Alan Cridford


The Falklands Play
Boom Operator
The Falklands Play is a dramatic account of the political events leading up to, and including, the 1982 Falklands War. The play was written by Ian Curteis, an experienced writer who had started his television career in drama, but had increasingly come to specialise in dramatic reconstructions of history. It was originally commissioned by the BBC in 1983, for production and broadcast in 1986, but was subsequently shelved by Controller of BBC One Michael Grade due to its alleged pro-Margaret Thatcher stance and jingoistic tone. This prompted a press furore over media bias and censorship.The play was not staged until 2002, when it was broadcast in separate adaptations on BBC Television and Radio.
Посредник смерти
Production Sound Mixer
Он - услужливый, беспрекословный, точный исполнитель заказов... заказов демонического преступника. Как пружина в спусковом механизме, он будет методично сжиматься и разжиматься, вторя безжизненному ритму собственного сердца. Но вдруг налаженная машина дает сбой. Убийца встречает давнюю любовь, которая вспыхивает для него райским цветком другого мира, без крови и криков. Впервые он становится посредником между своей жизнью и смертью. Наконец, он должен сделать мучительный выбор, чувствуя тень за своей спиной, и зная, что она не простит ему ошибки...
The Suicidal Dog
Sound Mixer
Steve is married and has a dog who seems to not be enjoying life. Steve is unaware of his wife's boredom with their monotonous life. Steve and his wife get a little fun when they decide to go to the fair. Whilst he is having fun, his wife and dog turn against him.