Jenna MacMillan


Небольшое состояние
Житель острова святого Эдуарда находит на побережье сумку с деньгами и решает оставить её, не подозревая, что это спровоцирует настоящую волну насилия в их маленьком городке.
Wharf Rats
Hughie Hackett (Robbie Carruthers) has spent his life doing as little as possible without actually doing nothing at all, squandering his potential. Frustrated that his Uncle Angus (Daniel Lillford), known as the best Hackett fisherman in town, a reputation secured by sabotaging his competition, is about to sell off the family fishing company, Hughie forms a misguided plan to pretend that a simple-minded man is his long-lost brother, the key to his father's will.