Christoph M. Ohrt

Christoph M. Ohrt

Рождение : 1960-03-30, Hamburg, Germany


Christoph M. Ohrt


Camping mit Herz
Dr. Volker Niebling
Ein Sommer auf Mallorca
Nico Körner
Dieter Not Unhappy
Dieter Burchart
Artists, vernissages, TV interviews - Dieter, a printer and publisher with universal acclaim, is a workaholic jetting through the world. Loneliness, unrequited love, a half-empty double bed - that's where photographer Marge points her lens.
Die Hochzeitsverplaner
Die Ketzerbraut
Fürst Fugger
Hilfe, wir sind offline!
A Berlin family is totally hooked on new technologies. Nina, the mother, decides one day to requisition all mobile phones for a month and adhere to a digital diet.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Ghostwriter
Zum Teufel mit der Wahrheit!
Nachbarn süß-sauer
Michael Brücker
Достань меня, если сможешь
Свяжись со мной - одновременно драма и комедия. Это история о нескольких героях, которые никогда бы и не встретились, если бы не стали персонажами одной книги. Её написал ведущий затворнический образ жизни бывший футбольный тренер (персонаж Сталлоне). Теперь им предстоит встретиться не только на страницах книги и пережить массу приключений вместе.
Zwei mitten im Leben
Ohne Gnade
Fliegen lernen
Christian Bauer
Apothecary Eva had after the painful separation of her husband Christian life and emotions rearranged. A new relationship is out of the question for the 42-year-old, she just wants to be there for her two almost grown-up sons and one day to take over the pharmacy of her still-mother-in-law. Out of the blue, however, the more than ten years younger doctor Hendrik burst into her life and makes no secret that he has fallen in love with her. Eva suddenly struggles with feelings she never wanted to allow.
Конец одной ночи
Georg Sänger
Из дома богатого предпринимателя Вернера Ламберга в полицию поступает звонок от его перепуганной жены Сандры с просьбой о помощи. Приехавшая по вызову группа обнаруживает в доме кровь, следы борьбы и его жестоко избитую жену, запершуюся в спальне. Вернера сразу же арестовывают по подозрению в совершённом насилии. Но он утверждает, что не виновен. Для судьи Катарины Вайс это будет трудным делом. Истец и ответчик представляют суду совершенно разные версии произошедшего тем вечером.
Die Tänzerin - Lebe deinen Traum
Dr. Michael Castell
The Seduction - The Strange Girl
Markus Schuster
Victoria and Markus are a couple who are spending a holiday in a cottage. One evening they decide to host as a guest a 17 year old girl who was hitchhiking in the vicinity of the house. But the girl soon will begin a game of seduction with Markus ...
Die grünen Hügel von Wales
Michael Lloyd
Alex inherited her recently deceased grandmother's cottage in Wales. Having lost her husband a year ago and being broke, she moves there with her son, hoping to quickly sell the cottage, so she can use the money to purchase an antiquities shop in London. But with the cottage in dire need for repairs and no potential buyers in sight, she is forced to stay for some time. While there, she meets up with an old friend of hers, who wants to be more than friends, and also runs into an intriguing local politician who is already engaged. She supports the politician's goal of creating a nature preserve right outside of town, although she falls short of pledging some of her land to the cause in order to not upset potential buyers of her property. When her aunt suffers a fall and gets hospitalized, Alex temporarily takes over her aunt's shop. While the love triangle gathers steam between Alex and her two suitors, a local gold digger suddenly claims that there might be gold right under her ...
Liebe in anderen Umständen
Richard Hauswald
Barefoot to the Neck
Dieter Lohe
A nudist site in eastern Germany is sold to Dieter Lohe, a conservative textile manufacturer from Bavaria. He visits his new property with his daughter Natalie, and plans to use the property as a hunting ground.
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
Little Brother and Sister's new mother is not at all as humble and kind as she pretends to be, they are mistreated by their wicked stepmother and their new stepsister, so much that they decide to run away from home, after she poisoned their father to inherit his money. But the stepmother, who is also a witch, enchants the streams of the forest where the children are wandering, so that drinking from them would turn them into animals.
Liebe im Halteverbot
Otto Schlegel
A harmless speeding ticket from Italy can sometimes have huge consequences - this experience must make construction manager Otto Schlegel, as he returns after a romantic weekend with his secret lover Renate from the south. There is an election campaign in the city, as no one may allow a misstep. As if that were not enough trouble, Schlegel has a new employee who wants to prove himself as a cover-up: Renate's husband Michael. But the press has already received weather. But the witty Schlegel does not let it get that easy. He struggles to keep his post and his great love Renate ...
Immer Wirbel um Marie
Klaus Sandmann
Die Schnüfflerin - Peggy kann's nicht lassen
Oskar Hohenstein
Zwillingsküsse schmecken besser
Maximilian von Falkenbach / Lukas Kunze
Freundschaften und andere Neurosen
Roland Prinz
Wiedersehen in Verona
Robert Donatius
Director Dirk Regel staged a very romantic love story, a warm-hearted story of love and trust, of old dreams and the courage to give a lucky chance a second chance against the picturesque backdrop of Verona. The main roles of the prevented dream couple are best filled with Katharina Böhm and Christoph M. Ohrt. Other roles include Theresa Scholze, Ulrike C. Tscharre and Mirko Lang.
Ein Teufel für Familie Engel
Pirate Vacation
Christian Vesens
Story about a family that was set out on a lonely island.
Mogelpackung Mann
Jo Held
Ein Mann für den 13ten
Огонь, лед и море пива
Tronald Dump
Двое друзей, Тюрлих и Йош, проходят альтернативную службу в скорой помощи и заслужили звание самых пьяных и обкуренных призывников Германии. Чтобы не загреметь за постоянные нарушения дисциплины на настоящую армейскую службу, друзья срочно дезертируют. Вспомнив о том, что вырос на душистых альпийских лугах, Тюрлих в компании Йоша отправляется в маленькую горную деревушку Кляйн-Ишгль, где живет его подруга детства Хайди. В деревне нет ни электричества, ни водопровода, зато есть чистый воздух и девственно-белый снег. Кажется, что еще нужно для полного счастья? Но злой олигарх Трональд Дамп собирается все взорвать и построить на этом месте модный лыжный курорт с искусственным снегом.
Executive Protection
Nikolaus Lehman
After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy into a private investigation agency. Another friend of Falk's, Sven, purchased a business in Estonia, and when local gangsters attempted to pressure him into paying protection money, Sven retained the services of Nikolaus Lehmann, a burly private eye, to throw them off his trail. However, Lehmann does his job all too well, murdering the racketeers, and then threatening Sven and his family. With no where else to turn, Sven asks Falk to help him deal with the crazed Lehmann; Falk agrees, but soon realizes he's dealing with a more dangerous man than he imagined when Lehmann kidnaps Falk's wife Jeanette, and then releases her with a time bomb locked around her neck, demanding that Falk hand over ownership of his detective agency to Lehmann.
Der Mann, den sie nicht lieben durfte
Tragic love story about a fashion designer who falls in love with a professional gamer after the death of her husband, without realizing that he received her husband's heart as an organ recipient.
Klassentreffen – Mordfall unter Freunden
Jagd auf den Plastiktüten-Mörder
Martin Lund
The homosexual journalist Kleinschmidt, who wrote for a trendy newspaper, is murdered in Berlin. During her investigation, the young, ambitious Ann-Christin Hagen quickly reached the limits of her abilities in her first case as chief inspector. That's why she persuades her boss, Rotter, to smuggle her friend and colleague Laszlo into the gay community as an undercover agent ...
Mord im Swingerclub
Schnee in der Neujahrsnacht
Alexander Meyer
Biikenbrennen - Der Fluch des Meeres
Marc Fölster
My Wife Loves Two
Ballermann 6
Tommie and Mario travel to Mallorca in search of a vacation fueled by alcohol and the desire for women and parties.
Appartement für einen Selbstmörder
Robert Mertens
The Lost Daughter
Bernard Sicard
The rich Westerner embarks on a journey to find his daughter who vanished in Montreal and Zurich. The disappearance is linked to a sect that selects its followers for its heritage, education and physical beauty.
Geisterstunde - Fahrstuhl ins Jenseits
Regular Guys
Christoph Schwenk
Christoph, cop and self-confident macho, has trouble with his fiance. After a long night he wakes up in the arms of Edgar, a good-looking, gay auto-mechanic. His live gets more and more troublesome after his girl friend throws him out of their apartment and as last resort he moves to Edgars place. Working together with a new, good-looking, very self-confident, female collegue, but living with a good-looking gay guy makes him pretty uncertain about his sexuality and his role as a cop. Written by Konstantin Articus
Dangerous Dowry
Ella is just an ordinary cab-driver in Berlin, Germany. One day she meets Aleksej, a young Russian guy, who offers her DM 100.000 should she decide to marry him formally. Ella first delays answering, but when she finally decides to do it, it is too late. What Ella doesn't know is that Aleksej has stolen the Deutschmarks from his brother Jewjenij, crown-prince of the Moscow Mafia. And Jewgenij is no one who accepts loosing something...
Willkommen in Babylon
Rainer Zeissler
Angelika Romberg is a driving-instructor recently left by her husband. Currently she has two more problems. She does not know how to use her driving school's computer and she has an absolutely untalented client, Norbert Prechtel. It can be truly said that Norbert is a computer pro. Both dislike each other, but what they yet don't know is that they both are frequently chatting on the computer dialogue system Babylon as Roxanne and Alexander...
Nur über meine Leiche
Fred Wischnewski
История Иакова излагается в Книге Бытие. Она начинается с того, что Бог открыл беременной Ревекке, что та родит близнецов, которым предназначено стать родоначальниками двух народов, причем народ, который произойдет от старшего из братьев, будет подвластен потомкам младшего. Будучи любимцем матери Ревекки, Иаков хитростью добился от престарелого слепого отца Исаака благословения на первородство и сделался родоначальником избранного народа Израильского. Вся дальнейшая жизнь Иакова, как она рассказана в книге Бытие, представляет собой расплату за обман.
Невоспитанный принц и мальчик для порки
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
Ian Garrison
After the tragic death of her husband, Eve Sinclair takes over Eden; a secluded tropical vacation spot where the world's rich and powerful come to indulge in their most private fantasies. Feature pilot episode for the Playboy series.
Die Stadtpiraten
Leo und Charlotte
The Saint: Wrong Number
Soon after checking into his usual suite at a luxury hotel in West Berlin, Simon answers a phone call not meant for him. His curiosity piqued, he investigates and finds a dead man in another room.
A Father's Revenge
Wolfgang Donner
German terrorists kidnap the crew of an aeroplane as they leave the airport. The terrorists demand the release of two of their colleagues, who are to be extradited to the USA. The father of one of the stewardesses decides he can no longer wait for diplomacy, and so flies out to Germany. There, frustration leads him to hire a former SAS counter-terrorism expert. Together they hunt down the terrorists.
Then Nothing Is the Same Anymore
Influenced by the world of cinema, an 18-year-old escapes from everyday life in the big city and sees his own realization in the world of myths that the films seem to offer him.
Erich Bauermann
Erich Bauermann is a smart, young, good-looking guy (he thinks). His life becomes troublesome, when he first meets a very unusual woman and an even more unusual bank robber.
The World That Summer