Carmen Maura

Carmen Maura

Рождение : 1945-09-15, Madrid, Spain


Carmen García Maura is a Spanish actress. In a career that has spanned six decades, Maura is best known for her collaborations with noted Spanish film director Pedro Almodóvar.


Carmen Maura
Carmen Maura
Carmen Maura
Carmen Maura


Como el mar
Paula & Azul. A funeral, a family secret and a road trip that will change their lives forever.
Mi otro Jon
Coco Cabrera
Свободолюбивая девушка-подросток отправляется на поиски матери в компании эксцентричных спутников. В этом причудливом путешествии им противостоит злая женщина.
Reencountering the only man she ever loved is Gringa’s dream. She is the owner of a brothel in the interior of Brazil and even though she is blind and very sick, she insists on fulfilling her last wish: to go to Venice to apologize to the lover she abandoned decades ago. To take her to the Italian city, Tonho, Rita and the other girls who work for Gringa come up with a fantastic plan with help from a circus troupe.
Chasing Wonders
A coming-of-age story set across the lush wine country of both Australia and Spain, a young man explores the nature of father-son relationships and the pathway toward understanding and forgiveness.
La corte de Ana
Herself - Actress
She appeared when Spain was waking up from a long post-war period and crying with melodramas starring children, a child prodigy unlike any other; a girl who, in time, would become a symbol of freedom and a total artist. Actress, singer, friend, lover. This is the story of Ana Belén.
Stories of Our Cinema
Herself - Actress
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
My Family and the Wolf
Grandma Sara
When Hugo, a boy who spends his summer vacation with his cousins, discovers that the wolf Rong intends to take his grandmother Sara, he devises a plan to save her.
In Family I Trust
Bea is a successful architect who lives in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her boyfriend and boss, Víctor, a CEO of an important company. During a night celebration of an important contract signed to make a skyscraper designed by Bea, in the bar appears the famous TV reporter and anchorwoman Rebecca Ramos, Victor's personal erotic fantasy. Not measuring the consequences of her actions due to the alcohol she drank, Bea makes a meeting between Víctor and Rebecca. When to the next day she wakes up, Víctor proposes to wed Bea and she accepts, but after she arrives to the job, Bea learns about a videotape where Víctor and Rebecca make the love in a car that it's in all TV channels. In front of all CEOs during a full meeting, Bea slaps Víctor and destroys her design, being fired from the job. Looking for a break, she travels her natal coastal town, Santa Clara, just to discover that her rest isn't so easy as it seems: her eccentric, free-spirited and eternal smiling mother ...
¡Ay, Carmen!
Self - Actress
The personal and professional story, told in first person, of Spanish actress Carmen Maura, director Pedro Almodóvar's first muse and a brilliant artist in her own right.
Querido Fotogramas
The 70th anniversary of the “Fotogramas” magazine comes in the shape of a sentimental voyage through the history of Spanish cinema thanks to a mosaic of voices represented by people who make films, those who write them and those who consume them. The documentary pays tribute to the readers of “Fotogramas” helped by the leading figures of Spanish cinema, who will read to the camera the most representative letters received at its offices in the history of the magazine.
The coming of age story of a boy that after a traumatic event is taken to beautiful Cuernavaca, where he has to find his father while trying to adapt to life with his grandmother, who has problems of her own.
Oh! Mammy Blue
La Fête des mères
The Kids Are Back
A retired couple will have to defend their home against an unpredicted menace: Their kids moving back.
Dirty Kids
French seniors enroll in summer camp.
La peur du vide
Simone is an isolated old lady, whose daily life is punctuated by a strange pile of rubbish, so imposing in her small apartment that it prevents her from living normally. One day, Simone dares to touch it.
Almodóvar, todo sobre ellas
When looking at Pedro Almodóvar’s filmography, it becomes evident that women are everywhere; in fact, his work revolves around them. His divas are the best to create a real portrait of Almodóvar and evoke the emotional power of his films. These women are the ideal observers of a cinematic career that, from La Mancha to Hollywood, has changed the image of Spain in the world.
El futuro ya no es lo que era
A famous TV fortune-teller tries to better his life and reconnect with his stranded sons and ex wife.
Vaca Paloma
David Miller wants to die and chooses assisted euthanasia. He planned everything: the place, the time and the manner. However, nothing goes right. With Esperanza, member of the association, and Tréplev, young prostitute, David embarks on his ultimate night with total strangers.
Musical Chairs
Perrine, a single, slightly awkward musician, loves birthday parties. One day she accidentally causes a man to fall into a skip at the waste disposal centre. When she learns that he´s in a coma, the young woman tries everything to awaken himand starts to meddle in his life.
Почти идеальная деревня
Маленькая горная деревушка Сан-Луан ля Модерн после закрытия фабрики по производству копчёного лосося медленно умирает. Жители разъезжаются кто куда в поисках работы, оставшиеся живут на пособие. Мэр деревни выигрывает грант, чтобы снова открыть фабрику, но есть одно «но»: в деревне должен быть врач для оформления медицинской страховки. Успешный пластический хирург Максим в страшном сне не мог представить себя деревенским врачом, пока однажды, будучи под кокаином, не попался дорожной полиции…
La madre
la madre
Ведьмы из Сугаррамурди
Graciana Barrenetxea
Трое незадачливых воришек попадают в заколдованный город, где на протяжении веков правят бал коварные ведьмы. Задача героев проста — унести ноги из страшного места. Для этого надо постараться не влюбиться в обитательниц этого гиблого места… Сюжет основан на подлинной истории, которая случилась здесь в начале XVII века, когда одна из жительниц деревни заявила, что она ведьма и регулярно участвует в шабашах в близлежащих пещерах со своими соседками. Тогда Святая Инквизиция арестовала почти всё население Сугаррамурди и окрестных сёл (около 300 человек), устроив суд по делу «Ведьминской деревни», который длился два года. В результате в 1610 году 40 жителей деревни были обвинены в колдовстве, а 11 из них — сожжены на костре. С тех пор Сугаррамурди запечатлелся в коллективной памяти как обиталище ведьм.
Barefoot in the Kitchen
What was the role of women in Spanish cinema from the 1930s to the present explained through fragments of different films, both fiction and non-fiction. (Followed by “Manda huevos,” 2016.)
Полетт — вредная старушка с непростым характером. Она ненавидит соседей, поскольку те мусорят и шумят. Она не любит своего внука и придумала ему прозвище Черныш, поскольку дочь вышла замуж за чернокожего полицейского (зятя Полетт называет Обамой). Когда социальные службы начинают за долги описывать ее имущество, она принимает нестандартное решение: отправляется к местному наркодилеру и предлагает свои услуги. Бандиты ошеломлены, но бабушка находит убедительные доводы, чтобы ее приняли на работу. Не проходит и месяца, как Полетт становится крупнейшим торговцем всех видов наркотиков в районе. Бизнес процветает, жизнь налаживается. Однако любопытные подруги, зять, любвеобильный сосед и бандиты не дают насладиться ей обретенным благосостоянием.
Sofia and the Stubborn Man
An old lady lives in a quiet village in the Andes and has never seen the sea. For many years her husband has promised to take her to the Caribbean Sea, but the plans are always thwarted for different reasons.
Позвольте моим людям идти
Рубен — еврей, гомосексуал, наполовину финн, наполовину француз, почтальон, нерадивый сын, хамоватый брат, никчёмный любовник, сомнительный убийца и вор поневоле. Но сам Рубен не может разобраться, кто он таков. В поворотный момент своей жизни, когда перед ним маячит Красное море, Рубен пытается определить, чему стоит следовать: судьбе своего народа или велению своей души.
Женщины с 6-го этажа
Париж 60-х. Биржевой брокер и почтенный отец семейства узнает, что на шестом этаже его дома живет целая компания веселых испанок. Одна из них открывает ему мир, полный эмоций и простых радостей, являющейся полной противоположностью его собственного буржуазного мирка.
Un cine como tú en un país como éste
Salamanca director Chema de la Peña recalls in this feature documentary professionals early filmmakers like Fernando Colomo, Fernando Trueba, Imanol Uribe, Carmen Maura and Antonio Resines, protagonists of the so called 'New Spanish Cinema' in the 80s. His first films were produced between friends, her back to the industry. Rolled with minimal budget and with the sole intention of having fun ... And big surprise were critical and box office successes. And also true generational manifestos.
La mère
Его зовут Жильбер Шапель и он успешный банкир. В один прекрасный день его жизнь круто меняется! Оказывается, у Жильбера есть брат-близнец, который является опасным преступником и сутенером. Полицейские разыскали Жильбера и предложили ему необычную сделку! Жильбер сыграет роль своего брата и у него всего 36 часов на превращение из банкира в сутенера!
50 años de... Canciones
Herself (archive footage)
Анжело Тетрочини сбежал из семьи от властного отца, чтобы писать. Спустя десять лет в Буэнос-Айресе его встречает молодой и наивный брат Бенни. Анжело, как и хотел, стал писателем, он носит псевдоним Тетро и собирается опубликовать автобиографическую пьесу. Младший брат находит и тайком читает ещё незаконченную рукопись, полагая, что в ней будет вся нелицеприятная правда об их семье. После ссоры с братом Бенни даже добавляет в неё свою концовку. Когда же пьесу поставят, финал в ней окажется совершенно иным, потому как правда всегда сложнее, глубже и страшнее.
Que parezca un accidente
A women is planning to kill her son-in-law after she finds out that he is unfaithful to her daughter.
The Black Virgin
Life of inhabitants of a small fishing village of the caribbean , changes drastically after the apparition of a Black Virgin, which disallowed the skies to get dark, stopped the vandals from invaden town. After months of intense changes in the chaotic life of this fishing town, the inhabitants had to face the most cruel of changes in their lives.La vida de los habitantes de un pueblo pesquero del caribe, cambia drásticamente tras la aparición de una Virgen Negra, ésta no permitió que el cielo volviera a oscurecer, impidió que los vándalos invadieran el pueblo. Luego de meses de intensos cambios en la caótica vida de este pueblo pesquero, sus habitantes tuvieron que enfrentarse al más cruel de los cambios en sus vidas
Эдемский сад
Madame Aurol
События фильма происходят в так называемую эпоху джаза в 20-х годах XX столетия. Эта история об американском писателе Дэвиде Борне, после войны уехавшем жить в Париж, где он знакомится и подпадает под чары соблазнительной Катрин, богатой молодой женщины, желающей получать от жизни как можно больше острых ощущений. Они как будто играют в глубоко эротический роман, который в конце концов перетекает во что-то опасное и карающее.
El menor de los males
Hécuba: un sueño de pasión
What we tend to identify with the acting profession has little to do with what is really this profession. Thirty-six Spanish actors reflect on their work and contrasted their experiences. As thread, the contrast between the voices of veterans and images of young theater students , for whom everything is still possible. Among the many actors are interviewed Javier Bardem, Antonio Banderas, Victoria Abril, Carmen Maura, Fernando Fernán Gómez, José Luis López Vázquez, José Coronado, Emma Suarez, Alberto San Juan, Ariadna Gil, Ana Belén, Pilar Lopez de Ayala and many other.
Современный Мадрид. Раймунда — привлекательная молодая испанка живет с безработным мужем и подрастающей красавицей-дочерью. Семье катастрофически не хватает денег и поэтому ей приходится трудиться сразу на нескольких работах. Раймунда — сильный, волевой человек, прирожденный боец, но, как всякая женщина, она невероятно ранима. С самого детства она хранит тайну…
To the Other Side
This drama features three stories about the bonds between children and absent parents. A Cuban boy who lives in poverty with his mother longs to visit his father in the United States, a Moroccan girl attempts to reunite with her father, and in Mexico, and a boy disobeys his father to visit a strange lagoon. These related vignettes showcase the powerful hold that parents have upon their children, which often remains strong despite their absence.
Свободная зона
Mrs. Breitberg
Rebecca, an American who has been living in Jerusalem for a few months now, has just broken off her engagement. She gets into a cab driven by Hanna, an Israeli. But Hanna is on her way to Jordan, to the Free Zone, to pick up a large of sum of money.
За несколько дней до коллективной гей-свадьбы сплетаются судьбы пятерых женщин, чьи сыновья готовятся вступить в брак. Судья Элена отвечает за церемонию, хозяйка гостиницы Магда — за прием гостей и банкет. Правда, свадьба под угрозой срыва из-за забастовки в отеле. Другим матерям тоже не сладко: нимфоманка Райс больна, состоятельная Рейс сходит с ума по жениху ее сына, Офелия на грани банкротства. Три дня жизни этого блистательного женского ансамбля, такого разного, но в чем-то похожего…
Searching for Love
When Ana married Felix, the leader of a rock band and son of a travel agent, she thought her life would be plenty of excitement and travels. Now, in her forties, she leads a monotonous life with her husband and her daughter, giving cooking lessons and taking French courses. But one day she receives an invitation to give a cooking course in Paris.
New York: La capital del Mundo
La promesa
A psychological thriller about an obsessive compulsive, deeply religious woman who flees her abusive husband and accepts a nanny position for a weatlhy family in a different town. The woman's state of mind is extremely fragile, and is made worse by her visits to a Gothic church where things are not as they seem
25 Degrees in Winter
An Ukranian woman enters Belgium illegally and hides in the van of a driver abandoned by his wife. He ends up helping her to find her husband who had emigrated long before. They are joined by his wacky Spanish mother and cute young daughter.
Arroz y tartana
Doña Manuela de Fora
Manuela de Fora, an elegant woman, widow of Pajares, lives with the sole obsession of marrying well her two daughters from her second marriage, Concha Blanca Jara and Amparo. She also has Juanito, son from her first marriage, but she despises him for wanting to be a merchant, like his father. Who really appreciates the laborious Juanito is his uncle Juan, a man of austere habits that blames his sister Manuela for wasting money to pretend being of high social position.
Обет молчания
Mère Emmanuelle
Молодая монахиня сестра Сара, живущая в Бразилии, попадает в монастырскую больницу с загадочным недугом, причину которого никак нельзя рационально объяснить. Сбитый с толку врач, отец Иоахим начинает наводить справки о своей пациентке и узнает, что у неё есть сестра-близнец Гаэль. И похоже, разгадка необъяснимой болезни каким-то мистическим образом связана именно с ней. Не в силах устоять перед соблазном докопаться до истины, отец Иоаким, для которого история Сары становится личным наваждением, решает отправиться к Гаэль в Париж, где та… отбывает срок за жуткое злодеяние! Одержимость героя может стоить ему сана. Но и эта цена неизмеримо ниже той, что заплатили за свой страшный секрет таинственные сестры…
Le ventre de Juliette
The 20-year-old Juliette tries to come to terms with an unexpected pregnancy, despite a lack of support from the father of the child and from her mother.
800 пуль
Алмения, пустыня Табернас, 2002 год. Штат Техас. Голливуд — грязный город, где никто уже давно не снимает фильмы. Здесь живет Хулиган, ветеран кино. Вместе с другими людьми он работает на Голливуд: они оживляют для немногочисленных туристов старые времена и забытые моменты легендарных съемок. Но жизнь их меняется с внезапным появлением мальчика Карлоса, внука Хулигана, и двух финансовых акул — Лауры и Скотта. Призраки прошлого обретают плоть, а спекуляции дорогим сердцу настоящим приводит к непредвиденным последствиям.
Valentin, a 9-year-old boy living with his grandmother in late-1960s Buenos Aires, believes his family has problems that only he can solve. The youngster dreams of being reunited with his mother, who's separated from Valentin's abusive father.
Убийство в день праздника
Бедная и многочисленная семья актеров, изгнанная из театра, находит необычный способ для поправки своего финансового положения. Невостребованные артисты объявляют себя безутешными родственниками недавно умершего господина Лалана, человека богатого и одинокого. Для пущей убедительности юный Лукрецио «превращается» в Эсме, вдову усопшего. Адвокат, ведущий дело по наследству, влюбляется в красавицу с первого взгляда. Но вот незадача — «она» влюбляется в него тоже...
Clara y Elena
Clouds: Letters to My Son
(Voice, Spanish version)
Marion Hänsel directed this personal meditation on the joys and responsibilities of parenthood, in which a narrator reads Hansel's philosophic musings on raising her young son on her own, while carefully shot and selected footage of different cloud formations from around the world provide a striking visual backdrop. Catherine Deneuve read Hänsel's text in the original French-language version of Nuages; Charlotte Rampling did the honors for the English-language print, while Barbara Auer, Carmen Maura, and Antje De Boeck respectively lent their voices to the German, Spanish, and Dutch editions of the film.
The Hold-Up
Lola's a single mom, broke, working as a janitor and maid. Silvia is pregnant, and her lover (her boss) won't leave his wife. Maite, newly a widow, discovers she's penniless but wants to maintain appearances and give her daughter a fancy wedding, and Pecholata, a punk kid living in a youth center, will soon be turned out on the streets. Lola, who cleans a bank every morning, decides to rob it, convincing the others to join her: they'll use replica guns, dress as men, take Silvia hostage, and all will be smooth. But things go awry, including the fact that Lola's ex, Gustavo, is a cop. Desperation may be the mother of invention - and a corrupt bank manager its father.
Джулия уже не первый год работает агентом по продаже недвижимости и стала настоящим профессионалом своего дела. Однажды в квартире, в которой умер арендатор, она находит большую сумму денег, после чего решает любой ценой завладеть ими. Однако сделать это будет очень непросто, поскольку ей придется столкнуться с гневом достаточно необычного общества соседей, которым руководит администратор дома. Но женщина не собирается так просто сдаваться и готова пойти на любые ухищрения, чтобы добиться желаемого результата. С этого момента ее ждет настоящая война, одержать победу в которой будет очень непросто ...
The Harem of Madame Osmane
Madama Osmane
In Algiers in 1993, while the civil war is starting, Mrs Osmane's tenants have to endure her bad temper. Her husband left her and the fear to lose her respectability haunt her. The former member of the Resistance during the Independence War persists in controlling the slightest moves of the households rather than struggle against her own frustrations. Learning her daughter is in love, the possibility of finding herself alone will push her to the limit: The symbolical Mrs Osmane "harem" is about to collapse.
To the End of the Road
An executive and his girlfriend, a medical doctor, are kidnapped by a couple to pass them to France by car. The kidnappers intended to flee to Rio de Janeiro with the strange idea of ​​starting a restaurant. She is a simple cook without trouble with the law, but so persistent that manages to convince her husband to elope with her ​​release from prison for a weekend.
The Comet
After witnessing the arrest of her father for publishing "subversive" material against the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, Valentina escapes taking a sack of gold coins with her in order to hand it over to rebel Francisco I. Madero, who is in San Antonio, Texas. That is how Valentina begins a long journey as a member of a traveling circus, where she finds love next to Victor, who, fascinated by the cinematographer, films everything that occurs before his eyes, in times of great political turbulence.
Joao sells video tapes in road bars between Portugal and Spain. One day he finds a middle aged woman in the middle of nowhere. Somebody is looking for her and she has to escape to Lisboa. But what is the secret of this woman? Why does she want to go to Lisboa?
The Virgin Mary appears to Mario, a provincial barber who dreams of becoming a successful singer. He introduces her to his parents who decide to adopt her and give her a room in their house. The presence of the Holy Mother will soon break the monotony of the household. Teresa, Mario’s mother, starts to talk to a chandelier. Carolina, his sister, thinks she has become invulnerable and begins to hit her teacher. As for Mario, he thinks he has been invested with a special mission, to tell the truth at all times to everyone he meets. It soon turns out the Virgin is not what she pretends to be…
A man’s enthusiasm turns into greed and causes trouble for his family.
Алиса и Мартен
Мартен - парень двадцати лет, который после смерти отца сбегает из дома и заявляется у своего сводного брата. Последний снимает квартиру на двоих с Алисой, но между ними нет отношений, так как брат - гей. У Мартена и Алисы завязываются отношения, которым мешает какая-то тайна из прошлого, которую скрывает Мартен.
Five women, all in their forties, try to find out what's important for them in life.
Alliance cherche doigt
Geneviève Lechat
Geneviève Lechat is the director of a marriage agency. At 50, she is still very desirable and very fulfilled, especially emotionally. She offers her son, André, to open an agency branch on the Internet.
Tortilla y Cinema
Benjamin Ballon wants to be a filmmaker, and has devoted a large part of his life for the past few years to getting to the point of filming an independent movie. He has been encouraged by Carmen Maura (playing herself), an established star, who has agreed to appear in his first film, and it is her level-headedness, calmness, and general good sense that keeps the project moving along, despite Benjamin's inexperience and a very temperamental male lead. On one occasion when the male lead is hours late for a shoot, her calm is the only thing which keeps the crew from walking out. The title comes from Maura's habit of bringing homemade tortillas to meetings, and using them to get her way.
Sombras y luces: Cien años de cine español
Amores que matan
Consuelo is a bored housewife. Her husband is away on business in Berlin, and her only company would be a mysterious neighbor, a science professor who spends a lot of time gardening (?) One fine morning, Consuelo is compelled to find an excuse to speak with her neighbor. She asks him for some sugar, and then starts discussing gardening. During the rest of the film we find out what may be below the well-manicured flowers, and what secrets involving everyone, these may conceal.
Любовь в лугах
Dolores Thivart
Месье Жеже — хозяин фабрики сантехники в небольшом французском городке. Любимое занятие его рабочих — периодически бастовать, его дочери и жены-мещанки — вытягивать из него деньги и донимать капризами, а местная налоговая инспекция желает получить с него несколько сот тысяч франков, что окончательно разорит предприятие. Но вот по телевидению в передаче «Найди меня» женщина показывает фотографию исчезнувшего 26 лет назад мужа. Это — двойник Жеже! Доведённый до отчаяния герой признаёт себя пропавшим, который изображён на фотографии, и начинает новую и на удивление счастливую жизнь: настоящий муж, оказывается, был весьма состоятельным человеком. Только вот куда и почему он исчез?..
The Lame Pigeon
Little Felipe has been sick for a long time. To hasten his recovery, his parents send him to spend the summer of 1958 in the villa of his grandparents, located in the wealthy quarter of Cadiz. The warm climate of southern Spain is good for the boy, but the inhabitants of the great home may be a different story as all the relatives within are a tad strange. There Felipe meets his great-grandmother and her tough nurse Adoracion who patiently listens to grandmama's reminiscence's of the bandoleros who died for her. Felipe is not allowed to leave his bed, but his hours pass pleasantly thanks to the ministrations of the sexy Mari, a virgin, who loves to tease her four strapping aspiring lovers. As the summer progresses, Felipe interacts with all of his relatives and from their strange behavior finds himself learning an awful lot about life and love.
Parella de tres
Ana and Marta are good friends but very different women. Ana is a housewife whereas Marta is an agressive lawyer, single and very independent. Ana is married to Santi and after a crisis she proposed Marta to be the lover of her husband to save her matrimony. Santi does not suspect anything and the triangle works fine during years... till Santi begins to go out with another person.
El rey del río
An air-hostess is pregnant but she does not know the name of the father, a foreigner. When the baby is born, she gives it to her sister that has already two children. The child grows up as another member of the family. Although the adults keep the secret, the children know that he is different.
How to Be Miserable and Enjoy It
Carmen, an attractive 40 year old woman, suddenly belongs a widow. For her, the emptiness feeling is new and disorienting. Trying to rebuild her life, Carmen finds that men around her are interested in offering her more than a shoulder to mourn. The unexpected pregnancy of his daughter, putting even more pressure on Carmen. She brings her daughter back and to look after the baby together. This becomes one more element to overcome in their efforts to organize themselves.
Shadows in a Conflict
Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France.
Луи, король – дитя
Anne d'Autriche
История любви и ненависти, верности и предательства, войны и примирения. На период взросления юного короля Людовика XIV пришлись непростые времена для Франции — делами заправляли его мать Анна Австрийская и кардинал Мазарини. С раннего детства молодому «Королю-Солнце» пришлось проявлять свои лучшие качества — хитроумие, расчетливость и отвагу.
La reina anónima
Ana Luz
Anna Luz, a married woman, rethinks her life when she receives the visit of a stranger who claims to be her neighbor from the floor below. His arrival coincides with the entry of a series of extravagant characters who, as in a dream, invade his house. Ana is then immersed in this succession of strange and wonderful events that will forever ruin what until then was a normal life.
Between Heaven and Earth
Maria Garcia
Maria Garcia (Carmen Maura) is a television journalist and she's about to be a single mother. Her career foremost in her mind, she doesn't slow down even for a minute, despite her pregnancy. She is, however, taking Lamaze classes and is quite competently coping with the romantic attentions of a man she's not very interested in. It's not at all irrelevant that her news beat includes stories on terrorism, the greenhouse effect, pollution and genetic engineering, because when her baby's due date comes and goes, she starts hearing from her infant from in the womb. It is telling her that it and many other babies are refusing to be born into such a horrible world. She learns that this is true, and that the children born through induced labor are dying.
Zabu was a dancer in a small cabaret in Bilbao. Twelve years later she is living with her daughter Lola and a small delinquent called Lino in a squalid suburb of an industrial city. She dreams of leaving for Australia.
How to Be a Woman and Not Die in the Attempt
Carmen, a journalist with two children, is on her third marriage, to Antonio, a record producer. Over the course of a year, we follow her through her discontents: Antonio's lateness, his fatigue when she wants to make love, his insistence on her company when she prefers solitude, his treating her work as less important than his, his casual and cruel dismissal of her opinions, her boss assigning her an incompetent editor, bartenders ignoring her, her passage into middle age. She can be feisty and edgy, which sometimes gets in the way of what would make her happy. And she regularly threatens to leave Antonio. Will she, and on what terms? What will he do?
Ай, Кармела!
Паулино и Кармела — супружеская пара бродячих артистов, отправившихся в путешествие по Испании в период гражданской войны 30-х годов. Они, республиканцы, вместе со своим переводчиком Густавете попадают на территорию франкистов. Местный командир делает им предложение поставить спектакль, высмеивающий Республику, в обмен на их свободу и жизнь…
La mujer feliz
A young innocent man pursued for murder finds refuge with a bored married woman. Soon they become lovers. What is going to happen next?
Baton Rouge
Poor gigolo tries to frame his rich mature mistress, but gets tangled in his own wiles.
Женщины на грани нервного срыва
Ее бросил любовник, его жена не дает ей проходу, ее подруга связалась с террористами, а ее адвокат оказалась обыкновенной дрянью. Можно ли пережить все это и не сойти с ума?
Закон желания
Tina Quintero
Сюжет построен вокруг убийства на почве страсти. То, что это любовь гомосексуалистов, сути не меняет. Любовь сводит людей с ума и толкает на преступление, оставаясь неподсудной. Молодой любовник известного кинорежиссера убивает соперника — полиция ведет следствие…
Love Ravings
Carmen (segment "Delirio 3") (uncredited)
In this anthology film, a female actor cheats on her formerly famous husband, a married couple go to extremes, and an antiquarian falls for a young man.
Матадор Диего жестоко ранен быком и более не имеет возможности убивать на арене…
Dear Nanny
Elvira, daughter of a disgraced military, who entered a convent at a young age leaves him and returns home to settle in Madrid with his beloved nanny, seeking help to overcome their crisis. However, the country has changed so much in his years of confinement that has little or nothing to do with his childhood memories ...
Ни стыда, ни совести
Пако и Фернандо – друзья и владельцы небольшого издательства, которое в данный момент находится на грани банкротства. Поправить дела должен контракт с популярной детской писательницей Аделой Морой. В тот вечер, когда Фернандо должен был подписать договор в фешенебельном отеле, его приятель решил встретиться со своей любовницей, для чего попросил своего друга уступить ему одну из комнат своего дома, оборудованную для тайных свиданий. Но находящаяся в расстроенных чувствах секретарша отправила писательницу не в гостиницу, а домой к своему боссу...
Beyond the Walls
Sor Ana
This 1985 Spanish film reveals one of the many terrible aspects of 16th century Spain, still plagued by the radical Christian Inquisition, one of a plethora of difficulties Spaniards faced at the time. Spanish super star Carmen Maura plays a nun who agrees to a selfless scam, a fake stigmata, only to avoid separation from her lover, another nun. It's a serious and passionate work, highlighting the theme of outspoken women-against-repression, seen in other good gay and lesbian films. This is not a lesbian "Nun sense" or another "Dark Habits" (by Almodovar, which also starred Carmen Maura, and also set in a Spanish convent, with some lesbian nuns). Perhaps, best of all, 'Extramuros' is realistic and frank. It isn't shy about its characters' sexuality. Their sexuality, and the film as a whole are genuine.
El crimen de la calle Fuencarral
Higinia Balaguer
July 1, 1888. The body of a woman is discovered during a house fire, but the examination reveals that she died victim of a stabbing, not the flames. Her maid and pet dog are found drugged in another room.
Трейлер для запретных любовников
Self / Gloria (archive footage) (uncredited)
Испанская телепрограмма "La edad de oro" ("Золотой век") заказала Альмодовару трейлер для только ещё готовившегося к выходу фильма "¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto!!" ("За что мне это?"). Но Альмодовар снял небольшой фильм, одновременно похожий и не похожий на "За что мне это?", своего рода короткометражный мюзикл.
За что мне это?
У обычной домохозяйки Глории появляются серьезные проблемы. Ее муж страстно увлекается бывшей певичкой; один из сыновей с удовольствием продает наркотики, а другой заводит бурные романы с отцами своих одноклассников. Положение становится еще хуже, когда из-за странного стечения обстоятельств взбалмошная Глория оказывается замешанной в убийстве и попытке продать поддельные дневники Гитлера.
Coarse Salt
Presentadora T.V.
A famous composer creative in crisis and must compose a new album, but is going through a painful separation that prevents him from concentrating. In this situation, your manager will provide a time extension
The Angry Cid
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Нескромное обаяние порока
Sor Perdida
Иоланда поет в ночном клубе и однажды замечает там монашек, которые оставляют ей визитную карточку. Она знакомится с Матерью Наставницей, чье восхищение злом не знает границ, а также с другими сестрами. Эти женщины проповедуют новый подход к вопросам послушания и раскаяния. Однако все переворачивается вверх дном, когда смиренные послушницы решают отпраздновать именины Матери Наставницы.
Femenino singular
Luisa Matas
Gary Cooper, Who Art in Heaven
A woman nearing her forties, Andrea Soriana, has always pushed aside personal questions and romantic relationships in pursuit of professional success. Now a major illness forces her to reconsider her life--work, family, friendships, men-- causing a psychological and emotional crisis pushes her toward a drastic decision.
El hombre de moda
Pedro Liniers, a literature teacher, comes back to Madrid after his wife has just left him. Meanwhile, Aurora Villalba, came to Spain from Argentina, running away from the militaries, she has a special way of living her own way. Pedro wants to get back the job as a teacher through an old friend, Bruno Baena, who is the head master of the school. Aurora starts going to Pedro's classes. Pedro will become "El hombre de moda", very soon.
Пепи, Люси, Бом и остальные девушки
Пепи изнасилована полицейским, который поймал ее за выращивание марихуаны в квартире. Теперь Пепи намеревается отомстить ему, сделав так, чтобы от него ушла его жена-мазохистка.
That House in the Outskirts
Social Assistant
A young girl's husband rents a lovely home just outside of Madrid so she can spend the last three months of her pregnancy in peace and luxury. Unfortunately, just as they arrive at the home, the girl realizes that it is the place where she had secretly had an illegal abortion some years before. The clinic is long-gone, but this doesn't ease the woman's disquiet. Things get even worse when she learns that her upstairs neighbor is the old abortionist's assistant.
The Black Hand
Three old schoolmates, who in their time as students had formed a kind of secret society called The Black Hand, in order to embitter teachers' lives, meet again years later with very different lives. One is a dad's son who is distracted as best he can; another has become a writer of espionage novels and is persecuted by the CIA, and the third leads an indolent life without further ado. The reunion of the three friends will make the society of La Mano Negra revive.
Fuck... Fuck... Fuck Me, Tim!
A poor girl works in a general store with a blind boyfriend playing guitar. He becomes famous and she also becomes blind.
What's a Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
Persecuted by her controlling ex-husband, Rosa plots an escape
Blindfolded Eyes
La enfermera
A drama teacher casts a woman in a play about torture, and the two eventually become lovers. As production of the play develops, the director begins to receive threatening letters.
Eugenia Grandet
Eugenia Grandet
Adaptation of the famous Balzac novel
Paper Tigers
Spain, 1977. The first general elections are about to take place after the long dictatorship and the progressive environment of Madrid is easily palpable. Protagonists, Carmen and Juan were once married and now living separately, both have a child. It's one of the only reasons they maintain cordial to one another. Their separation, the political context and the contradictions of the progressives of the time will not defeat the affinity between the two.
La petición
Chica que se insinua a Julián
An ambitious young woman from a wealthy family, but unsatisfied with her social position, will not hesitate to use all that is within her reach to achieve her ascent in society.
Pomporrutas imperiales
Two middle aged Spanish men bump into each other at a music store: Calvo, who is a TV actor, and Casado. They were school mates and haven't met for a long time. They begin to remember old times, for instance, when they had to sing the post civil war Spanish anthem and they mistook the lyrics. But suddenly Calvo gets mad, breaks some discs, takes Casado to a small room, and acts as if he were the priest at the school. This priest has found that Casado had dirty magazines in his bedroom, and threatens him to tell his family if he doesn't give away the name of the boy who commits vandalism in the school. Terrified, Casado gives Calvo's name. Calvo comes back to the present, says he wasn't guilty, quietly pays the broken discs, and leaves the store.
El libro de buen amor II
La mujer es cosa de hombres
Леонор, первая жена монсеньора Ришара, воскресает через десять лет после своей смерти. Неизвестно откуда взявшийся старец сообщает Ришару, что можно победить смерть, если очень этого захотеть. Ришар возвращается в замок и убивает свою вторую жену. Начинается нечто невообразимое: свирепствует чума, кто-то убивает детей. Чтобы положить всему этому конец, Ришар решает убить Леонор.
Fierce Love, or When Children Play at Love
María José
Vicente and Margarita are a traditional and middle class married couple whose life is surrounded by a sea of confusion and uncertainty when their children begin to make their own decisions. They have discovered love and will not let their parents tell them what to do or who they have to love. The principles and traditions of the family will be replaced by each of the young people who will represent the different social problems of the time. Thus, the coexistence between them will change without Vicente and Marga can do anything to avoid it.
A Diary of a Murderess
The Nun
A beautiful young woman sets her sights on an aging millionaire. She seduces him, and moves into his mansion with him. She soon tires of him, though, and after she gets rid of him, she goes after his son.
Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal
Madrid, Spain, early thirties. The charming playboy Sergio Hernán is an unscrupulous womanizer who over the years has seduced and abandoned hundreds of women with the complicity of Oshidori, his cynical butler. However, his brief encounter with Elena Fortún, blonde, posh and a bit cheesy, unexpectedly leaves an indelible mark on his soul.
Vida íntima de un seductor cínico
Mujer de Jorge
El libro del buen amor
Dª Garoza
A Chaste Spanish Man
Profesora de Música
Don Santiago, a forty-year-old owner of a pastry shop in Madrid de los Austrias, receives surprising news: a woman, in fact his real mother, leaves him with a brothel in England.
The Killer Is One of Thirteen
A recent widow has invited a group of family friends to her large and secluded country home. However, what the guests don't know is that the reason they've been assembled is that their host suspects one of them might be her husband's killer and she's intent on uncovering the identity of his murderer. As the guests begin to suspect each other, revealing long-kept and sinister secrets in the process, an unknown, black-gloved killer begins bumping them off in a variety of nasty ways.
Man in Hiding
Following the Spanish Civil War, a man goes into hiding to avoid arrest by the victorious Nationalist forces.
El espíritu
The haunting spirit of a woman comes to the call of the participants in a séance.
Mieux vaut courir
Crossfire between a suspect and the police. In the middle of the case, a girl.