Original Music Composer
Федор — молодой слесарь из Мурманска. Долгой зимней ночью он перемещается от одного заказчика к другому по серым лабиринтам замерзшего города. Здесь так давно не видели солнца, что реальность начинает приобретать фантасмагорические черты. Искусно снятый блуждающей, сомнамбулической камерой дипломный фильм бельгийца Дориана Йесперса вплотную приглядывается к потусторонней русской жизни — кажется, теперь у России есть свой «Вход в пустоту».
Sound Designer
Anno 2021 we more frequently encounter plastics entangled in trees, which then hang in the branches throughout the seasons and beautifully flutter along with the wind. When we take a moment and think about it, the following question arises ‘Has that piece of plastic now become one with the tree or with nature itself?’ Granted, the flutter of the plastic is visually poetic, and even aesthetic, but are we forgetting the fact that plastics are actually harmful, or even noise, to the environment? The more plastic gets entangled in trees and nature, the more it starts to form a pattern or rhythm. Nowadays, we are polluting more than ever, but we are also becoming less aware of the creeping dangers of pollution. Is plastic now part of nature’s beauty? Are we bound to live with plastics in our sight of nature or can we actually do something about it?