Matti Liimatainen


Pahis #3
Elli (Heidi Lindén) is a biology student who likes to party and sleep around. Her part-time cleaning job doesn't even cover her rent, but a chance encounter with a wealthy man leads her to discover that she can earn far more from one-night stands. Money trumps conscience, and soon Elli finds herself drawn ever-deeper into a world of soliciting and prostitution. Iiris (Kristiina Puukko) owes money to loan sharks, and is forced to lead a gang of violent debt collectors going after defaulters so that her own debts can be forgiven. She asserts her authority by being both one of the lads and tougher than any of them, but when she falls for gang member Andrei (Juha-Tapio Arola) she is forced to reveal her softer side. Meanwhile, Andrei meets Elli at a Helsinki nightspot and they decide to a start a new life together. Iiris has also been making plans for a new beginning, but other people's debts are harder to pay off than your own.
Gloriously Wasted
Sammunut aviomies
Juha Berg is a 30-year-old hopeless drunk in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki. Juha doesn't have the first intention of changing his way of life - just the opposite. He really enjoys sundry sexual relationships, adrenalin-inducing violence and, of course, alcohol for which he gets money even if by collecting bottles. But the hilarity in a drunken haze soon gets a run for its money as the passionate Juha falls in love with his AA group leader. The relationship with Tiina progresses quickly to dating and Juha has to make pivotal decisions. Juha has to begin balancing between maintaining a functional intimate relationship and his old lifestyle. Juha's best friend Kristian does his best to sabotage the relationship, and Juha's shaky decision to stay sober is further hindered by Mikael, an expert on German erotica. But how far can you go before there is only one solution left?