Alessandra Perpignani


Sound Editor
After a violent accident, Zena is sent by her parents to a clinic for problem children hailing from comfortable backgrounds. Here she meets other teens rebelling against the corrupt and privileged environment into which they were born champion.
Sound Editor
Поначалу никто им не верит, но весть об этом разносится по всей стране, что становится толчком для масштабного паломничества в Фатиму. Десятки тысяч религиозных паломников начинают стекаться к этому месту в надежде стать свидетелями чуда. То, что они испытают, навсегда изменит их жизнь.
Queen Bee
Sound Editor
Elsa is seventy and has five empty hives. The bees are gone like her husband. One morning he finds Amin, a sixteen-year-old boy who has escaped from an immigration center, hiding in the garage. The police are looking for him. Elsa hosts him in exchange for help.
The Family Jumble
Sound Effects Editor
A kid tries splitting his boring parents to join the group of his schoolmates who are all children of divorced mums and dads
The Family Jumble
Sound Effects
A kid tries splitting his boring parents to join the group of his schoolmates who are all children of divorced mums and dads
The Family Jumble
Sound Editor
A kid tries splitting his boring parents to join the group of his schoolmates who are all children of divorced mums and dads
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
Sound Editor
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Выборы по-итальянски
Sound Editor
Четто Ла Квалункве — простой человек. Он хочет всего и сразу, и ему все равно, каким образом. После продолжительного «отпуска» за границей он возвращается в свой родной город в Калабрии с новой подругой и её дочкой, чьих имён он не помнит. Пока Четто отсутствовал, город накрыла волна законопослушания, и его бизнес оказался под угрозой. После долгих и мучительных размышлений в обществе благосклонных женщин Четто решает любой ценой идти в политику.
Caterina in the Big City
Sound Editor
When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself in an completely different environment where students rigidly divide themselves in subcultures based on social class and their parents' political affiliation.
Битва за Эль-Аламейн
Sound Editor
23 октября 1942 года близ железнодорожной станции Эль-Аламейн (Египет) произошло сражение между итало-германскими силами и британской 8-й армией под командованием генерала Монтгомери. Исход битвы был настолько очевиден (британцы имели двукратный перевес в артиллерии, танках и авиации), что немецкие войска ретировались практически немедленно (через три дня Роммель был уже в Берлине). Совсем другая участь ждала итальянцев: плохо экипированные и вооруженные, но верные приказу, они дрались практически голыми руками против хорошо организованной британской военной машины и погибали тысячами. Когда наконец британцы убедили итальянцев прекратить бессмысленное сопротивление, то в знак уважения перед героизмом противника им позволили сдаться с оружием в руках.
All the Knowledge in the World
Sound Editor
The “meaning of life” told by Eros Puglielli in his peculiar directing style: weird characters, odd mishaps, fates that meet, skim and loose each other. A student in love with her philosophy lecturer, a disabled man seeking for his legs recovery, a young pop star desperate for a spiritual leader to meet. And above everybody stands an overhanging odd luminous man, maybe true, maybe not.
Sound Mixer
The movie is based on the autobiography of Horst Fantazzini. Son of an anarchist, he was known in Northern Italy as “the gentleman bandit” because he robbed banks without violence, with only a toy gun. After many convictions and jailbreaks, in the summer of 1973 he's being held in Fossano, Piedmont when he tries to escape again. This time things get messy and he has to use a real gun and take two prison guards as hostages.
Gunslinger's Revenge
Sound Editor
The idealistic lifestyle of an old West farmer, his Indian wife, and half-breed son is interrupted when the boy's old gunslinger father returns. They are not happy with his return despite the old gunslinger's intention to retire. Things take a turn for the worse when another gunslinger arrives in town, trying to force a battle with the father.
Праздника не будет
Sound Editor
Вы знаете, что Новый год - смертельно опасный праздник? За несколько часов до Нового года экстравагантные обитатели роскошного дома "Остров" уже готовы праздновать: елка сверкает, стол накрыт, стареющая графиня в объятьях молодого любовника, адвокат-мазохист достал свою любимую плетку, а свечи для торта удачно заменили динамитные шашки. Но разве в такую ночь можно обойтись без сюрпризов? К ничего не подозревающим любителям пикантных забав уже подбирается шайка грабителей и безумная орда лихих футбольных фанатов. Они умеют развлекаться на всю катушку, и ничего, если полгорода взлетит на воздух, главное - встретить Новый год с огоньком!
Марианна Укрия
Sound Editor
Сицилия, начало XVIII века. Замкнутая Марианна с детства лишена слуха и речи. Она окружена любовью и заботой матери, бабушки и дедушки, но для обеспечения семьи в 13 лет вынуждена выйти замуж за престарелого родственника, герцога Пьетро, который является родным дядей девушки…
With Closed Eyes
Sound Editor
In the Tuscan countryside at the end of the 19th century, Pietro, the shy son of a tyrannical landowner, falls in love with Ghisola, a peasant girl with no family. His father has her sent away. Years later, the two meet again: still in love with her, Pietro would like to marry her, but she has become the mistress of a married man.
Sound Supervisor
Марио Руопполо по профессии почтальон. Пабло Неруда, чилийский поэт, оказался на крошечном островке в Средиземном море. История дружбы двух мужчин, различных и кажущихся далёкими, наполнена симпатией и любовью к поэзии.
Power and Lovers
Sound Editor
Two brothers start to bicker and battle when Nick, an aggressive businessman, finds himself thwarted by a group of scientists, headed by his brother Tony. Seems the scientists stand in the way of big profits for Nick. It's a dramatic duel between two opposite siblings who have more in common than they think -- including the sexy, strong women in their lives.
Bonus Malus
Sound Editor
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
The story of a young Calabrian widow who initially reclusive, must come to terms with her loss and live her life.
Woman in the Moon
Sound Editor
Angela, an Italian-American woman, after many years returned to Sicily to attend the funeral of her father. During the ferry trip she meets Salvo, a teenager boy who claims to be hunted by the Mafia, because of a quantity of drugs he stole to some criminals. She decides to give him a ride and the two embark on a journey through Sicily. His amorous attentions are soon obvious, and leads to a fairly obvious ending.
Il mistero del panino assassino
Sound Editor
Il caso Moro
Assistant Editor
On March 16, 1978, far-left terrorists of the Red Brigades kidnap Aldo Moro, leader of the Christian Democracy, the ruling party in Italy since the end of WWII. 55 days later, his body will be found in the trunk of a car. This is a neutral and factual account of what happened in between.
My Dearest Son
Assistant Editor
A respectable lawyer finds out his son is a heroin addict. Heartbroken, he'll do anything to help his only child, even if it means sharing his hell.