Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A painter becomes obsessed and begins an affair with a mysterious woman who was touched deeply by one of his works.
Sound Engineer
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Juan Sahagún, since childhood, feels passion for his mother. One day in the street he sees a woman identical to her. He follows her and finds out that she works as an actress in a theater company, so Juan decides to hire the whole company to represent the people who have influenced him in his past. They recreate the same situations of yesteryear and Juan acts as the child he was, to relive the memories already forgotten.
Sound Mixer
Ангела начинает тусоваться с Пабло и его бандой молодых грабителей.
Sound Engineer
Испания, 1973 год. Диктатор Франсиско Франко правил страной с 1939 года железным кулаком, но сейчас он очень стар и болен. Будущее ослабленного режима находится под угрозой. Адмирал Карреро Бланко - его естественный преемник. Баскская террористическая банда ETA решает, что он должен умереть, чтобы предотвратить продолжение диктатуры.
Sound Editor
A busload of tourists stops in to visit a small European town. What they don't know is that the town is completely inhabited by vampires.
Sound Engineer
Leandro Cano, grandfather of many grandchildren, coincides in the clinic of Dr. Bolt with Elena, a lady already advanced in years. The doctor makes every effort to make them meet, and thus overcome their feelings of loneliness.
Adaptation of the text of Azorin theater play. In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded a village in the Sierra de Madrid. Love triangle between a girl, guerrilla leader and French officer who falls in love with the girl.
Sound Engineer
Nati has no choice but to work as a prostitute to support her siblings. Unfortunately she has not had much success; it's difficult to get customers and she also owes money to her "protector", Florencio. But one day a kind of Prince Charming shows up...
Two sisters running a small hotel in Spain kill female tourists whose morals do not meet their strict religious standards.
Sound Engineer
В 1916 году знаменитый мексиканский бандит- революционер Панчо Вилья спасается от казни и начинает творить суд и расправу..
Sound Engineer
Lázaro and Sabino, employees of a large furniture store, fall in love with Laura, a new young and naive employee, who accepts their love. The trio lives a happy engagement. In the big store is planned a sensational advertising campaign with the bed "Eternal happiness," to be launched on New Year's Day. Lázaro and Sabino have to give the last touches on New Year's Eve. When they leave, they enter the exhibition truck and lie down on the bed. When they wake up in the morning, they are surrounded by a crowd and a scandal is organized.
Sound Editor
During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) a Republican detachment occupies a huge mansion near the front. One of the daughters of the owners of the house falls in love with a soldier, a young priest who seeks to keep hidden her condition.
Sound Engineer
В жизни Рут одновременно присутствуют двое мужчин. Мишель – скромный, любящий, но наскучивший супруг, с которым она планирует в ближайшее время развестись. Поль – импульсивный, уверенный в себе мачо, в лице которого женщина видит идеального спутника для дальнейшей жизни. Судьба сводит их вместе на загородной вилле Рут. Она чувствует неловкость, Мишель «всё понимает», но робко просит не спешить с разводом, Поль великодушно терпит поверженного соперника.
Мелодраматический треугольник встряхивают два инцидента, один за одним произошедших с Рут. Сначала на горном серпантине у неё отказали тормоза, затем под водой неожиданно закончился кислород в, казалось бы, полном баллоне акваланга. Женщина уцелела в обоих случаях, но в её сердце поселился страх. Кто-то хочет убить её или, того хуже, ненаглядного Поля. Она начинает подозревать Мишеля, но правда оказывается куда как страшнее.
Sound Editor
In the Apollo Theater during the performance of "green envelope", a child is born, son of the actress who plays the goddess of Fortune. His father calls him Fortunato as he believes that he will have a privileged life. But unfortunately, the opposite happens.
Sound Engineer
Sound Editor
Sound Engineer
Don Rodrigo goes to the bank and when he is going to take his money there is a robbery. Then the bank refuses to give him his money back (257 pesetas, a small amount of money) with the argument that the money was robbed to him, not to the bank. He will fight against the bank till the last consequences.
Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer
An old priest, who has old ideas, is intended to exercise the apostolate in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Madrid. There the revolutionary climate and anti-religious character of the congregation thwarts all his attempts to attract them. The Archbishop admonishes him and asks to renew his methods, using the example of a young priest of a modern parish. The old priest tries to apply in his environment what he has seen in the parish model, setting off a chain of events.
A promising goalkeeper of Real Madrid sees his chance when a teammate is injured and is summoned to replace him. But the misfortune is primed with him when an untimely car accident damaged her spine and is forced to give up that had to be the game of his life. Tired of so much bad luck, he retreats to a seaside hotel, where chance will go up to the stage.
Sound Engineer
Sound Editor
Sound Recordist
The lawyer Angela Goñi is working in two cases at once: an man that wants to take to Pilo, a young orphan, tp a protection child school. And Mili, another young woman neglected by his father, a businessman, whose aunt Teresa wants to claim through the courts. Taking advantage of the amazing similarity between the girls, the lawyer makes many things to try to resolve the situation as happy as possible.
Alfredo Di Stéfano plays himself, not as a soccer player but as a man, husband and father. This is a personal portrait of the mythical athlete, in the decline of his career. Film made to the greater glory of the football player Alfredo Di Stefano. In principle it is a portrait of manners of the life of the athlete at the time of professional retirement. Filmed by Luis Marquina, " The Battle of Sunday " mixes the form of a conventional film with the topics of biographical documentaries. However, the film was an important public success, given the importance of Di Stefano in Spanish football.
Sound Engineer
Alfonso de Borbón and his cousin María de las Mercedes de Orleans fall in love and, although both families do not maintain good relationships, young people marry when Alfonso became king of Spain.