Louis Fried


Diary of an Organism (newly translated)
In biology, an organism is any individual entity that exhibits the properties of life. It is a synonym for life form. A life form travels across the universe and lands on this planet. Who it is, what it looks like, remains unclear. It could be many, it could be everywhere. Children, a meteorite, algae, fish, old women, the character Ophelia from Shakespeare's Hamlet or a computer program. Diary of an Organism is a footage film in various senses: made out of images found in Internet archives, of own images and text fragments, remnants of several former films never used, but always remembered. Different forms of collecting, archiving, remembering and organizing dehierarchically shape the films rhythm becoming a sensory impression, "gelatinous", like the jellyfish in it.
Flexible Bodies
The portrait of a building, a meditation, perhaps the invocation of its inherent spirit. Moreover, it is a reflection on labor in the near future.
Ген Казановы
Sound Recordist
Фильм представляет собой набор различных малосвязанных друг с другом ситуаций. Вот в кадре стоит человек в причудливом карнавальном костюме. Вот в осеннем лесу играют дети. Далее нам показывают разговор с Джоном Малковичем, который тот ведёт от лица Казановы. Этот фильм о чувствах.
The Owls Have Grown as Big as the Half Moon
A trip to South Korea, searching for memories from early childhood, spent there between the age of 1-3. Memories that barely exist. Layers of strangeness blend together: being a foreigner in the country and the strangeness vis-a-vis the past and the own biography. Wandering in the gaps, in between the noise and silences.