Jack Jessop

Рождение : 1928-07-02, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Смерть : 2018-11-17


The Day Reagan Was Shot
William Casey
The Day Reagan Was Shot is a 2001 film made for television directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh. The film stars Richard Dreyfuss as Alexander Haig and Richard Crenna as Ronald Reagan.
Spinning Out of Control
A popular TV sitcom actress struggles with her drug and alcohol-addled private life while her manager does "damage control" for her own protection from the press, which is becoming increasingly difficult.
Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Women
Grandfather (segment "Woman on a Bicycle")
First in a series of anthology films dealing with Christians who put their lives on the line to help rescue Jews from the Holocaust. In the first of two short films, "Mamusha," as the Nazis invade her country, a Polish Catholic housekeeper takes under her wing the youngster in the Jewish family for whom she is employed, and shepherds him through WWII in hopes of ultimately getting him repatriated to Palestine. In "Woman on a Bicycle," an unmarried French woman is pressed into service by the church to distribute underground communication pamphlets for the Resistance and ultimately ends up helping the church shelter 19 Jews.
A Holiday for Love
A man is sent to a small town to assess which of the workers in the local factory that supplies the town with jobs should get the boot when the downsizing begins. He gets sidetracked when he falls in love with a local, a cute single mom.
Cagney & Lacey: True Convictions
John O'Meara
Detectives Cagney and Lacey come face-to-face with their true feelings about capital punishment when they're assigned to the city's first capital murder case in 10 years.
Cagney & Lacey: The View Through the Glass Ceiling
Cagney and Lacey work a case involving police corruption and document forgery. Chris seeks a prestigious promotion, while Mary Beth has to deal with the return of her sickly, aged father.
Большое путешествие
Mr. Bloom
Эти парни были такими ленивыми, что решили написать письмо президенту с просьбой изменить систему образования. Но и президент оказался слишком ленивым и одобрил это письмо, так и не прочитав его. Авторов письма назначили ответственными лицами за эти перемены.
Увалень Томми
С грехом пополам закончив колледж, увалень Том возвращается в родной дом, где приходит конец его беззаботной жизни. Внезапная смерть отца перекладывает на плечи Тома управление заводом по производству автомобильных запчастей, а происки мачехи только добавляют проблем.
The World's Oldest Living Bridesmaid
Mike Barton
A sophisticated lawyer (Donna Mills), who is always the bridesmaid but never the bride, gets romantically involved with her down-to-earth secretary (Brian Wimmer).
Tidy Endings
Based on the play by actor/playwright Harvey Fierstein, this drama is about a man whose companion dies of AIDS. He then confronts his lover's ex-wife and the two end up building a friendship while coping with the emotional aftermath of the death.
Heaven On Earth
An armful of destitute orphans transported to the New World at the turn of the century. This is the turbulent and moving story of four British 'bricks for Empire building' - based on the memoirs of some of the 100,000 'home children' who helped build the new Canada.
Миссис Соффел
Attorney Watson
Питтсбург, 1901 год. В камере смертников Эд и Джек Биддл ожидают смертной казни за убийство, которого они не совершали. Жандарм Соффел разрешает своей жене Кейт передать Библию заключенным. Он и не подозревает, что акт милосердия обернется для него горькой утратой и несмываемым позором. Кейт, оказавшись во власти чар обаятельного Эда, не только поможет возлюбленному организовать побег из тюрьмы, но и сама примет в нем участие.
Bedroom Eyes
Man in backyard
A young businessman, out joging one night, sees a beautiful woman undressing in her bedroom window and he is compelled to return every night to watch her, until one night he witnesses a murder in the same apartment and soon becomes the prime suspect because of a variety of circumstances evolving from his voyeurism.
Julie Darling
A teenage girl whose inaction caused her mother's death arranges a similarly gruesome fate for her stepmother and brother.