Ennio Fantastichini

Ennio Fantastichini

Рождение : 1955-02-20, Gallese, Viterbo

Смерть : 2018-12-01


Ennio Fantastichini


Citizens of the World
Three Italian retirees embark on a journey to find a new country to live in.
Fabrizio De André: Principe libero
Giuseppe De André
A biopic on the personal and artistic life of Italian songwriter Fabrizio De André.
A Family
Vincent was born near Paris, but has cut off every link with his roots. Maria, fifteen years younger, grew up in Ostia, but no longer sees her family. Together they form a couple that does not seem to need anyone. They lead a secluded life in contemporary Rome, indolent and distracted. Furthermore, Vincent and Maria are good at blending in with their environment. When they return home, they make love with the passion of young lovers in a suburban apartment that she has carefully furnished. Yet, on closer inspection, their everyday life betrays what lies behind their seemingly normal appearance: a project carried out by him with a clear determination and accepted by her only by virtue of unconditional love. A plan to help couples who cannot have children. Maria decides that it is time to create a real family. This choice has an inevitable consequence: the rebellion against Vincent, the man of her life.
The Music of Silence
Oncle Giovanni
Born with a serious eye condition that eventually leads to his blindness, Bocelli nevertheless rises above the challenges, driven by great ambitions towards his passion. The silent pursuit of his daily mission continues.
The Stuff of Dreams
De Caro
Members of the Camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an island-prison. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Somebody can even get love back. Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo blend together in a picaresque comedy full of coup de théâtre.
For the sommeliers, coffee has three flavors: bitter, sour and a bit of fragrant towards the end. Through the common element of this so evocative product, this movie tells three stories set in three very different parts of the world. In Belgium, during some riots, a precious coffeepot gets stolen from Hamed's shop. He'll decide, once discovers the identity of the thief, to take vengeance alone. In Italy, Renzo, a young Latte Art expert, is involved in a robbery in a coffee shop, but things don't go as planned. In China, Ren Fei, a brilliant manager, finds out that his factory risks destroying a valley in the Yunnan, the beautiful region on the border with Laos.
Me, Myself and Her
Two women -- a restaurateur and an architect -- have a seemingly idyllic romantic relationship, until the latter encounters a man she had a fling with.
Max and Helene
Simon Wiesenthal
Love, passion, and murder haunt a passionate romance in this drama. When the young soldier meets Helene, a torrid affair begins. 15 years after the war has ended, Max finds out that the love of his life was murdered in a concentration camp, setting off on a relentless manhunt for vengeance.
Извините, если я существую!
Dott. Ripamonti
Одарённая молодая женщина Серена Бруно возвращается в родную Италию после нескольких лет учёбы и работы за границей, чтобы трудиться архитектором на благо людей. Вскоре она понимает, что её любимая страна не такая уж открытая и прогрессивная, как она думала, и ей придётся побороться за место под солнцем. С помощью своего нового друга-гея Франческо, Серена идёт на рискованную хитрость, чтобы заполучить работу мечты.
La Strada Dritta
Fedele Cova
In 1956, Italy is trying to cheer up after the World War Two devastation. Fedele Cova, freeway society engineer, has a dream: build a long highway that link Milan and Naples. The challenge is extremely hard and for 8 years a lot of men work strongly, building a 755 kilometers highway, with 113 viaducts, 525 flyovers and 38 tunnels.
La Tempesta
Помнишь меня?
Amedeo Bartolomei
Роберто, клептоман с богатым воображением, и Беа, страдающая от расстройства сна и провалов в памяти, случайно встретились у дома своего врача. Маленькие кражи, обмороки и погони — вот фон, на котором протекает их забавная любовная история.
Caserta Palace Dream
The Director
The greatest dream of a unique woman, Maria, future Queen of Spain and wife of Charles King of Naples and Sicily and of a special man, the greatest architect of his time, Luigi Vanvitelli. Their Love goes beyond their own human existence and becomes real in the immeasurable beauty of the Royal Caserta Palace.
La mossa del pinguino
Two temp workers, a pensioner and an old bully discover the sport of curling by chance and, convinced of their potential, plan to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
Studio illegale
Giuseppe Sobreroni
Вишенка на новогоднем торте
M. Faysal
Аманда уверена — с мужчинами всегда все слишком сложно! Ее подруга считает, что Аманде пора остепениться и сделать, наконец, окончательный выбор, а психоаналитик ставит ей неутешительный диагноз: «Мадам-катастрофа», которая убивает все свои романы, едва они начинают стремиться к обручальным кольцам. Но даже женщина, которая упорно отказывается стать счастливой, не застрахована от случая. Само провидение ставит точку в ее сомнениях, словно кладет последнюю вишенку на торт.
The Arrival of Wang
Stefano Curti
Chinese-language interpreter Gaia is called up out of the blue by the Italian authorities with an urgent and confidential translation assignment. She is whisked away to a secret underground location and ushered into a pitch-black room where she is asked to interpret the harsh interrogation of a mysterious presence, the eponymous Mr. Wang.
All at Sea
Every morning, pushing the wheelchair of his mother, Maurizio along the walkway through the bush and tie him entrance to his kiosk on the beach. After being assured that his attendants, and Khaled Omar, they did a good job, going to hoist the Italian flag, which stands on top of building.
Холостые выстрелы
Члены большого и суматошного семейства Кантоне — отец, мать, в высшей степени эксцентричная тетя Лучиана, Томмасо, его сестра Элена и старший брат Антонио — собрались на торжественном обеде, чтобы отметить назначение Антонио главой семейного бизнеса. Томмасо решает воспользоваться случаем, чтобы рассказать наконец родным о том, что он гей, но его старший брат неожиданно опережает его, сообщив всем собравшимся аналогичную новость. Разъяренный отец со скандалом выгоняет Антонио из дома и в результате нервного потрясения попадает в больницу. Бразды правления семейным предприятием неожиданно переходят к Томмасо. И хотя это совсем не та жизнь, о которой мечтал юноша, он не может рассказать об этом семье, боясь за здоровье отца. Какое-то время ему удается скрывать от родных правду, но все меняет неожиданный приезд его старых друзей.
I, Don Giovanni
Antonio Salieri
A drama based on the life of 18th century Italian lyricist Lorenzo da Ponte, who collaborated with Mozart on his "Don Giovanni" opera.
The Purple Sea
Nothing - not her father, not the church - can stop unruly Angela from being with her childhood best friend turned great love, Sara. Based on a true story, Viola di Mare, presents a uniquely engaging portrait of family, community and gender roles in a 19th century Italian village.
The Red Shadows
An intellectual encounters a youth group that seeks social change.
Fort Apache Napoli
Sindaco Cassano
The story of Giancarlo Siani, a journalist killed by the Neapolitan Mafia in 1985.
Two Fists, One Heart
Joe Argo
This is a contemporary story set in Perth Western Australia . Anthony Argo is a young Italian/Australian boxer, being pushed to the limit by his Sicilian father-trainer, Joe,. Joe wants Anthony to achieve the success in the ring that he was denied as a young man. When Anthony meets Kate, he begins to see his life - and the role violence - in a different light.
The Right Thing
Duccio Monti
An odd couple of contrasting cops: one is a disillusioned veteran, the other young, idealistic and speaks fluent Arabic. Ideal for tailing Khalid (Ahmed Hafiene), who was acquitted but is still suspected of having ties with Al-Qaida. The two cops, who initially can't stand each other, find themselves increasingly in contact with the life and habits of Khalid. As the story goes the suspect catches on to them, but when he begins receiving threats the cops become his bodyguards, his escort. Being nearer to him, and knowing him better, the two cops end up making almost friends with the man. At last it comes out that Khalid is the victim of a legal error. He makes accusations against the Italian's justice, but this leads to his expulsion from Italy. The young policeman undertakes a voyage in search of Khalid, that will lead him to Tunisia, and to some final twists.
Он пытается лететь
Алессандро, двадцати лет отроду, внезапно становится сиротой и должен занять ответственную должность на предприятии семьи, но для него это слишком обременительно, поэтому он решает убежать и находит работу оператора у Тонино, любопытного и эксцентричного главы фотоагентства, специализирующегося на съемках свадебных торжеств. Шестнадцатилетняя Глория вынуждена вступить в брак из-за беременности, — будучи мятежной душой, перед началом церемонии она сбегает, невольным соучастником ее побега становится Алессандро.
Night Bus
Valerio Mastandrea is Franz, a night bus driver on the airport route who owes a lot of money from poker debts. He's stumbled upon by the variously named Leila, a thief who has accidentally become wrapped up in a secretive blackmail deal involving the President. As the film unfolds, a secret war between factions of the Security Services, a series of confusions among the various criminal fraternities whose activites have been touched upon by the deal, and Leila's past all complicate the situation.
Сатурн в противофазе
Гей-пара Давид и Лоренцо живут вместе и неплохо ладят. Вторая примечательная семья — Анжелика и Антонио, у них дочь и сын. Третья пара — Неваль и Роберто. Семьи и их друзья собираются вместе, обедают, обсуждают свои отношения. Но жизнь есть жизнь и всякое может случиться…
Кароль. Человек, ставший Папой Римским
Maciej Nowak
30-е годы. Польша. Десятилетний Кароль Войтыла полон радости и надежд, которые постепенно начинают рушиться. Сначала умирает его мать и брат, затем начинается война — люди уезжают из страны, спасая собственные жизни. Появляются первые предпосылки гонения на евреев. Все эти события дают толчок для преображения Кароля из простого рабочего в поэта и учителя. Его жизнь — постоянная борьба, которая в конечном счете и склоняет его к решению стать священником, а затем в 1978 году человеком, хорошо знакомым во всем мире, тем, кто сделал яркой нашу эпоху, тем, кто изменил ход истории.
A Judge of Honor
Giovanni Falcone
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
Investigation of a Citizen Named Volonté
Self - Interviewee
Documentary on actor Gian Maria Volonté
Бегство из преисподней
Marco Shocky
Фильм основан на реальной истории 72 еврейских детей, скрывающихся от нацистского преследования, жизни которых были спасены экстраординарной храбростью обычных граждан...
Alla fine della notte
Bruno l
Sei come sei
Six shorts.
Maria Josè, l'ultima regina
Zanotti Bianco
Maria Josè was the daughter of the king of Belgium and she was betrothed to Umberto di Savoia, the son of Vittorio Emanuele III, the king of Italy. The movie tells her story from her teens, when she was a Red Cross nurse during World War I until her exile in 1946.
Rosa Funzeca
Feature film.
Марко Базиле, хозяин коневодческой фермы, однажды ночью становится свидетелем убийства коммерсанта и сам остается в живых по чистой случайности. После некоторых колебаний, Марко идет в полицию, чтобы дать свидетельские показания. С этого момента его обычная нормальная жизнь заканчивается…
Апостол Павел: Чудо на пути в Дамаск
Simon Petrus
Павел изначально не входил в число Двенадцати апостолов, а в юности даже участвовал в преследовании христиан. На пути в Дамаск произошло его чудесное обращение: Павлу явился Христос и призвал его к апостольскому служению. С этого времени Павел, прозванный «апостолом язычников», из яростного гонителя превратился в ревностного поборника христианства. Будучи римским гражданином, и имея особые права, он активно проповедовал Евангелия в Палестине, Греции, Малой Азии, Италии и других уголках античного мира, где основал многочисленные христианские общины.
Il regista/Konstantin
Based on Anton Chekhov's play.
Joseph of Nazareth
The people of Jerusalem are suffering under the reign of HEROD, and are hoping to be delivered from the Roman occupiers by the Messiah whose arrival, it is rumored, is to take place very soon. Unlike his nephew JUDAS, who wants to join the zealots (freedom fighters), the 35-year-old widower JOSEPH is not interested in participating in any fighting against the Romans.
Senza Movente
Toni Aragona
Giallo based on the true crime of Rita Squeglia, who killed her lover and hid the body in a suitcase.
Il corpo dell'anima
Ernesto is doomed to loneliness since the loss of his wife. He is a writer who lives alone without any children, and is an antisocial person. However, he is as satisfied with his life. Although he has not been working for a while, a film director asks him to prepare a scenario on the life of "Teresa of Ávila". Meanwhile, a young peasant girl, Luana starts working with him as a maid. Now the time has come for an affair which he has ignored for some years.
Mittler (voce)
Виола - девушка, которая недавно что прервала любовную связь и живет одна со своей собакой. Однажды она решает заглянуть в мир эротических чатов и встречает таинственного Миттлера, который начинает ставить перед ней всё более и более дерзкие вызовы.
Vite in sospeso
Consigli per gli acquisti
Giulio Stucchi
Altri uomini
Angelo Mascarpone
Официантка придорожной забегаловки «Сороконожка» в глубинке Франции, Арлетт живёт простой провинциальной жизнью, без каких-либо неожиданностей или приключений. Она мечтает о браке со своим парнем Виктором, водителем грузовика, который жениться вовсе не собирается. Но она не в курсе, что её умерший отец, владелец сети крупных казино, оставил ей наследство, из-за которого она стала мишенью для мафии. Воротилы игорного бизнеса не желают выпускать деньги из своих лап и начинают «операцию» по выдаче Арлетт замуж за подставного альфонса. Наивная официантка искренне привязывается к профессиональному обольстителю благодаря его изысканным ухаживаниям. Посланец и впрямь, изо всех сил старается быть очаровательным — иначе его убьют. Но естественное и, одновременно, эксцентричное поведение Арлетт также не оставляет его равнодушным...
August Vacation
Ruggero Mazzalupi
During an August vacation on the island of Ventotene, two groups of Italians with diametrically opposed political views and social backgrounds find themselves living together as neighbors. An incident concerning an African immigrant triggers a series of confrontations that reveal hidden secrets, desires, and grudges.
Don Tommaso
Two Swedish business men are kidnapped in Rome by the Mob, and moved to Sicily. Carl Hamilton is sent to Sicily on direct order from the Swedish Government. He is sent to negotiate for their release. Hamiltons partner and best friend, Lundwall, is murdered by the Mob. Hamilton is dragged into a bitter and brutal vendetta between himself and the Mob-leader Don Tommaso.
La vera vita di Antonio H.
Сколько осталось до рассвета
Graziano Scalisi
Отец Пецца, священник из Турина, известный своей неустанной борьбой за справедливость, убит во время одной из своих пылких проповедей. В ходе расследования детективы находят доказательства связи священника с чиновниками города, и раскрывается спланированный им преступный заговор, поражающий своими масштабами.
The Blonde
Coming back from work by night, shy watchmaker Tommaso runs over a girl with his car, luckily without serious consequences. Next day he finds her waiting for him at his door. She asks him for help, as she can't remember anything prior to the incident.
Genoa, 1945. The war is over but not for 4 partisans who still try to capture the remaining fascists. They are not satisfied with the concept of justice that the new born Italian Republic tries to instigate.
18 anni tra una settimana
A Simple Story
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
Suffocating Heat
Giuliano Ferrini
On June 30, 1990, in Rome, Marie Christine is getting ready to take her son Pietro and Paolo to their father for the weekend. As the Football World Cup is taking place in Italy, Rome is flooded with supporters; the traffic is chaotic and French-born Marie Christine, who works as a translator, finds a bag that belongs to Miriam, who must leave the next day. Marie Christine decides to find her to return her passport, but one Giuliano Ferrini tries to prevent this. So Marie Christine finds herself navigating through a hot Roman night in a city she doesn't know, among people she never dreamed could inhabit the same city.
The Station
A good-natured, albeit a bit pedantic stationmaster works at a railway station in the middle of nowhere. One night, a beautiful high-society woman enters the station to buy a ticket. Waiting for her train, the two talk and eventually grow close. However, the mood quickly changes when the woman's fiancée arrives and tries to prevent her from leaving with increasingly violent means.
Cellini: A Violent Life
Cosimo De Medici
The story of Benvenuto Cellinin (1500-1571), a soldier and one of the most important craftsmen and artists of Renaissance Italy whose life was marked by many achievements and adventures, but also crimes. There is also the mini-series version consisted of three 90 minutes episodes, broadcasted by RaiDue.
Открытые двери
Tommaso Scalìa
Томмазо Скалиа совершил три убийства. Он убил начальника, уволившего его. Он убил человека, занявшего освободившееся после него рабочее место. Наконец, Томмазо убил свою жену. Он не отрицал своей вины, он ждал расстрела. Но судья Вито выступал против наивысшей меры наказания и решил до конца бороться за сохранение жизни убийцы и выбор иной меры пресечения.
Via Panisperna Boys
Enrico Fermi
The enthusiasms, fears, joys and disappointments of the (private and professional) life of a well-known group of boys fond of physics and mathematics, who just made history as the Via Panisperna boys.
I cammelli
Ferruccio, who knows everything about camels, and Camillo, who acts as his manager, go to Milan to take part in a telequiz.
Big Deal on Madonna Street 20 Years Later
Fresh out prison, Tiberio reconnects with his old partners in crime, Michele Ferribote and Peppe the Panther, only to realise that a lot has changed--including crime--after twenty years. Can he cope with this new reality?
Stato d'emergenza - Il caso Dozier
Vicenzo Masci
The Kid From Ebalus
During the Years of Lead in Italy, a student approaches extra-parliamentary terrorist groups, but comes to realize that he has to get away from those circles as he's hunted by both his former comrades and the police.
Beyond the Day
Leo has a dream: to make a movie in the great outskirts of the metropolis (Rome). He does anything for money, including selling cocaine. But his dream vanishes in the night when the police catch his friend.
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