Ted D. McCord

Рождение : 1900-08-02, Sullivan County, Indiana, USA

Смерть : 1976-01-19


Прекрасное безумие
Director of Photography
Доведенный до нервного срыва, поэт Самсон Шиллито никак не может закончить свою поэму. Ему мешают постоянные неурядицы в личной жизни и многочисленные истории с женщинами, метания, непонимание окружающих, преследования обиженных мужей, кредиторов и судебных приставов, требующих с него алименты… в общем, за что бы он ни взялся, где бы ни появился, там наступает хаос и разрушение. На свое произведение, свой шедевр, поэт возлагает большие надежды. Но поэма не пишется, да и как же обрести вдохновение, когда в голове и в жизни царит полный бардак?
Звуки музыки
Director of Photography
Действие фильма происходит накануне Второй мировой войны в Австрии. Молодая девушка по имени Мария, оставшись сиротой, находит приют в женском монастыре и готовится стать монахиней. Однако, в силу своего жизнелюбия ей это удается с трудом, и настоятельница монастыря понимает, что такой путь — не для ее юной послушницы. В связи с этим, ей предлагается место гувернантки в семью, состоящую из армейского офицера, патриота своего отечества, у которого недавно умерла жена, и его семерых детей. Попав в дом, Мария узнает, что она уже не первая гувернантка в этой семье, глава семейства замкнут, сух и сварлив, а дети несчастны и пугливы и никого к себе не подпускают, горюя о матери и страдая от холодности отца. Однако, Марии удается найти общий язык с детьми, и она понимает, что полюбила этого офицера, да и он к ней, похоже, неравнодушен. Вместе с тем, после очередной поездки в Вену, он привозит в замок другую женщину, представив ее как свою невесту.
Двое на качелях
Director of Photography
Джерри — адвокат из Небраски, приехавший по делам в Нью-Йорк и совершенно не похожий на среднего жителя Большого Яблока. Гиттель — типичная представительница нью-йоркской богемы, занимающаяся танцами. На одной из вечеринок Джерри встречает ее, узнаёт номер телефона и звонит Гиттель с предложением встретиться. В Небраске у Джерри осталась жена, с которой он ведет процесс развода, а у Гиттель нет денег и она больна какой-то желудочной болезнью. Эти столь разные люди остаются жить и решать свои проблемы вместе, но неизвестно, есть ли у их отношений будущее.
Director of Photography
An ambitious Italian attorney has his flight delayed in Los Angeles. The vapid lawyer goes to some parties with some Italians living there and has a brief affair with a beautiful Italian expatriate.
Hero's Island
Director of Photography
A family shipwrecked on an island must deal with escaped convicts and pirates.
Военная охота
Director of Photography
Группа новобранцев направляется к линии фронта в период окончания Корейской войны. В центре сюжета взаимодействия двух солдат — идеалиста и сумасшедшего, который в одиночку отправляется по ночам за линию фронта вырезать врагов, а также сироты.
Приключения Гекльберри Финна
Director of Photography
Яркий и живой рассказ о приключениях героев романа Марка Твена. В центре сюжета Гек Финн и беглый раб Джим. Они спускаются вниз по Миссисипи на плоту и против своей воли становятся сооучастниками двух аферистов.
Частная собственность
Director of Photography
A hoodlum (Corey Allen) plots to seduce a lonely housewife (Kate Manx) and turn her over to his virginal friend (Warren Oates).
Дерево для повешенных
Director of Photography
Гэри Купер - отважный доктор в лагере золотодобытчиков, который посвящает своё время лечению слепой девушки. К несчастью у доктора есть дурное прошлое...
Гордый бунтарь
Director of Photography
После окончания Гражданской войны бродяга-южанин Джон Чандлер ищет на севере врача, который помог бы излечить его немого сына Дэвида. Но помогает ему не доктор, а любовь к женщине-фермеру Линнетт Мур, которая взяла его на поруки после драки.
История Хелен Морган
Director of Photography
20-е годы прошлого столетия. Одаренная провинциальная певица Хелен Морган приезжает в Чикаго и попадает в руки к авантюристу Ларри Мэддоксу, который становится ее менеджером и начинает наживаться на ее таланте. Американская мечта в действии: Хелен становится звездой, за ней ухаживает преуспевающий адвокат, поклонникам ее творчества нет числа. Но у любой медали есть и оборотная сторона.
The Girl He Left Behind
Director of Photography
A young man is drafted and goes through the rigors of basic training, ultimately discovering the experience is also character-building. Director David Butler's 1956 film stars '50s teen favorites Tab Hunter and Natalie Wood, with supporting roles played by Jim Backus, Jessie Royce Landis, Murray Hamilton, Henry Jones, James Garner, Alan King, Ernestine Wade, David Janssen and Raymond Bailey.
Горящие холмы
Director of Photography
После убийства своего брата головорезами Трейс Джордан разыскивает того, кто их нанял. Заказчиком оказывается Джо Саттон, крупный землевладелец, установивший на земле свои порядки, избавившись от шерифа. Отыскав обидчика, Трейс случайно убивает мужчину, чем обрекает себя на месть его сына. Джордану помогает Мария Колтон, чья трагическая судьба также связана с семьей Саттонов, они убили её отца. Вместе они пытаются добраться до ближайшего гарнизона — единственной силы, способной остановить бандитов.
I Died a Thousand Times
Director of Photography
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
К востоку от рая
Director of Photography
Эта картина по праву считается классикой Голливуда и главным фильмом Джеймса Дина — блестящего актера, бунтаря и знаменитости своего времени. Его, еще до окончания съемок, уже прозвали вторым Брандо. «К востоку от рая» — экранизация знаменитого романа Стейнбека, романа о семейной драме юноши, который ревнует и страдает, видя как его отец отдает незаслуженное предпочтение другому своему сыну — любимцу. И чем сильнее его отчаяние, чем оно безнадежней, — тем сильнее желание обрести забытую родительскую любовь.
Это молодое сердце
Director of Photography
Лори одна из трех дочерей музыканта Грегори Туттла они умны, красивы, воспитаны и давно хотят замуж. Лори и Эми договариваются о совместной свадьбе. Найдя подходящих женихов, они начинают приготовления к свадьбам. В это время Алекс — жених Лори, для своего нового проекта приглашает Барни Слоана — музыканта и аранжировщика, чтобы написать музыку. Барни поселяется в доме Грегори Туттла и постепенно знакомится со всей семьей. Он пессимист и считает себя неудачником, особенно он откровенен с Лори, они много говорят на разные темы. Приходит день свадьбы и неожиданно Лори понимает, что Алекс с которым она помолвлена, не ее мужчина, только меланхоличный Барни мил ее сердцу — именно он должен стать ее мужем и отцом будущих детей…
Three Lives
Director of Photography
A short film made for the United Jewish Appeal, reuniting the main players behind The Sniper, writers Edna and Edward Anhalt, director Edward Dmytryk, and star Arthur Franz.
Operation Secret
Director of Photography
After assisting the French Underground during WWII, an American Officer is later accused of murder and subversive activities by former colleagues. Based on the actual exploits of Lieutenant Colonel Peter Ortiz.
Cattle Town
Director of Photography
The governor of Texas sends a cowboy to keep the peace between ranchers and a land baron.
This Woman Is Dangerous
Director of Photography
A crime gang leader is losing her sight, so while her lover goes into hiding, she checks in to the hospital for extensive surgery to recover her eyesight. There she is treated by a handsome young doctor. As expected not only does the doctor successfully open her eyes, he also opens her heart for him.
Director of Photography
To impress a movie star, a U.S. Air Force crewman pretends he is soon to see combat. When his lie gets out, chaos ensues.
I'll See You in My Dreams
Director of Photography
Songwriter Gus Kahn fights to make his name, then has to fight again to survive the Depression.
Force of Arms
Director of Photography
During the winter of 1943, the German army halted the American advance in the mountains of Italy; back-and-forth combat decimates Joe Peterson's platoon. On leave in Naples, Joe meets WAC lieutenant Eleanor MacKay; initially cool, she begins to melt during a bombing raid. Their romance develops despite Joe's periodic returns to the front. But whether he'll come back in the end becomes more than doubtful...
Goodbye, My Fancy
Director of Photography
Agatha has fond memories of her romance with college president Dr. James Merrill, when she was a student and he was her professor, and wants to see if there is still a spark between them.
Rocky Mountain
Director of Photography
A Confederate troop, led by Captain Lafe Barstow, is prowling the far ranges of California and Nevada in a last desperate attempt to build up an army in the West for the faltering Confederacy. Because the patrol saves a stagecoach, with Johanna Carterr as one of the passengers, from an Indian attack, and is marooned on a rocky mountain, it fails in its mission but the honor of the Old South is upheld.
The Breaking Point
Director of Photography
A fisherman with money problems hires out his boat to transport criminals.
The Damned Don't Cry
Director of Photography
Fed up with her small-town marriage, a woman goes after the big time and gets mixed up with the mob.
Director of Photography
После смерти родителей 9-летний Рик Мартин переезжает жить к сестре, но той нет дела до брата. Нет у него и друзей, поэтому в поисках спасения от одиночества он обращается к музыке. Рик становится учеником чернокожего трубача-виртуоза Арта Хаззарда и вырастает в настоящего мастера своего дела. Его взрослая жизнь в качестве участника оркестра сводит его с пианистом Дымком Уиллоуби и певицей Джо Джордан, которые становятся ему хорошими друзьями. Однако Рик по-прежнему замкнут и по-настоящему может доверять лишь своей трубе. К тому же его желание играть по-своему и импровизировать приводят к столкновению с руководителем оркестра.
Flamingo Road
Director of Photography
A stranded carnival dancer takes on a corrupt political boss when she marries into small-town society.
Невеста июня
Director of Photography
A magazine's staff, including bickering ex-lovers Linda and Carey, cover an Indiana wedding, which goes slightly wrong...
Smart Girls Don't Talk
Director of Photography
A society woman gets involved with a gangster only to find he has hidden plans.
Джонни Белинда
Director of Photography
Островок у северного побережья новой Шотландии - это всего лишь клочок земли, торчащий из вод Атлантики, куда попасть можно только морем, и только с опытным лоцманом, способным провести судно через мели, особенно в летний шторм. Посёлок там совсем небольшой: есть маяк и церковь, которой гордятся все жители, построенной на их сбережения. Их фермы не приносят большого дохода, но в рыбный сезон всё приходит в движение, а гавань заполняется лодками и оживает. Именно сюда «на край земли» прибывает молодой доктор Роберт Ричардсон. Он добр и готов помогать всем, даже тем, у кого нет денег. Однажды он волею судьбы, оказывается на ферме господина Блэка МакДональда, где знакомится с глухонемой с детства дочерью фермера - Белиндой, девушкой милой, но не знающей языка глухих.
Сокровища Сьерра Мадре
Director of Photography
В небольшом мексиканском городке Тампико знакомятся два бедняка Доббс и Кертин. От местного старика они узнают о золотой жиле в окрестностях Сьерра Мадре. Вложив все свои деньги в дело, трое друзей отправляются в опасное путешествие. Дойти туда стоит огромных трудов, но сохранить трезвый разум при виде желтого металла и вернуться живым еще сложнее.
Deep Valley
Director of Photography
A shy California farm girl falls head-over-heels in love with Barry Burnett, a fugitive from a chain gang building a road through the wilderness.
So You're Going on a Vacation
Director of Photography
Joe takes his wife on a much-needed vacation, and almost survives.
Stan Kenton and His Orchestra
Director of Photography
A brief history of Stan Kenton's musical career from taxi-dance gigs to his successful big band orchestra.
Война в Северной Атлантике
Director of Photography
Американский танкер потоплен торпедой от немецкой подлодки. Выжившие члены экипажа, проведя несколько дней в открытом море, спасены и возвращаются на берег в ожидании нового назначения. Капитан Стив Джарвис отправляется домой к жене; его помощник Джо Росси знакомится с певицей в баре и женится на ней. Оба попадают на борт корабля «Морская ведьма», следующий в Мурманск в составе конвоя союзников…..
The Rear Gunner
Director of Photography
Documentary-style drama on training of aerial rear gunners in World War II. Private PeeWee Williams, a Kansas farm boy, transforms his home-grown shooting skills into those necessary to an aerial gunner in the tail turret of an American bomber.
The United States Navy Band
Director of Photography
The United States Navy Band, conducted by Lieutenant Charles Brendler, performs naval and patriotic numbers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
The United States Service Bands
Director of Photography
This patriotic wartime short showcases the service bands of the U.S. Army, Army Air Force, Marines, and Navy.
I Was Framed
Director of Photography
A reporter runs from charges by a corrupt politician only to face them years later.
Bullet Scars
Director of Photography
Dr. Steven Bishop is taken to the hideout of Frank Dillon and his gang to treat the wounded Joe Madison. Joe's nurse sister Nora Madison is also taken. Dillon tells Bishop that if Joe dies, he will be killed, but Bishop knows he will be either way. Joe dies, but Nora and Steve conceal it from Dillon and send a plea for help in a prescription that Bishop writes in Latin.
At the Stroke of Twelve
Director of Photography
This entry in Warner's "Broadway Brevity" series of shorts is based on Damon Runyon's short story, "The Old Doll's House". Racketeer Lance McGowan, on the night he has decided to go straight, finds himself caught between the gunfire of two rival gangsters and, wounded by a bullet, he finds refuge in the home of a wealthy recluse. One of the gangsters is found riddled with bullets from the gun Lance dropped while making his escape, and he is arrested and tried for murder. The reclusive widow comes to the trail and testifies that Lance was her guest that night when the clock struck twelve, the time of the killing. Lance, while innocent, is also lucky, as the widow had her all her clocks set to always strike twelve, as the time her husband had died.
Nine Lives Are Not Enough
Director of Photography
A reporter is constantly in trouble for jumping to conclusions.
Highway West
Director of Photography
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
Singapore Woman
Director of Photography
A fallen woman seeks redemption at a Singapore rubber plantation. Melodrama.
The Case of the Black Parrot
Director of Photography
Sandy Vantine and her uncle, Paul Vantine, return from Europe with an antique cabinet purchased during their trip. Jim Moore, a reporter who had met Sandy and fallen for her during the voyage, suspects something odd about the cabinet. His suspicions are confirmed when people who have touched the cabinet mysteriously die. Jim and Sandy set out to solve the mystery before anyone else can become a victim.
Skinnay Ennis and His Orchestra
Director of Photography
Skinnay Ennis leads his orchestra as they play "Three Little Words," "Let's Do It," and "Birth of the Blues". He also sings his composition "A Boy, A Girl and the Lamplight."
She Couldn't Say No
Director of Photography
Two big city lawyers are handed an important case but then find it requires them to deal with the oddball and very shrewd characters in a small town.
Father Is A Prince
Director of Photography
Director Noel Smith's comic 1940 morality tale, about a carpet sweeper manufacturer who sacrifices his family's happiness for his business, stars Grant Mitchell, Nana Bryant, Jan Clayton, George Reeves, Lee Patrick, John Litel, Billy Dawson, Richard Clayton, Frank Ferguson, Vera Lewis, Pierre Watkin, Frank Wilcox, John Ridgely and Frank Orth.
Ladies Must Live
Director of Photography
A small town farmer, who happens to be very wealthy, meets and falls for an actress, but his friends warn him she's only interested in his money.
Murder in the Air
Director of Photography
Enemy agents are everywhere and they are sabotaging all important war deliveries. The body of a hobo found in a train wreck had a money belt with $50,000 and a tattoo of a circle and arrow. This is a tattoo for saboteurs for hire and Brass must impersonate the dead man to find out what his orders are. As Steve Coe, he meets with the band of enemy agents in California and everything goes well until the wife of the dead 'Hobo' shows up. Luckily, Gabby is able to save Brass and Brass learns what is his assignment. He is to board the USN airship 'Mason', which is testing the super secret Inertia Projector, and destroy the airship.
Alice in Movieland
Director of Photography
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Private Detective
Director of Photography
A female private eye joins forces with a police detective to investigate the suspicious murder of a millionaire.
Code of the Secret Service
Director of Photography
Secret Service agents try to solve the theft of treasury banknote plates.
Secret Service of the Air
Director of Photography
Brass Bancroft and his sidekick Gabby Watters are recruited onto the secret service and go undercover to crack a ruthless gang that smuggles illegal aliens.
Sergeant Murphy
Director of Photography
An Army private proves his horse is fit for service and wins his colonel's daughter.
Prairie Thunder
Director of Photography
To increase profits for his shipping company, Lynch has goaded the Indians to attack both the telegraph line and the new railroad. When Lynch sells rifles to the Indians, Rod Farrell captures Lynch and his gang. But Lynch's Indian friends free him and this time Farrell finds himself the prisoner.
Empty Holsters
Director of Photography
Ace owns just about everything around except for the Bank, which is owned by John Ware. Ace also has his eye on Judy, but Judy only has eyes for Clay. Since Ace is a crook, he holds up the stage and has his cronies swear that Clay was the bandit which gets Clay 10 years in jail. After he gets out in 5 for good behavior, Clay sets out to find who framed him and stole the stage strongbox. Since the sheriff does not like Clay, he takes his guns away as part of his probation and it makes Clay a target for the Ace gang.
Blazing Sixes
Director of Photography
Government agent Red Barton is sent to a small western town to find both the source of a recent series of gold robberies and the method they use to get the gold out of the county unseen. Complicating matters is the arrival of pretty Barbara Morgan who has come to claim her inheritance - the ranch the outlaw gang is using for their headquarters.
Land Beyond the Law
A wild cowboy changes course and becomes a sheriff after his father is murdered.
Fugitive in the Sky
Director of Photography
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
California Mail
Director of Photography
The Pony Express is finished as the Post Office plans to award the mail contract to a stage line. Bill and his father put in a bid for the mail, however there are three bids close together. The officials will run a race to pick the winner, and the Banton Brothers sabotage Bill's stage. Mary still believes in Bill until they try to get rid of him by holding up the regular stage with his well-known horse. Bill needs proof to clear himself and expose the bad guys.
Trailin' West
Director of Photography
A singing secret agent tracks down renegades at President Lincoln's request.
Feud of the West
Director of Photography
A rodeo rider works himself into two different 'gangs' in order to end a range war over.
The Rainmakers
Director of Photography
Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
Honor of the Range
Director of Photography
After Sheriff Ken puts money in the safe, his brother Clem gives Rawhide the combination. With the money gone the disgruntled townsmen make Boots Sheriff and lock up Ken. Clem, now a prisoner of Rawhide, has a change of heart and sends Ken a message with the outlaw's location. Ken escapes by impersonating the saloon entertainer and rides for the hangout.
Wheels of Destiny
Director of Photography
Bill, who is about to lead a wagon train to California, has a map to a valuable gold field and Rocky is after the map. When Rocky and his men attack, Ken Manning breaks it up and later identifies Rocky and his men as the attackers. Expelled from the wagon train, they stampede a buffalo herd puting the Indians on the warpath. After the Indians attack the wagon train, Rocky thinks he can get the map.
Gun Justice
Director of Photography
Wanting the Lance ranch, Burkett kills Lance and brings in an imposter to pose as the heir Ken Lance. Ken learns of the plan, captures the imposter, and arrives posing as himself. In an ensuing gunfight a man is killed and Ken is in trouble when not only is he accused of the murder, but the imposter escapes and convinces the Sheriff he's the real Ken Lance.
Fargo Express
Director of Photography
When Mort loses his and Ken's money at poker, Goss gets him to rob the stage. He is captured, identified by his palomino horse. Ken tries to clear him by robbing a stage while riding a palomino, but he also gets caught.
Strawberry Roan
Director of Photography
Ken Maynard stars as a roving cowboy who tells the tale of taming the stallion that inspired the titular poem.
The Trail Drive
Director of Photography
Honest John is pulling off a swindle by buying cattle in Texas with worthless scrip and selling them in New Mexico for cash. Ken is leading the cattle drive not knowing that when they cross the state line Honest John's plan will have succeeded.
The Fiddlin' Buckaroo
Director of Photography
Government man Fiddlin' has joined Wolf's gang and Banty has become his friend. When Fiddlin' objects to Wolf's kidnapping of Ann, he is left in a burning building. Rescued by his horse Tarzan, he convinces Banty to help bring in the gang.
The Man from Monterey
Director of Photography
A cavalry officer helps save a family's ranch from land grabbers
King of the Arena
Director of Photography
Mysterious deaths have been occurring in the same towns as Miller's Circus and the Governor has sent Ken Kenton to investigate. Ken joins the show but when he realizes that Bargoff is involved, Bargoff has fled and taken Mary Hiller as a hostage. The trail leads to Baron Petroff who concocted the deadly chemical and Ken quickly finds himself the Baron's prisoner.
Tombstone Canyon
Director of Photography
A range lawman (Ken Maynard) unmasks a black-cloaked phantom killer (Sheldon Lewis).
Between Fighting Men
Director of Photography
Ken not only has to fight with his brother Wally over the girls, he has to try and stop the conflict between the cattlemen and the sheepmen. It gets worse when Butch kills Judy's father.
False Faces
Director of Photography
The philandering Dr. Silas Brenton is fired from his position at a large hospital and given 24 hours to vacate the state. He sets himself up in Chicago as a "prestigious" plastic surgeon to the stars. However, Brenton's silver tongue can't cover up his dubious methods, and an investigation into his practice is launched by the examining board of plastic surgeons. A delirious film à clef based on the loathsome career of Henry J. Schireson, the self-styled “King of Quacks”.
The Big Stampede
Deputy Sheriff John Steele recruits bandit Sonora Joe to help him find out who's been bumping off all the local lawmen and rustling the cattle.
Come On, Tarzan
Director of Photography
Ken Maynard's exceptionally intelligent horse, Tarzan the Wonder Horse, is the star of this western about evil cowboy Steve Frazer (Welch) who gathers horses for slaughter, whose meat is sold to pet food manufacturers. The wild horse Tarzan frees the doomed horses from their corrals, and Frazer convinces the Sheriff that Tarzan is a threat and can be shot on sight. Local cowboy Ken Benson (Maynard) and rancher Pat Riley (Kennedy) work together to clear Tarzan's good name and put Frazier behind bars for his evil deeds.
Ride Him, Cowboy
Director of Photography
John Drury saves Duke, a wild horse accused of murder, and trains him. When he discovers that the real murderer, a bad guy known as The Hawk, is the town's leading citizen, Drury arrested on a fraudulent charge.
Beyond the Rockies
Director of Photography
A noted gunman takes a job on a cattle ranch to stop a band of rustlers.
Dynamite Ranch
Director of Photography
Howell breaks up a train robbery only to find that it's a fake. However the money is missing and he is blamed. He escapes and sets out to find the real thieves. He must also avoid being caught visiting the Collins ranch to see Doris.
Hell-Fire Austin
Director of Photography
Heading west, Ken and Bouncer end up at the Brooks ranch where Ken is to ride Tarzan in the big race. But both the Sheriff and Edmonds are after him and he must hide both himself and the horse until race time.
Freighters of Destiny
Director of Photography
A young man seeks vengeance on the outlaws who killed his father.
Sundown Trail
Director of Photography
Dorothy, and her big city lawyer boyfriend, return to the Lazy 'B' ranch to read her late father's will. For Dorothy to inherit everything, she must stay on the ranch for 5 years. If she does not, everything goes to Buck, who is the manager. She does not like Buck, so she makes a deal with the wrong people for cattle and then the outlaws go to the ranch to get the $10,000 from her. But Buck is on the job.
Desert Vengeance
Brother and sister Hugh and Anne Dixon pull their fake suicide scam on Jim Cardew. Hugh leaves a note for Jim to take care of Anne. After Jim proposes and leaves money to Anne, he learns of their scheme. Not revealing his knowledge he gets them to return with him to his desert hideout where he and his outlaw gang reside and from which the Dixon's only escape is 30 miles of desert on foot.
Fighting Thru
Director of Photography
Dan and Tennessee are successful gold miners. Ace Brady learns of their success and sends Fox to rob them. During the robbery Fox shoots Tennessee and Ace arrives to arrest Dan for the murder. Dan escapes but is now a wanted man.
The Dawn Trail
Director of Photography
Dissension arises between cattlemen in Osage County, Texas, and sheepherders who have settled there and use the same watering stream. Mart Dalton, son of a wealthy cattleman, quarrels with and kills one of the settlers, thus placing sheriff Larry Williams in a delicate position; for he is Mart's best friend and is engaged to Mart's sister June. However, sworn to do his duty, he arrests Mart, incensing the cattlemen, who help Mart escape, leaving Larry wounded.
Shadow Ranch
Director of Photography
Summoned to Shadow Ranch by his friend Ranny Williams, Sim Baldwin arrives to find Ranny has been ambushed and murdered. Sim learns ranch owner Ruth Cameron is under pressure to sell out to Dan Blake, as the dam on the ranch controls the town's water supply. Vowing to avenge his old friend's death, Sim takes up Ruth's fight and incurs Blake's hostility.
Sons of the Saddle
Director of Photography
Jim Brandon, foreman of the Wind River Ranch, owned by Martin Stavnow, is in love with Ronnie, the rancher's daughter, though he is unaware that Harvey, a youthful cowhand, also loves her. Thus, Jim asks the boy, whom he protects like a brother, to speak for him. When he is spurned by Ronnie, Harvey decides to join Red Slade's gang, who are plotting a raid on the Wind River herd. As Jim forcibly attempts to separate him from the gang, Harvey is killed; and through the aid of his horse, Tarzan, Jim foils Slade's attempt to stampede the herd. Slade takes refuge in a wagon where Ronnie is hiding; Jim rescues Ronnie from the wagon just before the runaway team plunges over a cliff with Slade riding to his doom.
Song of the Caballero
Director of Photography
After El Lobo robs Don Jose he gives one of the stolen items to Conchita. Later when he saves Anita in a runaway coach, Don Pedro invites him to the wedding of Anita and his son Don Jose. But Conchita is at the wedding and recognizes him putting his life in danger.
Mountain Justice
Director of Photography
In the Kentucky mountains, Ken McTavish comes to Kettle Creek looking for the killer of his father. When he learns that it was Abner Harland, he fakes the killing of his friend Rusty, puts Abner in a coffin, and takes off. Lem Harland, seeing Rusty alive, realizes what happened and the chase is on.
The Fighting Legion
Director of Photography
After being shot, a dying Marshal Dawson gives Dave Hayes his badge and asks him to finish his job. Dave becomes Marshal but when Bowie, the man that shot Dawson appears, he exposes Dave as an imposter. Dave is then in trouble when Edwards incites the mob to lynch him.
Lucky Larkin
Director of Photography
Colonel Lee, a homesteader, is the object of terrorists who want to drive him off the range so that his horses cannot be entered in the county races, and he refuses an offer of Martin Brierson to buy him out. Pete, Brierson's brother, in hiding because of his criminal record, burns the colonel's barn and injures his horses. Convinced of Brierson's responsibility for the terror tactics, "Lucky" Larkin plans to ride Tarzan, the colonel's pet colt. Brierson does his best to disqualify the horse, but Larkin tricks him and wins the race. Larkin captures Pete and forces him to confess. The Brierson brothers are brought to justice, and Larkin wins Emmy Lou, a homesteader's daughter.
Parade of the West
Director of Photography
Bud Rand, a cowboy who is charged with the care of Little Billy Rand, accepts an offer to appear with Copeland's Wild West Show to ride a horse called "Mankiller." Dude, Copeland's righthand man, resents Bud's attentions to Mary, one of the performers, and when they fight it out, Bud is the victor. In revenge Dude loosens the cinch on the horse.....
Señor Americano
Director of Photography
A U.S. soldier goes after bandits in California, although it is still owned by Mexico.
The Wagon Master
Director of Photography
Bill Hollister (Jack Hanlon) organizes a wagon train to break the unfair monopoly held by Jake Lynch (Tom Santschi) on food prices in the mining camps. The Rambler (Ken Maynard) joins the train when it leaves for Gold Hill, and takes command when Hollister is killed from ambush. Jacques Frazelle (Al Ferguson) schemes to get rid of The Rambler and win Sue Smith (Edith Roberts). He plots with Lynch to disrupt the train, but The Rambler beats him in a whip-fight...
The Royal Rider
Director of Photography
Dick Scott takes his Wild West show to the Balkan kingdom of Alvania where the boy king of the country commands the troupe to give a performance. The king is greatly impressed with the American cowboys and makes them his palace guard. The prime minister starts a revolution, and Dick and the Americans put it down. The boy king sanctions a romance between Scott and Ruth Elliott, the royal governess.
The Code of the Scarlet
Director of Photography
Assigned to catch a gang of outlaws, officers Bruce Kenton (Maynard) and Paddy Halloran (Edwin Brady) rescue Helen Morgan (Gladys McConnell) when her wagon is attacked by the very same gang. Through a ruse, Kenton manages to infiltrate the gang, which is holed up in the lawless community of Caribou Flats. While in the employ of villainous trading post operator Jack Blake (J.P. McGowan), Kenton discovers that Blake is not only the leader of the gang but also the man who murdered Helen's brother (Robert Walker).
The Upland Rider
Director of Photography
The honest John Graham and the crooked Ross Cheswick battle for supremacy. Despite Cheswick's unscrupulous methods, Dan and his handsome bronco Tarzan win the Big Race for Graham. Dan's prize: Graham's lovely daughter Sally.
The Canyon of Adventure
Director of Photography
Steven Bancroft, a young officer in the U. S. Calvary, is given the assignment of ensuring that dirty-work by agents of Spain, Mexico or Russian aren't going to keep statehood-for-California from becoming a reality. Bancroft uses his guns to settle any debates regarding international laws.
The Valley of the Giants
Director of Photography
Bryce Cardigan struggles to protect his Redwood inheritance from a railroad-owner, who is also the guardian of the woman Bryce loves.
Director of Photography
Irene, a feisty Irish girl in Philadelphia, clashes with her family and walks out, heading to New York City to seek fame and fortune. She gets a job as a dressmaker's model and becomes involved with Donald, the scion of a wealthy family. Donald's mother doesn't approve of Irene and sets out to discredit her in Donald's eyes.
We Moderns
Director of Photography
A 1925 film directed by John Francis Dillon.
So Big
Director of Photography
After graduating from a fashionable finishing school and touring Europe with her father, Selina Peake returns to the United States, where her father is accidentally killed after losing his fortune in a gambling den. Selina is reduced to teaching in a high school in the Dutch community at High Prarie near Chicago. She boards in the farmhouse of Klass Poole, a dull-witted market gardener, and finally marries Pervus DeJong, a poor and backward farmer. She shares the drudgery of her husband's futile life and finds happiness only in their small son, Dirk, whom she calls "So-Big."