Lucrezia Madonia
Роберта и Леон, молодые люди среднего возраста, принадлежащие к поколению, которое часто не получает должного от сегодняшней жизни. Как в самой традиционной итальянской комедии, история приведет их к исключительным и полным препятствий делам, из которых эти двое попытаются выкрутиться. И даже нечто большее, возможно, трепет великой любви, которая приходит именно тогда, когда кажется, что всё потеряно.
Graziella Carron
La mère de Manon
Manon, 30 years old and 8 months pregnant, is a struggling singer. Consumed by her administrative issues and under finacial pressure, her relationship with Ludo cumbles and they don’t prepare for the birth of their child.
According to Interpol, over ten thousand refugees of minors without parental care are wandering today in Europe, half of which are on Italian roads. "Despite the Fog" is a movie story about one of them. In short: Ali-Musa Sarhan, a refugee whose parents drowned while traveling by rubber boat on the Italian coast in search of a better life, is accepted by family, husband and wife who have lost a child. They are trying to find solace in little Arab and a sort of replacement for their early deceased son, Mark. Valeria (Donatella Finokjaro) and Paolo (Giorgio Tirabasi) are increasingly confronted with resistance from the environment and their own family, who do not accept their decision to keep Muhammad - It is also a story of a world that is increasingly sinking into xenophobic fog.
Two families meet for a marriage that neither want, and things take a turn when the respective patriarchs fall in love.
Luciana Brogi coniugata Morelli
Донателла и Беатрис проживают в психиатрическом учреждении в Тоскане. У них очень разные жизненные истории, но шанс на побег сводит их вместе в приключении, которое навсегда изменит их жизни и поможет осознать красоту несовершенства.
Разведённая пара Гаэтано и Делиа встречаются за обедом, чтобы обсудить, как их дети будут проводить каникулы. Они пытаются собрать осколки былой любви, припоминают все обиды и ошибки, которые привели к их нынешнему положению. Хоть они и пытаются каждый день начать новую жизнь, былые раны ещё слишком свежи. И всё же, в конце встречи новая заря уступает место новой надежде для Делии и Гаэтано.
Лиа, Адриен и их от рождения глухой младший брат Тео отправляются на лето в Прованс к своему дедушке Полю, которого они никогда не видели раньше из-за старой семейной ссоры. Это совсем не то, о чём они мечтали. Особенно после того как их отец объявил вчера о том, что уходит из дома. Менее чем через двадцать четыре часа произойдёт столкновение разных поколений между подростками и дедушкой, которого они считали ненормальным. И ошибались. Бурное прошлое выйдет наружу, и все увидят Поля далёких 70-х. В течение одного лета обоим поколениям предстоит познать и понять друг друга.
Lorenza Bra
Jacopo has a serious problem. He may be a brilliant marriage guidance counsellor, but he can never manage to have a steady relationship for more than two weeks. And for good reason: since he was very young, Jacopo has been cursed and brought bad luck to every woman who has fallen in love with him. Really bad luck. Because of this, he has vowed to stay away from women, for their own good. But the moment he lays eyes on Sara at a friend’s birthday party, he is smitten. Despite his resistance, the two fall head over heels leading to back-to-back, laugh-out-loud moments of disaster! Sara will quickly learn the consequences of her choice as the limits of her love are put to the test.
Catherine Roth
A horror novelist begins to fear his stories may have a life of their own.
A young French couple deals with ramifications of world events on their relationship as Saddam Hussein threatens to launch SCUD missiles on Israel.
Isabel suffers a disorder after learning that her husband, due to his immaturity, falls in love with a young teenager. She will try to get over it and with the little help of her daughter, a fanatical psychotherapist who only tortures her, she decides to start over and finally enjoy a new life. Something that will lead her to meet a true gentleman...
Tante Louise
Une prostituée de luxe, un juge d'instruction arriviste, une journaliste idéaliste... Trois cultures différentes, trois êtres n'ayant pas les mêmes valeurs. A travers une histoire et un milieu où la vérité n'est pas toujours belle à connaître, l'amour que ces trois personnes éprouvent les uns pour les autres va devenir meurtrier.
A look at life through the lens of sexuality, in a world that has lost its soul and the ability to love. Ten stories of ten protagonists (from 20-45 years old) who live in a metropolis, not necessarily identifiable, in search of the meaning of their own existence. A bitter comedy that combines comic and paradoxical elements with the cruelty of everyday life. A whirl of encounters, sex, illness, drugs, loneliness and pain.
The Abbess
Хулиганские выходки и нежные любовные истории, порок и невинность, коварство и чувственность, роскошные пейзажи и палаццо Рима, Флоренции и Тосканы, красивые лица и шикарные костюмы — в ироничных и пикантных новеллах в традициях вечного «Декамерона». Как и семь веков назад, во времена старины Боккаччо, юные тела и души, слившись в экстазе красоты и страсти, побеждают беспощадную чуму и воспевают гимн радости жизни и любви.
Sole, an university student bored of her daily routine, meets Pierpaolo and Alex and her life changes until she falls in love with one of them.
Caterina Della Torre
Пocлe ceми трудных лeт Мaттeo Дeллa Тoррe вывoдит cвoю кoмпaнию из кризиca. Нo из-зa рaбoты oн рeдкo видитcя co cвoeй жeнoй, c дeтьми. Кoгдa дeлa, кaзaлocь, бы нaлaживaютcя, пoлиция oбвиняeт Мaттeo в убийcтвe и нaхoдит 30 миллиoнoв нeлeгaльных дeнeг нa cчeту кoмпaнии. Пoд угрoзoй бизнec и брaк. Мaттeo пoпaдaeт в тюрьму. Чтoбы дoкaзaть cвoю нeвинoвнocть, oн oкaзывaeтcя вoвлeчeн в рaccлeдoвaниe…
Pollo's mother
A pair of teen friends – known as "Chicken & Curry" because they are virtually inseparable – fail their high school finals and try to cover it by claiming that Curry is in the midst of an identity crisis that can only be solved by a visit to his ancestral homeland, India. While the ruse works wonderfully on their parents, this impromptu journey of self-discovery takes an unexpected detour when Curry locates his biological sister and remains captivated by the country he first despised, and Chicken falls for an older doctor working for Médecins Sans Frontières.
Silvia Rossa
Genoa, Italy, 24th of January 1979. Red Brigades' member Roberto Dura is waiting with two other comrades for trade unionist leader and factory worker Guido Rossa to leave his home to go to work. Three months earlier, Rossa had denounced a work colleague, Francesco Berardi, because he was distributing Red Brigade flyers inside the factory. Berardi was arrested and, after a fast tracked trial, was convicted to four and a half years. ....
Aida Padovani
Still reeling from the painful breakup of his marriage to screen siren Rita Hayworth, filmmaker Orson Welles makes his way to Rome, where he gets pulled into a tangled political plot involving murder and mysterious motives. A beautiful actress proves a tempting distraction. But if they want to stay alive, Welles and his young Italian driver need to stay focused.
Madame Plens
Follows Tulse Luper as he is swept into the ill-fortuned tides of the 20th century and forced to spend his life in a succession of imprisonments.
Three former bank robbers are meeting after 25 years...
Gigi Garulli is a veterinarian who lives with his wife and two children in a beautiful villa. In addition to being a veterinarian, Gigi is also the quality manager at Sgnak, a pet food factory owned by his father-in-law. But when the factory, and in particular Gigi, are accused by consumers for a batch of spoiled morsels, trouble begins.
Madame Plens
События, рассказанные в трилогии, охватывают почти шестидесятилетний период нашей недавней истории: с момента открытия Урана в 1928 году до разрушения Берлинской стены в 1989 году. Тульс Люпер — вечный узник. Он всегда, как впрочем, и все мы находится в зависимости от кого-либо или чего-либо: денег, амбиций, тщеславия, секса, зависти… Его судьба — это история шестнадцати заключений, первое из которых происходит в Южном Уэльсе, где десятилетний Люпер оказывается запертым собственным отцом на угольном складе. Все отсидки на протяжении жизни Люпер использует для создания художественных, литературных, театральных и кинопроектов, в которых участниками сюжетов и приключений становятся его «надзиратели».
Turin 1993. The architect Agnese is called to the home for war veterans where her ailing father lives. The doctor at the home has left his guest, a Bosnian refugee, on night duty with her father. The commanding officer of the veterans home, a colonel, has discovered the undocumented refugee, Reuf, and has had him arrested. Agnese, who would rather not get involved with refugees, becomes better acquainted with Reuf and is drawn into events which eventually take her to Bosnia. On this journey, she begins to recall her childhood directly after WWII. Experiences made during the two wars converge and the wheel of history turns, without failing to leave its mark.
Madame Plens
The Tulse Luper Suitcases reconstructs the life of Tulse Luper, a professional writer and project-maker, caught up in a life of prisons. He was born in 1911 in Newport, South Wales and presumably last heard of in 1989. His life is reconstructed from the evidence of 92 suitcases found around the world - 92 being the atomic number of the element Uranium. The project includes three feature films, a TV series, 92 DVDs, CD-ROMs, and books.
Donna Maddalena
Livia Mazzoni
Италия, март 1945 года. Фашистская империя доживает свои последние дни. Среди хаоса и неразберихи, царящих в стране, очаровательная супруга высоко поставленного чиновника Ливия Маццони решает во что бы то ни стало разыскать лейтенанта СС Хельмута Шульца, с которым она когда-то пережила бурный любовный роман.
Дав волю переполняющим ее эмоциям и сексуальным инстинктам, героиня попадает в бешеный водоворот любовных приключений и эротических переживаний, которые приводят её в Венецию — город роскоши и свободной любви.
A trio of opera singers are reunited by a wedding ten years after their stormy breakup.
Serafina Salvini
Half-Italian Gioia loves Max, but leaves her son's son to cheat her as a fiancé. When Mama invites the family to the Italian winery for Grandpa's 80th birthday, the feelings are on the table alongside pasta, pesto and vino, because Gioia happens to meet Max again ...
In 17th century France, a theater troupe is allowed by its patron to go to Paris to produce an erotic play. The head of the troupe dreams of fame while his wife, the leading actress, and a new leading girl fall for each other.
Francesca Morvillo
Palermo, Sicily, 1984. Examining magistrate Giovanni Falcone allies with Tomasso Buscetta, a former mobster, to defeat the clan of Corleone, the ruthless Mafia faction that rules Cosa Nostra with an iron hand, cruelly eliminating all those who dare to oppose its immense power: other criminals, policemen, judges, even innocent civilians. One of them wants revenge, the other wants justice. But only one can survive such an unequal fight.
Teenage problems intertwine during the occupation of a high school in Rome. Silvio – much like his peers desperate to lose his virginity – wants to make his move on the girl he likes, despite her being already his friend's girlfriend, not knowing that her best friend harbors feelings for him – while clashing also with his parents, former 1968 protesters who look down on the kids' aimless political commitment.
In the French Basque Country, near Saint-Jean-les-Bains, young man Julien (Noriega) finds a corpse, buried with jewels, in an abandoned car near a ravine. Julien cannot resist the temptation and takes the jewels with him. He later learned from the press that the man in the car was killed. Maria (Galiena), the boarding lady who accommodates Julien, brings him into contact with a healer. Julien and Maria become lovers, cash in on the loot and flee. It is quite obvious that this does not lead to a happy ending and that the opportunistic amateur thief is confronted with professional criminals. Galiena, in particular, as an Italian hotel keeper, Maria, impresses in a beautiful drama written by Valérie Bonnier, Carlos Perez-Merinero, Luis Maria and Robert Valey.
Based on the powerful novel by Ray Loriga. A young man and a young girl's lives are united under dramatic circumstances. He has just shot a security guard in the face who had accused him of robbing at a local mall. When he steals a car to escape, he meets the girl who, regardless of her suicidal inclinations, is attracted by her new companion. Together they embark on a journey in search for a true meaning in their lives.
Elena Webb
Это история безумной любви и безудержной страсти. История подлого предательства, измены и хладнокровного убийства. Это история Робина Гренджа, блистательного актера и мастера любовной интриги, для которого даже человеческая жизнь не была преградой на пути к славе.
Baroness Chiara del Serchio
At the end of the 18th century, a couple of libertine Tuscan aristocrats welcome in their villa (and into their bedroom) an handsome young revolutionary, hoping to rekindle their marriage.
Maria Gabri - Colosso "Tania la Corse"
Это истории, которые всем известны, но в которые никто не верит. Молодой человек ненадолго уезжает по делам, живет двадцать лет в доме напротив, а затем возвращается без всяких объяснений. Богатый мужчина становится нищим, при этом по-прежнему оставаясь богачом. Пара юных влюбленных, живущих в нищете, внезапно получает в наследство прекрасный дом. Бизнесмен для прикрытия своих деловых операций выдумывает себе семью за границей. Все эти истории разных людей сплетаются в одну, потому что это история одного человека.
Louise de Saint-Agnan
Nobleman Jean-Francois de la Plaine is exiled to serve as governor of a West African colony.
Julio is at a turning point in his life. His fish farm business has collapsed, and his attractive fiancee, Concha is pushing Julio to get married. But Julio seems strangely unenthusiastic about marrying into Concha’s affluent family lottery business. Things get complicated when he finds a fortune in jewels...
Когда фараон Египта Рамзес приказал убить всех еврейских детей, уцелел лишь младенец Моисей. Мать положила его в корзину, которую пустила плыть по Нилу. Дочь фараона нашла младенца, усыновила его, и он воспитывался вместе с наследником престола Мернефтой. Господь призвал Моисея вывести свой народ из египетского рабства в Землю обетованную. Но Мернефта, занявший трон после смерти отца, отказался отпустить евреев. Лишь страшные знамения вынудили его не препятствовать Моисею. Пустившись в погоню за беглецами, фараон вместе со всей своей армией погиб в пучине Красного моря. Моисей же 40 лет водил свой народ по пустыне, чтобы избавить души соплеменников от рабства...
prof.ssa Majello
In a high school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day before the summer holidays. A literature teacher reminisces the past year and wonders what will become of the students he cared for as if they were his children.
Rachel Fuhrmann
The Twenties: The German Fuhrmann family spend their holidays in Italy again. The country is full of mysteries in that time. The Fuhrmann's have to realize the upcoming and growing fascism and their children are fascinated by a magician visiting the town. Soon nothing is as usual. The times are changing ...
Rose was a brilliant student of Fine Arts. Then, she gave up everything for a "beautiful marriage". Now in her thirties, she is experiencing more and more difficulties in her life, which is both materially overprotected and difficult with her three children and an increasingly absent husband. She breaks down, cracks up and tries to imagine how she could broach the subject with her husband before it's too late. To her great amazement, it was Didier who, one evening before going to visit friends, announced that he was leaving and that he had already rented a small studio. After the shock, Rose goes to her father, an old Spanish anarchist, who gives her back the taste for values she thought she had lost.
Пять историй, произошедших в разные эпохи. В центре каждой из них человек со своими повседневными страхами и переживаниями.
Джина и Рикардо — счастливая супружеская пара. Их жизнь переворачивается с ног на голову, когда Джина начинает получать письма с признаниями в любви от психически неуравновешенного и страдающего депрессией молодого человека по имени Саверио.
Jacques asks a public writer to compose love letters for a beautiful stranger that he pretends he has just met.
Cynthia Diotallevi
An epileptic 12-year-old girl, Pippi, is hospitalized in the psychiatric ward instead of the neurological ward, due to an administration error. Out of this mistake begins the difficult journey towards being cured.
A story of a modest ordinary crook trying his best to turn his boring life into an affordable extraordinary adventure.
Молодой французский офицер находит таинственный символ креста, высеченный на одной из скал в пустыне Сахара. Символ креста начертан рядом с именем Антинеи, легендарной королевы, некогда правящей Атлантидой. Отправившись на поиски мифической страны офицер исчезает.
Mère de Silvia
Мать молодого человека Хосе не хочет его свадьбы с Сильвией — дочерью местной проститутки. Правда мама еще не знает, что Сильвия беременна от ее сына. А когда узнает об этом, то нанимает молодого красавца Рауля, который работает на колбасном складе и мечтает быть тореадором. По ее замыслу Сильвия должна влюбиться в него, а соперник — ее сын будет лишним. Но события принимают совершенно непредсказуемый оборот и приводят к удивительным последствиям для всех.
Luisa Estrada
After the Second World War, the United Nations has declared the blockade of Franco's Spain. In this historical context, for a time little known, lies the story of the widow of a Spanish army captain.
В детстве Антуан очень любил ходить в парикмахерскую. Как-то раз мальчик сказал родителям, что обязательно женится на парикмахерше, и тут же получил от отца оплеуху. Но желание мальчика не исчезло. Прошли годы. В маленьком городке, где жил Антуан, появилась парикмахерша Матильда. И при первой же встрече Антуан сделал ей предложение…
Американский начинающий писатель Генри Миллер приезжает в Париж, чтобы написать там свою первую книгу. Вскоре он знакомится с проводящим всё свое время за развлечениями Альфредом и начинает вести вместе с ним праздную жизнь. Через некоторое время оба одновременно женятся на шуточной свадьбе на молоденькой нимфетке Колетт и, уже втроем, отправляются в свадебное путешествие.
Willy is involved in a fatal car accident. Willy takes on the responsibility of supporting the dead man's pregnant girlfriend and the child, after it's birth.
Baronne Sandorf
Saccard, ready to use all means, however immoral or illegal, tries to gain back the fortune he lost three years ago. All involving business and the exchange market. He has a loyal accomplice, an indifferent son, maybe-friends, partners and investors and of course, enemies.
Nicole is a female attorney who is frustrated with the male-dominated world of provincial law. She embezzles money from a law firm and travels to Paris where she disguises herself as a man in hopes it will make a difference in her life and career. Nicole has two lesbian affairs and becomes a pimp for one of the women. She also has an affair with a man who indicates that he doesn't want a serious relationship. Nicole's loneliness leads her to the affairs as she continues the downward spiral into schizophrenia in this depressing psychological drama.
Barbara Liegi
Mr. Rorret is the owner of a cinema called "The Peeping Tom" which shows a constant stream of horror films. Rorret dates women from the audience and then kills them, taking sadistic pleasure from their expressions of terror. This film is apparently a well-filmed homage to "Peeping Tom", with nods to "Psycho" and "Strangers on a Train".
15-year-old Giuliana doesn't want to spend the summer with her rich mother, so—without a word—she leaves with Romeo, the son of the janitor of her building, embarking on a backpacking trip through Italy. Her divorced father is worried and decides to go in search of his daughter.
A serial killer is terrifying the prostitutes in a big Italian city. After few barbaric murdering four prostitutes Lena, Angela, Nadine and Stella decide to unify and try to self-defend themselves. The police and all the other prostitutes agree with the four and the hunting is open. Who is the cruel killer?
Marco Veniera goes to Bogota, Columbia to find his brother, Luca who supposedly committed suicide. In his search, he meets fiery and exotic Irene Costa, who leads him into the depths of the Amazon jungle. But it's every man for himself. And brotherly love turns to hate.
Giuliano, kindergarten teacher, goes to his ex's birthday, meets Liliana and falls in love with her.
S&M Client
Действие триллера происходит в Милане. Серийный убийца, использующий ножницы, убивает топ-моделей. Лесничий из Йеллоустоунского национального парка приезжает в город, чтобы защитить свою сестру. Ему приходится узнать изнутри мир международной элиты. Несмотря на все его усилия, сестру спасти не удаётся. А вскоре убийца начинает охоту и за самим главным героем.