Harold Gordon

Harold Gordon

Смерть : 1959-01-19


Harold Gordon


Look in Any Window
A teenager's parents finally realize how bad their home life is when their son is arrested for prowling.
A disgraced Confederate Colonel who has deserted his command flees to the Everglades where he encounters a disparate group of four other Southern deserters. Together they struggle to find their way out of the swamp and resolve their own personal demons under the eyes of hostile Seminoles as they battle to survive the elements and each other.
К востоку от рая
Gustav Albrecht
Эта картина по праву считается классикой Голливуда и главным фильмом Джеймса Дина — блестящего актера, бунтаря и знаменитости своего времени. Его, еще до окончания съемок, уже прозвали вторым Брандо. «К востоку от рая» — экранизация знаменитого романа Стейнбека, романа о семейной драме юноши, который ревнует и страдает, видя как его отец отдает незаслуженное предпочтение другому своему сыну — любимцу. И чем сильнее его отчаяние, чем оно безнадежней, — тем сильнее желание обрести забытую родительскую любовь.
Bengal Brigade
Hari Lal
Year 1856, British India. Capt. Jeffrey Claybourne is severely punished after disobeying an order. Feeling unworthy of his fiancée Vivian Morrow, the daughter of his superior officer, Claybourne leaves the army until he could regain his reputation. When the Rajah Karam launches an attack on the British forces in India, Claybourne finds a chance at redemption.
The Jazz Singer
Rabbi Roth
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
The Iron Mistress
Andrew Marschalk
In this biopic, Jim Bowie goes to New Orleans, where he falls for Judalon and befriends her brother, Narcisse. Soon, Jim is forced to avenge Narcisse's murder, but Judalon takes up with another man. Jim eventually has another romantic interlude with Judalon and is forced to kill one of her suitors in self-defense. Jim leaves town, and falls for the daughter of a Texas politician, but his entanglement with Judalon continues to bedevil him.
Вива, Сапата!
История мексиканского революционера Эмилиано Сапаты, возглавившего восстание против коррумпированной диктатуры президента Порфирио Диаса в начале 20-го века.