Sketches. We see human crash tests: a human hits a wall at five miles per hour, 50 mph, and 3000. A woman kisses a man as he listens to his Walkman; through the kiss, she experiences the music. We see the trouble with face-lifts. We watch the early history of the mob: a cowboy mounts his horse, digs in his spurs, and ... kaboom! We watch a pursuer get his just desserts. Then, an ape evolves into a man who evolves into an American football player, hunkered down on all fours. Four pieces of furniture express their love when the humans are out of the room. Last, the ultimate car alarm humiliates a thief.
A haunting tango song inspires a dancing couple to try steps and moves that Fred and Ginger never imagined.
The perilous road to kicking the habit is explored in twenty-six vignettes that include various professionals and contraptions.
As a brave couple demonstrates, the narrator uses quotes, examples and advice to help us all reach the highest heights in the art of kissing.
A day in the life of the world's unluckiest guy. Starting the morning off with a shaving nick from hell, he endures fires, mad dogs, rampaging vacuum cleaners, horny neighbors, kids with ray guns and, of course, a steam-roller.
Музыкальная комедия Билла Плимптона. Лысый мужчина в костюме и галстуке сидит в кресле и напевает балладу о любви «Ваше лицо как песня». Он воспевает прекрасный лик своей возлюбленной в сопровождении фортепиано. Но тут происходит странная вещь: лицо тенора начинает искажаться. Мужчина поет, а с лицом происходят фантасмагорические изменения: оно раздваивается, меняет форму и объем. Но это не может остановить любовную песню.