Michael Binette


Sur appel
Sound Mixer
In a rush for a meeting, Fred declines phone calls from her mom. When she finally gets back to her, their conversation leaves her speechless.
More than a decade after she abandoned him, Émile accepts his mother Fanny’s invitation to come work with her on an isolated logging camp. While he foolishly expected a joyful reunion, the boy is pitted against an hostile environnement and a woman with a distinct lack of maternal instinct.
There Are No False Undertakings
Fiction bleeds into reality. Women declare themselves pregnant with the letter E! Denzel Washington plays himself in a popular sitcom. Chaos reigns and cops crave poetry. Mélusine Catafor abandons her identity in the city of Three-Rivers to seek a new one in Montreal where she hopes to learn English and where her best friend, Marie-Cobra Tremblay strives to birth an Odyssey. Rosaire, a melancholic pastor, organizes a major conference on Impossible Loves. Also, you'll meet La Renarde who hides a hole-punch in her coat. You'll learn the hole-punch is a formidable weapon used to pierce the ears of alley cats. As you can imagine, it's a comedy.
Des grandes journées d'temps
Sound Mixer
Great days of time, it is the meeting of Alain, man of the nature and passionate of hunting with the deer, at the moment where the nervousness of the first days of hunting settles down. It's a family reunion, a return to the source in the lands of Témiscouata.