Alexandre Alencar


All the Awards I Never Gave You
An unexpected encounter between two young actors on the rise, in the bathroom of an award venue, brings up unresolved feelings and a love story that has possibly not come to an end yet.
The Silenced Cannot Change The World
The documentary "The Silenced Cannot Change The World", has as essence the listening of an unpublished interview with the educator Paulo Freire, were he talks about rebellion, authority, licentiousness and love. Two others young caracters, one from Pernambuco hinterlands and the other from Recife streets, get together with the educator on a contemporary approach tha stimulate a total reflection about the themes.
Contradições Urbanas
Who owns the public space? Urban Contradictions documents the State's poorly planned interventions in public spaces, segregating social strata, the neglect of the problems resulting from this social exclusion. Condomínio Selva de Pedra, Cruzada São Sebastião, both in the upscale neighborhood of Leblon, Rio de Janeiro. And the traditional neighborhood of Catumbi: Solutions, Organizations and Contradictions. Urban Contradictions is the report of an investigation on citizen identity and the use of urban spaces.
A Song for Freedom
An image of a boat going down a river, a voice of impostation declaiming direct verses that warn us: we, the poor, have value only in the face of the rich's need. A documentary about the celebration of the Ticumbi festivities in Conceição da Barra, north of Espírito Santo - Brazil.
Cinemação Curtametralha
Documentary-manifest in defense of the inclusion of the Brazilian short film in the national cinema circuit, accompanying each foreign feature film as a market reserve