Amy Dolan


Экзорцист Ватикана
В поисках причин жуткой одержимости маленького мальчика экзорцист Габриэле Аморт узнаёт и раскрывает многовековой заговор, который Ватикан отчаянно пытался скрыть.
Casting Associate
A thriller that chronicles the high-stake responsibilities and controversial decisions that Meir – also known as the ‘Iron Lady of Israel’ – faced during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Little Emma and her mum are put into a temporary accommodation after they lost their home. In search for a bathroom she accidentally stumbles from her dusty and mouldy room into a world of extravagance.
Canary Black
Casting Associate
Top level CIA agent Avery Graves who is blackmailed by terrorists into betraying her own country to save her kidnapped husband. Cut off from her team, she turns to her underworld contacts to survive and help locate the coveted intelligence that the kidnappers want.