How to repay parental debt on the other side of the front line? Why would a doctor kill and when to believe the enemy? How is the war in eastern Ukraine different from any other war in the world? A war drama about the stories of two families, where adult men took up arms and thus crossed their destinies.
This is the story of a UFO encounter that occurred during isolation in 2020. The film was shot during the quarantine. All the participants of this production were self-isolated and communicated with the director online. 67 actors took part in the film in 76 locations in Kyiv and Kyiv region, Odesa, Ternopil, Zaporizhia, Bohuslav and Vilnius.
The series is built in the form of saga and depicts the turbulent periods of the beginning of the 20th century through the eyes of ordinary people: the First World War, the revolution, the emergence of Soviet regime. Each of the characters faced the changes in their own way through their concept of truth. However, all of them shared fundamental desire to live, love and find their own place in the new era.
Ukraine, 1946. Orest, commander of an insurgent squad, is in a hideout together with his pregnant wife Eva and several fighters. The NKVD surrounds the insurgents. The captain of the commissariat squad gives Orest a choice: he either gives Eva out or accepts an unequal fight.
Ukraine 1922. The Russian empire has already broken up, but a new state has not yet been formed. Many tried to create and consolidate their independence during this period, and this is the story of one of such people. This is the story of the life and love of one person - Ivan, nicknamed Raven ...
В центре сюжета молодой еврейский мальчик, который ищет убежища в лесу в Польше во время Второй мировой войны, встречая на своем пути множество разных людей.
События в фильме начинаются в летние месяцы 1939 года на территории Волыни, которая на тот период относилась к землям Польши. Между главной героиней, красивой польской девушкой Зосей, и украинским хлопцем возникает сильная любовь. Однако родители девушки отдают против её воли замуж за состоятельного вдовца. Скоро началась Вторая Мировая война и муж Зоси отправляется на фронт, оставив её со своими детьми. В то время, когда поляки терпят поражения от гитлеровской армии, в родном крае девушки происходят не менее чудовищные вещи. Украинские националисты начинают все чаще нападать на польское население, вырезая мирных жителей целыми селениями.