Shirong Wu


Карандашом в вену
Из-за мировой катастрофы жизнь нескольких мигрантов рушится на части, и они вынуждены бороться за выживание всеми возможными способами. Их судьбы пересекутся.
Mother Tongue
Jane Hua
17-year-old Jane begins to embrace her background and rekindle her relationship with her mother when she becomes immersed in Chinese culture at her younger sister's new language school.
What We're Owed
It is 1857 in the Victorian Goldfields. Yi Xi, a Chinese female miner stands in court accused of stealing taxation money from the Chinese tax collector. In an attempt to clear her name and uphold her innocence, Yi Xi challenges the British authority in a xenophobic society that will soon decide her fate.