Mariya Berkovich


Улица без конца
Costume Design
Immediately after the prom, Olya Rusanova arrives in the city where her father worked and tragically died. Many years ago he dreamed of building a city, and now she is walking along the street bearing his name, a street without end. Having met her father’s friends, Olya learns him anew. They tell the girl how her father wanted to see large houses and wide streets on the site of the tent city. How he knew how to be friends and to love, and how longed for Olya when he broke up with his wife, who didn't agree to go with him.
Последний хлеб
Costume Design
Перебрав своими руками все детали старенького комбайна, целинник-первопроходец дед Якушенко последнюю свою большую страду — уборку хлеба — встретил достойнейшим образом. Но механик распорядился по-своему: снял с машины деда все шестеренки и пустил их на запчасти простаивающей техники. Алексей, Ирина и Дмитрий решили помочь деду — и отправились вечером искать по соседним хозяйствам запчасти для его комбайна…