Kwame Lestrade


We Do What We Can
Camera Operator
We Do What We Can is a film that looks at one of the miracles in the journey of diaspora Africans. It follows two twenty-something newlywed immigrants who have a child when they don't have much of a place to live. The film follows the couple as they reflect on their ambitions, while striving to make a way - both for themselves and for their offspring - to be all that they see themselves to be.
We Do What We Can
Executive Producer
We Do What We Can is a film that looks at one of the miracles in the journey of diaspora Africans. It follows two twenty-something newlywed immigrants who have a child when they don't have much of a place to live. The film follows the couple as they reflect on their ambitions, while striving to make a way - both for themselves and for their offspring - to be all that they see themselves to be.
Ричард II
Director of Photography
О судьбе короля Англии Ричарда II и захвате власти его двоюродным братом Генрихом Болингброком, впоследствии ставшим королем Генрихом IV.