Alma Kwok


Мулин, Вэймин и Имин
Жизнь семьи Ин резко меняется, когда становится известно, что отец семейства неизлечимо болен. Мать, оставшаяся единственным кормильцем, отдаляется от семьи, обучение сына в США под вопросом. Переживающая тяжёлые времена семья возвращается в родной город отца, чтобы провести ритуал омовения могил, но оказывается, что теперь на месте кладбища стоит отель.
Someone Who Was Lost
Inspired by the notorious "cement murder" incident that shocked Hong Kong and Taiwan, this engaging crime drama is also a timely reflection on society and the struggles faced by young adults. Siblings Cong and Panda, along with Taiwanese student Tai, share a duplex apartment in Hong Kong. When Cong accidentally kills their landlord due to a series of misunderstandings, the three decide to seal the body in cement and flee to Taiwan. After news of the murder explodes over TV and the Internet, they are forced to avoid attention at all costs; not just from the police, but also the landlord's brother who seeks revenge.
3 Generations 3 Days
Ching’s mother asks Ching to take her grandmother in until she is sent to a nursing home and that makes her ponder over her relationship with her mother. Three generations of women, each has their own share of pain.