Self - Narrator
The narrative wanders through Rosi’s films, not in the order they were shot but following the chronology of the historical facts they deal with. The documentary therefore not only narrates Rosi’s work, but also portrays half a century of Italian history.
The narrative wanders through Rosi’s films, not in the order they were shot but following the chronology of the historical facts they deal with. The documentary therefore not only narrates Rosi’s work, but also portrays half a century of Italian history.
The narrative wanders through Rosi’s films, not in the order they were shot but following the chronology of the historical facts they deal with. The documentary therefore not only narrates Rosi’s work, but also portrays half a century of Italian history.
After a long marriage, Maria and Jeffrey are now in crisis. Trying to keep the family together, she tries to convince their children to attend the birthday of the old grandmother Assunta, owner of the beautiful house in which they live. But their children are going through a rough patch. Francesco is a writer who is ashamed of having achieved fame with a book of literary shoddy, why his wife has lost respect. Marco is a doctor and is happy with his family, but his wife is determined to throw it all away for that to become an actress. Meanwhile, Miriam, a young emancipated, discovers she is pregnant, but does not know which of her lovers is the father.
First Assistant Director
Освобожденный русскими из концлагеря «Аушвиц» в Польше, Примо отправляется в родную Италию. Война закончилась, но это еще не был мир. Еще предстояла долгая дорога и возрождение забытых чувств: благодарности, и любви.
Авраам — первый из трех великих библейских патриархов после Потопа, родоначальник многих народов. Его вера была столь глубока, что он готов был принести в жертву собственного сына. Увидев подобное самоотречение, Господь благословил Авраама, пообещав сделать его потомству многие блага на земле. В этом эпическом произведении о жизни великого пророка рассказывается о великом переселении его народа, происшедшего по велению Господа, явившегося Аврааму и призвавшего его. Путь Авраама пролегал через земли Ханаана и Египта и был полон тяжких испытаний, но Господь всякий раз указывал ему дорогу, защищая от врагов и укрепляя веру.
Patrice's father was murdered in 1978. Time has done nothing to erase the pain, the anger, the questions and the regrets caused by the tragedy. Twelve years later, Patrice enrolls his son with him on a search about his past and his roots.
Freshly landed in Paris, Daniel Laurençon, who calls himself Netchaïev, who was believed dead five years ago in Gibraltar, warns a commercial center of a bomb attack a few minutes before its completion.
giornalista italiana
Carmine Bonavia wins election as the mayor of New York on a promise to legalize drugs. After the election, he marries Carrie and goes to his ancestral home of Sicily for their honeymoon. In his hotel, he meets Il Principe, a Sicilian prince who has spent years confined to the hotel because he crossed the Mafia. Amid the beauties of Sicily Carmine discovers that men of power will stop at nothing to prevent the legalization of drugs, which threatens their business.
Ti presento un'amica (internationally released as Private Affairs and Quite by Chance) is a 1988 comedy drama film directed by Francesco Massaro.
Flora Miguel
Экранизация одноименного романа выдающегося латиноамериканского писателя Габриэля Гарсиа Маркеса, выполненная Франческо Рози на колумбийской территории и при содействии сонма знатных мужчин и умудренных опытом див. Флэшбэки, прыжки во времени и свойственный Маркесу магический реализм. События, как водится, значения не имеют.