Luis Bermejo

Luis Bermejo

Рождение : , Madrid, España


Luis Bermejo
Luis Bermejo
Luis Bermejo
Luis Bermejo


Un amor
Upon settling in the countryside village of La Escapa, Nat accepts a disturbing sexual proposal by neighbour Andreas, paving the way for a self-consuming passion.
José Luis
Свободолюбивая девушка-подросток отправляется на поиски матери в компании эксцентричных спутников. В этом причудливом путешествии им противостоит злая женщина.
Standard Deviation
River goes to their first appointment at the “Gender Identity Disorder Unit”. There, River has to answer the psychiatrist's test that will decide if they will be able to access the care they need. River knows exactly what they has to say, but one small detail will endanger their plans.
Перед зеркалом
Пять сотрудников борются с желаниями и спорят со своими отражениями в зеркале накануне корпоратива в честь 50-летия их косметической компании.
Polyamory for Dummies
Satur and Tina are married, and Berta enters their life as a ‘unicorn.’ In the end, however, Satur is pushed out and Tina and Berta have an affair. Manu is a loser who tries to embark on a relationship with Amanda, who at the same time is involved with Alex, Claudia and Marta and Esteban, with whom they are all co-raising two children. Everyone seem to be living many different lives but all of them will have a lot to learn from each other.
An Optical Illusion
José María
A couple from Burgos, Alfredo and Teresa, travel to New York where they intend to “switch off” and do all of the things listed in the guidebook. But the moment they land, they start to notice signs, some subtle and others rather less so, that in fact they’re not in the city sold to them by the travel agency. So where are they?
Madrid, int.
Madrid, Spain, March 2020. As the merciless disease that plagues the world spreads through the increasingly deserted streets of the city, people barricades themselves in their homes and move on with their lives…
Во время войны
Испания, 1936 год. Знаменитый писатель Мигель де Унамуно поддерживает военное восстание, надеясь, что оно разрешит царящий в Испании хаос. Тем временем власть в стране захватывает генерал Франко. Теперь Унамуно предстоит сделать выбор, от которого зависит не только его свобода, но и жизнь тех, кто ему дорог.
Adrian is a young poet who decides to leave Romania and go live to Spain. He wants to change his life, earn some money and learn Spanish. Upon arriving in Cordoba, he works at a car dealership that sells both old and new cars. During the day he hides in a small caravan in the parking lot of the car dealership. One day, Adrian finds a package with a CD and poster for a tour of one flamenco / jazz band. He is enchanted by the music and by the picture of Maria, who plays a bass guitar in the band. They both meet after a concert on the beach, where they begin their relationship full of passion, problems and surprises.
The Third Part
Dr. Millán
Sergio is dying from marrow cancer. His doctor, Millán, wants him to achieve his final will. Helped by the rest of the medical team, they will leave embarrassment aside to make his last dream come true.
El rey
Juan Carlos I
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
Your Son
Jaime, a doctor who lives in Seville, finds his life radicallychanged when his son is left fighting for his life after beingbeaten up during a robbery. The feelings of pain andhelplessness soon change to feelings of hate and anger,converting a good dad into a dehumanised man.
Carlota has an open war with the caretaker of her community, Candela, whom she considers a person at risk. Carlota did not always know that HIV does not understand social status, gender or sexual orientation, she had to learn it by having it closer than she could ever have imagined.
Алекс — уверенная в себе девушка с твердым характером и чувством индивидуальности. Она часто помогает и поддерживает своего друга Абрахама, ведь тот, наоборот, застенчив, замкнут и чрезмерно мягок, вероятно, из-за своих сложных отношений с родителями. Однако все меняется, когда Дэниэл — отец Абрахама — умирает в загадочной катастрофе, причина которой остается неясна. С этого момента Алекс оказывается втянута в галлюцинаторное путешествие, которое заводит ее в самые глубины ада, где линия между реальностью и кошмаром становится настолько размытой, что Алекс теряет уверенность в самих основах существования.
Compañero de Sonia
A disgraced basketball coach is given the chance to coach Los Amigos, a team of players who are intellectually disabled, and soon realizes they just might have what it takes to make it to the national championships.
The Tribe
A cleaner woman with vocational street dancer tries to recover her long-stranded son that she gave for adoption, a former CEO who lost everything, including his memories.
Bomb Scared
Somewhere in Spain, four ETA terrorists await a phone call before carrying out a mission, while the 2010 FIFA World Cup, where Spanish soccer team is one of the favorites to win, is being held in South Africa.
17 Años Juntos
El señor
Секреты секса и любви
José Luis
Жарким летом в Мадриде пять пар в томлении страсти открывают для себя весьма неожиданные формы сексуального влечения. Изумление и страх перед неведомыми удовольствиями сменяются неконтролируемым желанием. Табу рушатся, и теперь ничто не в силах удержать героев от любовных экспериментов.
Adam Peiper
Ensobrador / Adam Peiper
The year is 2984. In one of the deposits that fill the earth’s interior, an envelope stuffer is working tirelessly in what seems to be just another day in his grey and insignificant existence. But this is not just another day. This is his worst nightmare.
Prim: el asesinato de la calle del Turco
Rojo Arias
Madrid, Spain, December 27, 1870. General Juan Prim i Prats, president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of War gets involved in a treacherous ambush, is mortal injured and dies three days later. A mystery, a conspiracy, a murder that was never solved.
Маленькая волшебница
12-летняя Алисия может не стесняясь попросить отца о сигарете и глотке джина. Для нее не существует понятия «слишком рано», потому что нет слова «потом»: девочка тяжело больна. Только костюм любимого японского анимешного персонажа Юкико может доставить ей настоящую радость. Но волшебное платье стоит более 6000 евро, которые на фоне всеобщего кризиса кажутся безработному отцу запредельной суммой.
Todo un futuro juntos
Carlos Fontaneda
People in Places
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
Andrés Maroto
The manager of a company proposes a daring plan for keeping the workers’ morale high.
La montaña rusa
Three childhood friends meet again many years later, a woman and two men. A triangle. In one corner, sex, in another, love, and in the middle ... the protagonist in a mess. Romantic and sentimental comedy about sex, love and its many complicated combinations.
El señor
El Señor
A man is desperate to make something out of nothing and so are the creators of this 42-minute, nearly improvised feature that deals with finding salvation in others, rather than oneself, in the midst of a world falling apart. When the Kafkaesque routine of a man who is alone to the point of imploding into nothingness begins to fall apart, unexpected love and friendship seep in through the cracks. The film was shot on a handy cam over the course of several days during which a number of scenes of comedy and drama were improvised and gradually built up to a story-arch that was really never put down on paper form.
Los muertos no se tocan, nene
Logroño, 1959. The death of a local authority creates a double expectation in his family, the coming of the TV set the deceased bought and the mayor to attend the funeral. His grandson (Airas Brispo) will witness the grotesque situations.
From Your Window to Mine
Interwoven emotions and struggles of three women of different generations aiming to build the lives they desire, their own future, love and dreams. All of them lose the love of their lives and they will have to pursue their happiness and fight for their dignity in a dark and hostile word.
Don Mendo Rock ¿La venganza?
Qué divertido
Father and son walk by the surroundings of the village the father used to live. Many things have changed, he, for example. Now he is too "urban" and so is his son. But they just try to enjoy a day at the country.
Solitary Fragments
Life for Adela, a single mom trying to raise her infant son, and Antonia, a widow with three daughters, are forever altered by the terrorist bombing in Madrid.
Días de cine
Comedy set in 1977, in which a renowned playwright (Alberto San Juan) tries to shoot a social protest drama starring a doldrums folk, former child star (Natalie Poza) and produced by a producer and shameless liar (Miguel Rellán). Inexperience, ambition, lack of means and the love-hate relationship with the star director shooting become a craze.
Otra ciudad
Juan Méndez is a high executive in his forties who seems to be a model of middle-class stability. However, amidst a personal crisis, he is contemplating some changes in his life, including changes in his romantic affairs. He moves to Valencia, allegedly for professional reasons, and that causes many troubles for his family: his woman has to quit her job, her daughter is going to be far from her fiancé and his son will have to find new friends.
Дни футбола
Хорхе 30 лет и он думает, что его жизнь не может стать хуже. Его работа угнетает его, и его девушка бросает его, когда он просит ее выйти за него замуж. Но даже если это кажется ложью, вещи всегда могут стать хуже, и, как он показывает, вам нужно только взглянуть на его друзей: Рамон не знает, что делает его более злым, если остроумие его жены или его более чем потеряно борьба с алопецией; Гонсало изучал юриспруденцию до тех пор, пока он искал подругу, и при этом не похоже, что он получит кого-либо из них; Карлос стремится быть великим актером, но он не стал второстепенным в теле-магазине; Мигель - полицейский и отец семьи, но его мечта - стать певцом и автором песен, что сводит его жену с ума. Единственный, кто, кажется, контролирует бразды правления своей жизнью, это Антонио, но это мало что значит, учитывая, что его только что выпустили из тюрьмы.
The Biggest Robbery Never Told
Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.
The Other Side of the Bed
Tennis Player
When Paula leaves her mate Pedro, he misses her and looks for comfort with his best friends, Javier and Sonia. Paula is having an affair with Javier. Pedro tries to find who is the secret lover of Paula, and hires a private eye. Meanwhile, while comforting Pedro, Sonia has a one night stand with him and Javier thinks she is cheating on him with her lesbian friend Luzia.
Soberano, el rey canalla
The Ugliest Woman in the World
Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt. Arribas, a bald, toothless, one-eyed and lonely detective is called in on the case. His investigations lead him to the door of renegade Doctor Werner, who tells him the strange story of "The Beautiful Otero" the most beautiful woman in the world (former Spanish model Galera) who, before Werner s miraculous surgery, was the ugliest woman in the world! But Lt. Arribas now has a new problem - he is falling in love at a distance with his principle suspect who, because of her traumatic childhood, is planning her vengeance - to sabotage the Miss Spain Beauty Pageant, leaving behind her a trail of dead beauty queens. A super-slick science fiction thriller with a dark and bizarre finale.
Production Manager