Violena Ampudia


The First Taste
A young journalist receives an immersive introduction to the erotic art of shibari, a non-monogamous couple has their dynamic tested by the arrival of an uninvited guest, and a sleeping stranger on a train sends ripples through the relationship of the man and woman who find her. An anthology of female-focused shorts exploring six new flavours of love and desire.
Ostende – La Mer – Un Jour
Ostende – La Mer – Un Jour is a kind of graphic novel which comes down to showing pictures and then a voice-over of the people who are photographed tell what we see.
Shooting Leticia
Leticia, a 15-year-old Portuguese village girl, has a shotgun and she is not afraid to use it. I shoot her in a particular moment of her life.
Изгой совершает путешествие через плотину в Сьерра-Маэстре, где зародилась Кубинская революция. Вместе с ним мы движемся по этому затухающему ландшафту, постепенно пересекая очерченную картографию тела, которое с каждым движением растворяется, становясь, наконец, единым с этим местом.