Andrew Birbara


The Kiss
Director of Photography
Bob is a car nut who's oblivious to his wife Sue's need for some amorous action and Barry's (his gay neighbor) unrequited affections. When Sue mistakes the legs sticking out under her hubby's car for Bob's and decides to take action, who can tell where events will lead?
Focus Puller
12-летний Билли Макгрегор вместе со своей мамой живет на ранчо в далекой австралийской глуши. Его окружает множество друзей-домашних и диких животных. Больше всех Билли любит маленького кенгуренка по кличке Джой. Когда родителей Джоя похищают браконьеры, Билли решает помочь кенгуренку найти семью. Забравшись в поезд, отправляющийся в большой город, друзья пускаются в фантастическое путешествие, которое подарит им много новых знакомств. Узнав, что жизнь родителей кенгуренка в опасности, Билли и Джой под одобрительные возгласы всей страны осуществляют смелый план их спасения.
Love Serenade
Assistant Camera
In Sunray, a backwater town on Australia's Murray River, there's little to do but fish or listen to the local radio station. D.J. Ken Sherry arrives from the hustle of Brisbane to run the station; he's mid-40s, detached, thrice divorced, hatchet faced. But both sisters next door find him attractive: awkward Dimity, only 20, who works in a Chinese restaurant with few patrons, and perky Vicki-Ann, a hairdresser with a hope chest who invents a happy future with Sherry based on little but his arrival. First Dimity then Vicki-Ann spend the night with Ken, one concluding he's her boy friend, the other her fiance. Then Dimity begins to smell something fishy.
The Distant Home
Focus Puller
Government authorities incarcerate a girl whose extraterrestrial origin is discovered after an accident with a car.
The Time Game
Focus Puller
13 year old Tony Johnson and computer wizard, is of falsely accused of setting fire to his school. He is sent to stay with his grandparents over Christmas. Tony's grandfather invents things. He has designed a game called "The Time Game"...