence and all the other factors that make up our society. The film follows the three newcomers, it records the grim, terrifying, sometimes fascinating events that occur.
Jim Capa
In the near future, a space station dubbed Earth II is built for the purpose of scientific research and world peace. However, that peace is shattered when the Chinese send up a nuclear bomb that is orbiting just a few miles away from the station. Can the crew disarm the bomb before it detonates, not only destroying the station but setting off World War III?
David Appleton
A horror actor falls in love with the unhappily married young wife of an attorney.
Reginald Wollington
Американскому генералу было назначено пять человек, чтобы завоевать форт Ксифонио, включая заключенного Розолино Патерно, уроженца этого места. С трудом проникнув в тыл врага, патруль немедленно понимает о бесполезности своей миссии: пушки, которые должны быть уничтожены, уже ранее были разбиты. Попытка избежать дальнейшей бомбардировки жителей этого района путем полного уничтожения форта не удалась: союзники неумолимо продвигаются вперед.
Kenneth Daly
A mentally disturbed man stalks a woman who had once aborted the child he had fathered.