Little Ira is invited to his best friend's sleep-over party, but struggles with leaving his beloved teddy bear behind.
One summer afternoon in 1907, Abel and his wife (both mice) are picnicking, when they become separated during a violent rainstorm. After flying some distance, Abel discovers himself alone on a river island, unable to swim due to the powerful current. Abel periodically attempts to leave the island by various means: flying on a leaf, rowing a crudely fashioned boat, etc. Meanwhile, he tries to create a normal life of sorts, even learning to enjoy a new hobby: sculpture. Still, Abel's goal is to escape the island and rejoin his wife in the city.
Earth is visited by a race of aliens, who issue an ultimatum: either peace or complete destruction.
Американский мультфильм, созданный на основе сатирических комиксов художника Гарри Трюдо, лауреата Пулитцеровской премии. Самое известное произведение Трюдо — комикс Дунсбери, представляющий широкую панораму жизни различных слоев общества США. Короткометражный фильм «Спецблюдо от Дунсбери» переносит на экран всех классических персонажей комикса, в частности, главного героя — простого парня Майка, среднего американца. С момента окончания университета в 60-х (персонаж Майка рос вместе с выходом комикса) многое изменилось в его жизни, появились новые проблемы и приоритеты.
Raggedy Ann and Andy leave their playroom to rescue Babette, a beautiful French doll kidnapped by a pirate.