Sol Guy


Water Rises
Executive Producer
A young couple struggles to rehabilitate an inherited farm -- a ravaged environment in rebellion that, despite every attempt, threatens to doom their relationship to rot.
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Executive Producer
Официантка Джоуи подверглась попытке изнасилования на свидании. Травмированная этим опытом, она знакомится с двумя девушками, Реджиной и Беатрис, которые завлекают ее в свою банду линчевательниц.
The Death of My Two Fathers
After putting it off for twenty years, filmmaker Sol Guy finally confronts the six tapes his father recorded before dying. Using those tapes as a framework, Guy recounts his family’s story—and his own—for his two teenage kids.
The Death of My Two Fathers
After putting it off for twenty years, filmmaker Sol Guy finally confronts the six tapes his father recorded before dying. Using those tapes as a framework, Guy recounts his family’s story—and his own—for his two teenage kids.
Executive Producer
French artist Prune Nourry has spent her working life exploring issues around the human body. At the age of 31, Prune is diagnosed with breast cancer. She starts documenting her treatment and its effect on her own body, turning her medical odyssey into an intimate artistic undertaking that leads her to find new meaning in her work and its serendipitous relationship to her own survival.