Kevin Sullivan


Executive Producer
Собираясь в поездку к родителям, Джессика не могла представить, что по пути станет жертвой похищения безжалостным психопатом. Чудом высвободившись из заточения, девушка оказывается одна в дикой местности без еды и воды... с маньяком на хвосте. Её единственный шанс выжить – бежать, не оглядываясь.
A married mother of two, unexpectedly pregnant with her third child, answers the phone to hear a voice from her distant past, reconnecting with the central, though neglected, emotional anchor in her life. In the span of an 80-minute conversation, the two test the strength of a deep yet betrayed, love.
Crank Calls
First Assistant Director
After a horrible day, where a man is victimized by circumstance, bullies and bad drivers, our hero takes up arms against them. Using only a phone, a Polaroid camera and his wits, he reclaims control over his life, transforming himself from pawn to puppet master in a wicked tale of revenge.