Ralph Escamillan

Ralph Escamillan


Ralph Escamillan


Empty space, a human body, and eight articles of clothing. Faux solo explores the dialogue and collaboration between the body, sound, clothing, and the space. Each article of clothing dictates the next move into the unknown space; sound amplifies the impact of the colliding costumes and contrasts to the space surrounding it. In the end, the thread of the film, the human body is left on its own and continues as a remnant of all that has accumulated.
Empty space, a human body, and eight articles of clothing. Faux solo explores the dialogue and collaboration between the body, sound, clothing, and the space. Each article of clothing dictates the next move into the unknown space; sound amplifies the impact of the colliding costumes and contrasts to the space surrounding it. In the end, the thread of the film, the human body is left on its own and continues as a remnant of all that has accumulated.
Empty space, a human body, and eight articles of clothing. Faux solo explores the dialogue and collaboration between the body, sound, clothing, and the space. Each article of clothing dictates the next move into the unknown space; sound amplifies the impact of the colliding costumes and contrasts to the space surrounding it. In the end, the thread of the film, the human body is left on its own and continues as a remnant of all that has accumulated.
Dancer and Chorus Performer
Фильм переносит зрителей в идеальное королевство, где принц Бен, благородный сын Короля и Королевы (Чудовище и Белль из «Красавицы и чудовища»), готовится взойти на трон. Его первое решение: дать шанс на исправление трудным подросткам Мэл, Иви, Карлосу и Джею, потомкам Малефисенты, Злой Королевы, Круэллы де Виль и Джафара. Четверых отпрысков злодеев освобождают от двадцатилетнего заключения на острове и впервые приглашают в частную школу, где учатся дети Феи-крёстной, Золушки, Спящей красавицы и Мулан. Только время покажет, пойдут ли эти подростки по стопам своих родителей-злодеев.
I Want You
No matter what anyone says about the one you love, it’s always what’s inside that counts.
I Want You
No matter what anyone says about the one you love, it’s always what’s inside that counts.