Michel Vitold

Michel Vitold

Рождение : 1914-09-15, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Смерть : 1994-06-14


Michel Vitold
Michel Vitold


Les chevaliers de la table ronde
The Quest of the Grail from the birth of Merlin, to the foundation of the Round Table, the coronation of Arthur, the love affairs of Lancelot and Guinevere, the Bridge of the Sword, the revenge of Morgana until the return of Gilead to the castle of the Fisher King.
Les matins chagrins
Dan, a journalist, lives alone with his daughter since his wife left him for a friend. When he accepts an appointment with him, he finds him dead. Dan decides to investigate the circumstances of the death.
Le Billard écarlate
le médecin
Eaux Troubles
The Basileus Quartet
The lives of the surviving members of the Basileus Quartet, a chamber group that has been playing successfully around the world for more than 30 years, are turned upside down after the death of the leader, Oscar Guarneri. The three aging musicians decide to split up to pursue those pleasures they've denied themselves too long.
Ночь в Варенне
De Florange
20 июня 1791 король и королева Франции (Луи XVI и Мария Антуанетт)а пытались бежать из охваченного революцией Парижа, чтобы присоединиться к монархистским союзникам вне Франции, но были арестованы. Этот случай породил пламенную ненависть к монархии. Фильм связан с этим реальным историческим фактом и воображает группу путешественников в дилижансе на той же самой дороге, включая американского патриота Томаса Пэйна, известного соблазнителя Казанову, французского романиста Ретифа де Ла Бретона и одну из фрейлин королевы.
Sept hommes en enfer
As the outbreak of the Third World War commences, government members of France start hiding in a bunker.
Le loup blanc
Marquis de Tremi
In the 18th century, the peasants of the forest of Rennes were oppressed by the Regent in the name of taxation. Their lord, the Marquis de Trémi, goes to Paris to denounce these abuses.
Monsieur seul
No overview found.
France société anonyme
Le fourgueur
In the year 2222, a former drug dealer is kept in a state of hibernation. Reanimated, he tells his story. Leader in the narcotics market, his situation was prosperous until, during a political change, the government legalized its use.
Взбесившийся барашек
Georges / Roberte's husband
Скромный и тихий банковский служащий Николя живёт спокойно, пока его друг, потерявший популярность писатель, не решает изменить его жизнь. Для этого он составляет для Николя сценарий поведения и планирует выполнение разнообразных заданий. Николя без проблем справляется с ними до тех пор, пока ему не встречается Роберта — женщина, которую он должен соблазнить, а затем, согласно плану, безжалостно бросить…
Le sagouin
In the 1930s, in a village in Gironde, Guillou, a young boy in need of affection, nicknamed the Sagouin, unhappy and in need of affection, leads a life of anguish and sadness in a sinister castle. He exasperates his mother who sees in him only the hated reflection of a husband she only married to become a baroness. Thanks to the kindness of the village teacher, Guillou glimpses for a moment the existence of another world, of gentleness and tenderness.
Антон Людвик — заместитель министра иностранных дел Чехословакии. Он догадывается, что за ним следят. Однажды его арестовывают и помещают в тюрьму в одиночную камеру без объяснения причин.
Bonnot's Gang
Victor Kilbatchiche
The story of a notorious French criminal gang of the 1910s.
Pedro Y Gomez y Carvajal de Valedira
Base on Paul Féval's "Le Bossu" ("The Hunchback")
Song of the World
Thomas the Impostor
le docteur Vernes
In the First World War, when Paris is expected to fall to the Germans, the attractive widow, Princesse de Bormes, organises a convoy of cars to evacuate the wounded from the front, and bring them back to her villa in Paris to recuperate. The authorities will not give them passes until an innocent 16-year-old boy, Guillaume Thomas de Fontenoy, joins them and is mistaken as the nephew of the popular General de Fontenoy. The Princess is enraptured by Thomas and her daughter, Henriette, falls in love with him. However Thomas feels impelled to see more of the action of the war.
Зал ожидания
Pierre Simonnet
Жорж, молодой художник, на вокзале, ожидая поезда, знакомится с симпатичной женщиной. Хотя Иоланда замужем, между ней и Жоржем тут же пробегает искра взаимной страсти. Вскоре Иоланда понимает, что ее брак оказался под угрозой...
Le Roi
Le Troisième Concerto
Delphine Seyrig is Catherine Miller, an internationally renowned pianist. Married and mother of a little boy, she leads a hectic life. Following a recital, she accepts a dinner with the music critic Gilles Bollème. This seemingly innocuous encounter gradually confronts Catherine with her own demons.
Ballad for a Hoodlum
Stéphane Donnacil
Vincent Vivant agrees to Stephan the spy's proposal: he is to cross the border with a mysterious suitcase.
Арсен Люпен против Арсена Люпена
Baron von Krantz
André Laroche, an industrialist, has just passed away. Face to his grave, as he is being buried, Anne de Vierne, the wife of a magistrate, confesses to her son François that Laroche was in fact Lupin and that he is his natural child. But he is not the gentleman thief's only offspring! Lupin had indeed another son by a housemaid, Gérard Dagmar, a dancer, magician and - occasionally - burglar. Which complicates the task of François who, to respect the last wishes of the testator, has gone in search of the treasure of Poldavia. For he keeps finding Gérard on his way and his efforts are constantly thwarted by his half-brother. Will Gérard prevent François from becoming the worthy successor to their father or will the two young men decide to join forces? That is the question.
La Gamberge
Очаровательная лгунья
Жюльетт – патологическая лгунья, обманывающая любого мужчину, плененного ее девичьей красотой. Влюбившись в зрелого мужчину, она дает клятву, что будет говорить только правду. Она уверяет его в своей любви, вот только он ей не верит.
L'ennemi dans l'ombre
le colonel Eric Urenbach
Мегрэ и дело в Сен-Фиакр
Father Jodet
Комиссар Мегрэ возвращается в Сен-Фиакр, деревню, где он провел свое детство, по приглашению графини из Сен-Фиакра. Она знала, что «маленький Жюль» стал комиссаром, потому что отец Мегрэ был управляющим владений замка Сен-Фиакр. Графиня получила анонимное письмо с объявлением о своей смерти в пепельную среду (первый день Великого поста). На следующий день Мегрэ обнаружил её мёртвой в церкви, погибшей от сердечного приступа, но комиссар убежден, что этот сердечный приступ не случайный, и начинает своё расследование…
The Doctor's Horrible Experiment
Dr. Severin
Dr. Cordelier, living in a suburb of Paris, withdraws from society to pursue research into the functioning of the human brain. His lifelong friend, Maître Joly, becomes concerned when Cordelier draws up a will that bequeaths his entire estate to a stranger, Monsieur Opale; he cannot understand why Cordelier defends him, considering Opale attacks women and children. After a colleague is killed, Joly confronts Cordelier and discovers the truth behind his friend's behavior.
The Rebels of Lomanach
A young woman has a perilous affair with a General from the opposing side during the Revolutionary war.
Распутная и жестокая супруга императора Клавдия Мессалина строит планы по свержению мужа и возведению на трон своего любовника Гая Силия. Но планы императрицы нарушает ее неистовая похоть. Мессалина обращает свой жадный взор на гладиатора Тавра. Однако непокорный раб отказывает всемогущей императрице ради своей возлюбленной христианки Цинции. За это Мессалина приказывает отдать Тавра на растерзание львам. Но отважная Цинция отправляется на арену вместе со своим возлюбленным и, тем самым, смягчает сердца безжалостных римлян. Мессалина вынуждена подчиниться публике и помиловать влюбленных, но она даже не подозревает, что этот жест станет первым предвестником ее падения…
La montagne est verte
Victor Schoelcher
Тайна Майерлинга
L'archiduc Jean-Salvator
30 января 1889 года стало роковой датой для Габсбургов, в этой день судьба отвернулась от старейшей королевской династии Европы. Бывшая любовница Рудольфа, графиня Мария Лариш знакомит его с молоденькой семнадцатилетней Вечерой, влюбленной в него без памяти. Красавец, донжуан, честолюбивый наследник престола, мечтающий о возвышении Австро-Венгрии, Рудольф воспринимает это знакомство за попытку графини хотя бы таким способом привязать его к себе, а искреннее смущение девушки — за кокетство искушенной женщины. Однако, постепенно цинизм и легкомыслие отступают перёд силой искренних чувств. К несчастью для обоих, принц женат, а Габсбурги не хотят скандала в королевской семье... Рудольф участвует в заговоре против императора на стороне венгров, но всё срывается. У загнанных в угол возлюбленных остаётся, на их взгляд, только один выход. Символично, что и первая и последняя их встречи состоялись в маленьком поместье Майерлинг в двух часах езды от Вены. Круг замкнулся.
Rouletabille Against the Queen of Spades
Rouletabille's fiancée, a young journalist always on the lookout for an investigation to solve, tells him how she has just suppressed a spy. Marriage is in question...
Rouletabille joue et gagne
The adventures of the famous Joseph Rouletabille, an adventurous young journalist, gone to solve a murder in the south of France. He puts an end to the conflict between two rival bands for the possession of a revolutionary metal, belenium.
Louberger, director of an orphanage, is full of praise for a former boarder, Mr. Sauval, who has become their benefactor. One night he arrives and he does not seem to be exactly the man described by Louberger. He has in fact become a crooked lawyer and he is wanted for a crime he has just committed. Despite his efforts he will not escape the police but he will manage to remain, in the eyes of the children, at the height of his legend.
The Last Judgment
In Central Europe, resistance to the Germans in growing. But the partisan leader is denounced and killed. His daughter and the son of the traitor love each other. Condemned by his comrades, the informer commits suicide in front of the young couple.
François Villon
Noël, one-eyed
An episode in the life of the tumultuous poet who murdered his rival, in love with Catherine de Vauselles.
The Island of Love
André Bozzi
A Corsican fisherman is the victim of a vendetta, when he was wrong to date the niece of a businessman proposing to create a seaside resort, much to the anger of the islanders.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
Le brigand gentilhomme
A gentleman, falsely accused of an assassination, becomes a formidable bandit. Condemned by the king, he will be rehabilitated thanks to the intervention of a young girl whom he will marry.
Ceux du rivage
In the oyster and fishing town of Arcachon, one man doesn't want his adopted son to get married to the daughter of his rival, and he suspects a dark underlying secret.
A colonial wife carries on an affair with a French officer, but the wife's native servant may have overheard their plan to leave Africa and return to Europe together.And then the servant goes missing.
Madame et le mort
A person who had usurped the identity of a famous writer of detective stories was killed in the train. Why and by whom?
Love Marriage
Fool of the sixth
Pierre, who is a Fine Arts student, and Denise, who is a chemistry student, work for a department store where, wearing wedding suits, they distribute flyers to passers-by. The store manager, Bernard, falls in love with Denise and arranges to take her to an inn not far from Paris, run by the handsome Robert. This one opens Denise's eyes who ends up returning to her home. After a fight between Pierre and Bernard, Denise ends up choosing to stay with Pierre.
Fantastic Night
Denis, a poor student in philosophy, works as a night porter in the Paris market of Les Halles in order to pay for his studies. Constantly weary, he falls asleep and dreams of a beautiful girl in white, Irène, with whom he falls in love.
La Symphonie fantastique
Orchestra conductor (uncredited)
The film is biographical, telling the story of the life and artistic struggles of the French composer Hector Berlioz. Berlioz is shown as a recalcitrant medical student in an anatomy class dreaming of becoming a composer; at a demonstration during a performance at the Paris Opéra conducted by Habeneck; at supper with other young artists (Hugo, Janin, Dumas, Mérimée, Delacroix); and chasing after his future wife Harriet Smithson, after a performance of Hamlet. Also depicted are his life in a garret, while suffering from an illness due to an abscess in the throat; a visit from his mother who curses him; and the composition of the Symphonie fantastique. The film then shows his marital breakdown, the premiere of his opera Benvenuto Cellini, his travels throughout Europe, his second marriage to Marie Recio (called "Marie Martin" in the film), public acceptance in old age and reconciliation with his son.
Final Accord
A famous violinist enlists in a music school in order to woo one of the students.
The Curtain Rises
Gabriel, un élève du Conservatoire
François, Cécilia and Isabelle are students of the drama class of the Conservatoire led by Professor Lambertin. François is in love with Isabelle who also loves him, but he is pursued by Cecilia, his former mistress. Cécilia commits suicide staging the suicide like a crime, so as to involve Francis. But a testimony restores the truth.