Julie Carmen

Julie Carmen

Рождение : 1954-04-04, Millburn, New Jersey, USA


Julie Carmen (born April 4, 1954, Millburn, New Jersey) is an American actress and a licensed psychotherapist. She came to prominence onscreen in the 1980s, winning the Venice Film Festival Best Supporting Actress Award for her role in John Cassavetes' Gloria. Her acting training was with Sanford Meisner at Neighborhood Playhouse and with Uta Hagen at HB Studios. Carmen was on the Board of Directors of both Women in Film for three years and IFP/West for six years. Description above from the Wikipedia article Julie Carmen, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Julie Carmen


Windows on the World
After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant.
Ты не сможешь отказаться
Всего через несколько дней после подписания документов о разводе Хэнк и Александра дают своим отношениям последний шанс, играя в игру с единственным правилом: независимо от того, что они попросят друг у друга, никто не может сказать "нет".
Ты такой крутой, Брюстер! - История
История создания культовой дилогии "Ночь страха"
Dawn Patrol
Laura Rivera
After the brutal murder of his beloved brother, a small-town surfer seeks revenge against the gang of merciless thugs he holds responsible. However, when another tragedy brings him face to face with the consequences of his actions, he must seek forgiveness from the very people he despises most.
Last Weekend
Maria Castillo
When an affluent matriarch gathers her dysfunctional family for a holiday at their Northern California lake house, her carefully constructed weekend begins to come apart at the seams, leading her to question her own role in the family.
Falling Awake
A young singer-songwriter from the Bronx fall in love, but finds it difficult to escape from the violence in his environment.
Мясник — история Мерли Хенча, человека, который потратил целую жизнь, никогда не планируя ничего заранее. Он двигался по жизни, как мощный двигатель, зарабатывая себе на жизнь заказными убийствами. За резню, которую он устраивал, ему дали прозвище — Мясник… Но сможет ли он забыть, кем он был, и начать новую жизнь?
Незаконное предложение
Студент-латиноамериканец, чья мать сбежала от головорезов, убивших ее мужа, вынужден податься с ней в бега. Спустя годы неопределенности юноша вместе со своей девушкой возвращается на родину в Пуэрто-Рико, чтобы разобраться в темном прошлом…
Working with a Master: John Carpenter
Documentary by Frank H. Woodward.
Angels with Angles
An angel wishes to be reunited with his long lost love but they are on different Angel Levels. To get his wish, he's sent on a mission by God to save a man.
Killer Snake
Four actresses struggling with racism and limited opportunities in Hollywood find themselves up for the same role
Король джунглей
Умственно отсталый главный герой жил размеренной и в целом счастливой жизнью. Жил до тех пор, пока его мать, активистку движения по борьбе за гражданские права, не убили. Случайно обнаружив в доме своего друга пистолет, он, запутавшийся, отчаявшийся, возбужденный, пускается в путь, чтобы найти и наказать убийцу...
The Expendables
A group of female convicts volunteers for a mission to rescue a woman from a Cuban prison.
Dr. Alyson Hart
Marine biologist Jack Ellway and his son Brandon are drawn to the Polynesian island of Malau to study the effects of recent seismic activity on the area's marine life. Along with the local doctor Alyson Hart, they soon become caught up in the investigation of a series of recent drownings with unexpected results. As Jack explores the surrounding ocean for a mysterious marine creature, Brandon discovers and befriends a three-foot-long baby creature that is able to leave the ocean and walk on land. As more dangerous and giant creatures come onto the island, and the military begins to take offensive action, Jack must risk everything to save the creatures, the island and his son. Written by ADAM G. THOMAS
Martín (Zoe Berriatúa) is a teenager living in the San Blas district of Madrid. He is upset with his father Arturo (Imanol Arias) because he blames him for his mother's death. With the help of his girlfriend África (Elena Anaya), who will become his stepsister, he tries to get revenge on him.
The Omen
В пасти безумия
Linda Styles
Произведения Саттера Кэйна побили все рекорды популярности — Стивену Кингу такое не снилось. Эффект, производимый на некоторых почитателей таланта Кэйна, — полная дезориентация и потеря памяти, массовые вспышки насилия, шизофреники, переполнившие клиники. Сам же автор романов ужасов, приносящих бешеный доход издательствам, исчез уже два месяца тому назад. Для его поисков издательство нанимает страхового агента Джона Трента, и поиски приводят его в город, описанный в книге, но отсутствующий на карте…
Seduced by Evil
New Mexican warlock Cerio goads working mother Leigh Lindsey into a sexual affair.
George C. Scott and William Petersen are expatriates living in Curaçao. They're bound together by an understanding that each is hiding from a dangerous past.
Холодные небеса
Anna Corvin
Во время отдыха на курорте Акапулько погибает муж молодой женщины. Труп везут в морг, где он и ожидает вскрытия. Однако в тот день, когда вскрытие должно было произойти, труп исчезает из морга. Вдова вынуждена вернуться домой, пребывая в глубочайшем недоумении. Но затем ее муж возвращается...
Drug Wars: The Cocaine Cartel
Judge Sonia Perez-Vega
This follow-up to "Drug Wars: The Camarena Story" chronicles the fact-based fight by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the Colombian government to bring down billionaire drug lords Don Pablo Escobar Gaviria and José Rodriguez Gacha, leaders of the infamous Medellin Cartel.
Finding the Way Home
Sixty year old Max is having something of a middle-age crisis. His marriage seems to go nowhere as the passion, tenderness and happiness vanished when their daughter moved out. On top of that he owns an antique hardware store which is close to bankruptcy. While driving home Max is involved in a traffic accident which gives him amnesia. Confused, lost and in a disordered state, he wanders into a camp full of Latin American farm workers. There he finds a new meaning of life, happiness and a sense of belonging. However, as his memory slowly returns it's inevitable that he must confront his past.
Kiss Me a Killer
An ex-convict (Robert Beltran) and his lover (Julie Carmen) plot to kill her husband (Guy Boyd), owner of a nightclub in east Los Angeles.
Покрась это черным
Gina Bayworth
Молодой и талантливый скульптор знакомится с владелицей художественной галереи, и вскоре оказывается обвинённым в убийстве.
Manhunt: Search for the Night Stalker
Pearl Carrillo
Based on the true story of Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez who terrorized California in 1985 and the two Los Angeles police detectives who try to track him down.
The Neon Empire
New York mobster Junior Moloff begins plans to transform Las Vegas into a mecca of prostitution and gambling.
Gore Vidal's Billy the Kid
Gore Vidal's historical novel is brought to life in this television production of Turner Network Television's Billy the Kid.
Police Story: Burnout
A veteran vice cop has a hard time dealing with her partner's suicide.
Lovers, Partners & Spies
Retired international police agent, now suburban housewife, is asked by her former partner to help him catch a serial killer.
The Penitent
Tension between a jealous husband, his wife who's attracted to his friend and the friend is rising as their small, deeply catholic, Mexican village is deciding who will be Christ during the possibly dangerous reenactment of the Crucifixion.
Ночь страха 2
Regine Dandrige
Прошло три года. Чарли Брустер уже считает (не без помощи психотерапевта), что вампиры — лишь плод его воображения. Питер Винсент же уверен в обратном. И вот является Реджина — сестра главного вампира, убитого в прошлой серии. Мстит она жестоко: лишает Питера его шоу, а Чарли превращает в упыря…
Война на бобовом поле Милагро
Nancy Mondragon
Фильм основан на романе Джона Николса и рассказывает историю Джо Мондрагона, одинокого «чикано» -мастера на все руки, который организует нелегальный полив своего опаленного засухой бобового поля, используя для этого воду, предназначавшуюся для большого общественно значимого проекта. Эта в общем-то мелкая инициатива провоцирует эффект снежного кома, положив начало настоящей круговерти событий, которые будут иметь самые невероятные последствия как для самого Джона, так и для жителей его городка.
Blue City
Debbie Torres
Returning to the small Florida town where he grew up, Billy Turner learns that his father has been killed. With little help from the police, Billy will take matters into his own hands and go up against a ruthless local mob boss in a desperate search to find the killer.
Last Plane Out
Maria Cardena
An American journalist covering the civil war in Nicaragua falls in love with a beautiful Sandinista rebel.
The Man on the Wall
An East German man finds a way to cross the border between East and West Berlin. But when he succeeds in bringing his wife out as well, things are not quite as expected.
A once-famous blues singer whose career has taken a downturn tries to get back on top.
Fire on the Mountain
Cruza Peralta
A young real estate developer returns to his hometown to make a land killing but soon takes up the cause of a crusty old-timer in his struggles with the government which wants his ranch for an Army missile base.
She's in the Army Now
Pvt. Yvette Rios
Akin to Private Benjamin, this comedy deals with the tough life of female army recruits going through basic training. Through their training they come to realize that there is more to being tough than having muscles.
300 Miles for Stephanie
Rosa Sanchez
A San Antonio cop, as an act of faith, vows to run more than 300 miles in five days, hoping his critically ill five-year-old daughter will survive to greet him at the finish.
Jeri Dawn
Бывшая подружка гангстера Глория Свенсон находится в трудном положении: в ее квартире прячется шестилетний соседский мальчишка-пуэрториканец Фил Дон, ставший свидетелем расправы мафии над своими родителями. В руках ребенка серьезный компромат на бандитов. Что же делать — отдать парня на растерзание мафии или бежать вместе с ним в неизвестность? Глория выбирает путь борьбы.
Night of the Juggler
An ex New York cop is desperate to find his kidnapped daughter.
Can You Hear the Laughter? The Freddie Prinze Story
The true and tragic story of a very young and very talented comedian from the 70's whose sudden rise to fame had some of its benefits -- and some of its burdens.