Lauren Karl

Lauren Karl


Lauren Karl


Venus & Vegas
When three Vegas buddies attempt the score of a lifetime, they have to walk a fine line between their girlfriends who want their heads, and the mobsters who want them dead.
Майти Макс
Kelly MacDougal
В начале 70-х годов Кэти Раш становится главным тренером женской баскетбольной команды небольшого католического колледжа. И хотя ее команде негде тренироваться, и у них нет формы, а колледж, возможно, скоро продадут, Кэти Раш ведет свою команду к национальному чемпионату.
The square
Protester 4
The Square is a response to the events of early 2011 that became known as The Arab Spring. Confronting us with an array of reactions and impressions displaced from their original context, The Square asks us to reappraise our own relationship with dissent, democracy and revolution and responds to the increasing importance of online social networking sites to those demanding an alternative future for themselves and their country.