Earth is just a place. But it's not even a normal place, as most of the cosmos is empty. Normal is the vast and immense void, cold and universal, the eternal night of space in comparison with which the stars, its planets, already appear as something painfully rare and precious. If we were dropped at random into the cosmos, the probability that we would appear on the planet or even in its vicinity would be less than a part of a billion, a billion, a billion.
Earth is just a place. But it's not even a normal place, as most of the cosmos is empty. Normal is the vast and immense void, cold and universal, the eternal night of space in comparison with which the stars, its planets, already appear as something painfully rare and precious. If we were dropped at random into the cosmos, the probability that we would appear on the planet or even in its vicinity would be less than a part of a billion, a billion, a billion.
Earth is just a place. But it's not even a normal place, as most of the cosmos is empty. Normal is the vast and immense void, cold and universal, the eternal night of space in comparison with which the stars, its planets, already appear as something painfully rare and precious. If we were dropped at random into the cosmos, the probability that we would appear on the planet or even in its vicinity would be less than a part of a billion, a billion, a billion.
In a dreamlike Afro-Diasporic odyssey, landscapes and alleys meet at the crossroads of time.
Negro Leo, recording session.
The vibrating effects of sound waves on a watery surface draws a haunting image. "UN" is a performance created and developed by brazilian sound artist bella.
Music Consultant
Дон Диего де Зама — чиновник на службе испанского короля где-то в южноамериканской глуши. Семья далеко, ходят слухи о его переводе в город, но время идёт, а положение Замы становится всё более безнадёжным.
Studies on sound based on the work of musician Arto Lindsay and the relationship of the body/camera with music. The film discusses art as lyrically as the biographee’s own work.
During one night, a woman walks through Rio de Janeiro, and hears the music around: jazz, rock, eletronica...