Tim Reid
Рождение : 1944-12-19, Norfolk, Virginia, United States
Timothy L. "Tim" Reid (born December 19, 1944) is an American actor, comedian and film director best known for his roles in prime time American television programs, such as Venus Flytrap on WKRP in Cincinnati (1978-82), Marcel "Downtown" Brown on Simon & Simon (1983-87), Ray Campbell on Sister, Sister (1994-99) and William Barnett on That 70's Show (2004-2006).
Ernest Sellers
It tells the story of a retired police officer who is recently divorced and caring for her father when a beautiful stranger enters her life.
Grace and Anthony, who despite having gone to college to study architecture together, are too different. But, when they're both hired to work on the home of a New Orleans praline icon, things between them change and they end up celebrating Christmas together.
Thirty-plus years after its release, the popular two-part miniseries "IT" and its infamous villain Pennywise live on in the minds of horror fans around the world. This documentary captures not only the buzz the "IT" saga generated in 1990 but also the lasting impact it has had on an entire generation and the horror genre at large. Several years in the making, the film features exclusive interviews with many of the cult classic's key players, from cast members Richard Thomas, Seth Green, and Tim Curry, who portrayed the notorious monster clown Pennywise, to director Tommy Lee Wallace and special effects makeup artist Bart Mixon. The documentary also boasts a wealth of archival material and never-before-seen footage.
General O'Toole
Chloe (Jana Kramer) has always supported various military organizations, including the town’s Army toy drive for Christmas. This year, she is paired up with Michael (Brandon Quinn), a vet who recently returned home, and together they recruit other veterans and active military personnel to help in the cause. As the community gears up for the Officer’s Christmas Ball, where all the kids will meet Santa Claus and receive their gifts, Michael and Chloe begin to realize the greatest gift this season has been each other’s company.
Джулия Кроули приезжает домой, чтобы провести каникулы со своей семьёй. Их семейная гостиница годами враждует с конкурентами Мейсонами, также владеющими небольшим семейным отелем. Каждый год оба семейства отчаянно соревнуются в рождественских конкурсах. Ситуацию усложняет то, что в соревнованиях участвует неотразимый парень по имени Райан Мейсон. А тем временем над всем малым бизнесом городка нависла угроза - корпоративный застройщик ищет пути для выкупа недвижимости.
When her Philadelphia radio station is closed for repairs during the holidays, DJ Kara Porter is forced to broadcast from the small town of Bethlehem.
Perry Taylor
Когда Джен узнала, что двоюродная бабушка завещала ей гостиницу на далекой Аляске, она не предполагала, что этот подарок накануне Рождества изменит всю ее жизнь и заставит пересмотреть приоритеты.
Two married couples set out to go on a trip to a marriage retreat to enhance their marriage, but is faced with dark evil along the way. As darkness falls upon them, secrets are revealed. Trust is no longer among them and what was supposed to be a moment of beautiful memories becomes a nightmare.
Dale Landis
Каждое Рождество в течение 15 лет Дейл Лэндис устанавливает елку на крыше своего дома. И каждый год его за это арестовывают. Адвокат Сара Райт и заместитель прокурора Джон Ривьера пытаются помочь Дейлу избежать поездки в тюрьму в этом году и раскрыть тайну рождественской елки на крыше.
David is transported to the cut-throat world of fashion. Olivia, an up-and-coming fashion designer who gets the opportunity of a lifetime to work for icon Salma Barrie. But things go out of control when Olivia must step up to save the company and fight against a former co-worker who has started a competing company.
Natalie, an ultrasound tech with a history of not finishing things, is inspired by a cancer patient to sign up for a Triathlon. Natalie is introduced to the strange (and aerodynamic) world of triathletes and meets a colorful cast of characters as she trains for the Nation’s Triathlon. With the support of her new teammates, she digs deep to discover just how far she can push her mind and body.
Hank Jefferson
Похищенная в секс-рабство сестра, противостояние группе международных преступников-сутенеров, в такой ситуации оказывается герой фильма — Хорхе. Юноша решает бросить вызов обстоятельствам, но он оказывается не одинок в своем горе, на помощь ему приходит полицейский Рэй, у которого подобным же образом украли молодую дочь. Вместе они пытаются противостоять преступному бизнесу и вызволить девушек из страшного и порочного плена.
Mac (Tim Reid) is a single, successful entertainment lawyer who leads the good life. But his comfortable routine is thrown for a loop when he's forced to care for his ailing housekeeper and soon becomes guardian to her very vibrant granddaughter, Cece (Tamara Curry) -- a "ghetto princess" of sorts. With no prior experience in raising a young lady, Mac is in for a long battle within the extremely demanding confines of the generation gap!
Mac (Tim Reid) is a single, successful entertainment lawyer who leads the good life. But his comfortable routine is thrown for a loop when he's forced to care for his ailing housekeeper and soon becomes guardian to her very vibrant granddaughter, Cece (Tamara Curry) -- a "ghetto princess" of sorts. With no prior experience in raising a young lady, Mac is in for a long battle within the extremely demanding confines of the generation gap!
Mac (Tim Reid) is a single, successful entertainment lawyer who leads the good life. But his comfortable routine is thrown for a loop when he's forced to care for his ailing housekeeper and soon becomes guardian to her very vibrant granddaughter, Cece (Tamara Curry) -- a "ghetto princess" of sorts. With no prior experience in raising a young lady, Mac is in for a long battle within the extremely demanding confines of the generation gap!
Алекс терпеть не может своего младшего брата Стиви. Однажды он находит волшебную монету и загадывает желание, чтобы Стиви… никогда не существовало. Проснувшись на следующее утро, Алекс понимает, что вся его жизнь перевернулась с ног на голову. Его родители богаты, он лучший игрок школьной футбольной команды и встречается с самой красивой девочкой в школе. Однако постепенно его новая жизнь предстает перед ним в другом свете, и он всё больше скучает по младшему брату…
Mayor McLemore
A group of hip retro teenage outsiders become involved in an interschool bowling rivalry.
When a freak accident destroys everything in a man's life, he invades the troubled marriage of his best friends.
Executive Producer
When the matriarch of the family suddenly dies, custody of a mentally disabled mother is inherited by her normal daughter.
This film relates the story of a tightly connected Afro-American community informally called Colored Town where the inhabitants live and depend on each other in a world where racist oppression is everywhere, as told by a boy called Cliff who spent his childhood there. Despite this, we see the life of the community in all its joys and sorrows, of those that live there while others decide to leave for a better life north. For those remaining, things come to a serious situation when one prominent businessman is being muscled out by a white competitor using racist intimidation. In response, the community must make the decision of whether to submit meekly like they always have, or finally fight for their rights.
Downtown Brown
En route to delivering an expensive yacht, Rick stops off in Seattle to visit A.J., who works there as an attorney. However, their reunion is disrupted and their investigative skills called into service when the yacht is hijacked--with mom on board.
Chip Chatworth
A "play on words" about a fictional political scandal concerning covert arms deals and double-dealing government operatives, satirizing the Watergate hearings of 1972-1973.
From Amos 'n' Andy to Nat King Cole, from Roots to The Cosby Show, black people have played many roles on primetime television. Brilliantly weaving clips from classic TV shows with commentary from TV producers, black actors and scholars, Marlon Riggs blends humor, insight, and thoughtful analysis to explore the evolution of black/white relations as reflected by America's favorite addiction.
An independent filmmaker has left his profession and keeps it a secret. Years later, his niece finds his old films in a locked trunk and discovers his strong principles when it came to supporting his actors and his art overall.
Jack Barnett
Перри Мейсон защищает мужа известной рок-певцы, которая была найдена убитой после того, как провела огромную дискуссию с мужем и своим менеджером.
Lt. Col. Clark
1988 год. Германо-чешская граница. На Востоке еще только начинаются перемены. Нейтральной полосой разделены два контингента войск — советские в Чехословакии и американские с немецкой стороны. По разные стороны границы оказываются два ветерана? полковник Кноуз, прошедший Вьетнам, и полковник Валачев, за плечами которого Афганистан. Много лет они смотрели друг на друга в прорезь прицела, а теперь встретились, чтобы в поединке один на один предотвратить возможно, третью мировую войну.
Chief Dixon
Опытный лос-анджелесский полицейский Джерри Бек расследует убийство офицера полиции и выходит на след злодейского заговора банды белых расистов.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an imaginative, feature-length animated film, faithfully adaptied from the classic book by L. Frank Baum. In this brand new version, the limitations of live action film are transcended by fanciful full animation and whimsical narration. This version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz contains scenes from the book not included in the MGM movie. The Lightyear Wizard of Oz series was featured exclusively on HBO. Now reacquaint your family with some of the best loved characters ever to dance the yellow brick road and into your heart in this colorful, timeless adventure.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is an imaginative, feature-length animated film, faithfully adaptied from the classic book by L. Frank Baum. In this brand new version, the limitations of live action film are transcended by fanciful full animation and whimsical narration. This version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz contains scenes from the book not included in the MGM movie. The Lightyear Wizard of Oz series was featured exclusively on HBO. Now reacquaint your family with some of the best loved characters ever to dance the yellow brick road and into your heart in this colorful, timeless adventure.
The Wizard of Oz legend continues with The Marvelous Land of Oz, based on the second book in the series by L. Frank Baum. This adventure features a brave young boy named Tip, the lovable Jack Pumpkinhead, the gruff wodden Sawhorse, and the evil witch Mombi, who is Tip's guardian. Tip and his amazing friends escape Mombi and head toward the Emerald City, now ruled by the Scarecrow. Joined by Dorothy, who has returned to Oz, they meet General Ginger and her all-female army who are planning to invade and take over their beloved Emerald City. Meanwhile, Glinda, the good Witch, has learned that the original King of Oz had an heir. While battling with the forces of General Ginger, Tip, Dorothy and their friends discover that the rightful ruler of Oz has been amazingly transformed.
The Wizard of Oz legend continues with The Marvelous Land of Oz, based on the second book in the series by L. Frank Baum. This adventure features a brave young boy named Tip, the lovable Jack Pumpkinhead, the gruff wodden Sawhorse, and the evil witch Mombi, who is Tip's guardian. Tip and his amazing friends escape Mombi and head toward the Emerald City, now ruled by the Scarecrow. Joined by Dorothy, who has returned to Oz, they meet General Ginger and her all-female army who are planning to invade and take over their beloved Emerald City. Meanwhile, Glinda, the good Witch, has learned that the original King of Oz had an heir. While battling with the forces of General Ginger, Tip, Dorothy and their friends discover that the rightful ruler of Oz has been amazingly transformed.
In Oz once again, Dorothy meets TikTok the mechanical man, servant of Princess Lulu.
In Oz once again, Dorothy meets TikTok the mechanical man, servant of Princess Lulu.
Gordon Sims (Venus Flytrap)
Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever is a 1983 television special produced by Suzanne de Passe for Motown Records, The show was also co-written by de Passe along with Ruth Adkins Robinson who would go on to write shows with de Passe for the next 25 years, including the follow up label tributes—through "Motown 40," Buz Kohan was the head writer of the threesome. The program was taped before a live studio audience at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium in Pasadena, California on March 25, 1983,[1] and broadcast on NBC on May 16. Among its highlights were Michael Jackson's performance of "Billie Jean", a Temptations/Four Tops "battle of the bands", Marvin Gaye's inspired speech about black music history and his memorable performance of "What's Going On", a Jackson 5 reunion.
Emmy winner Jean Stapleton and Academy Award winner Art Carney star in the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart about a slightly daft family who do exactly as they please.
Unaired roast of Richard Pryor by the cast of The Richard Pryor Show including Robin Williams (Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society), Sandra Bernhard (Without You I'm Nothing), Shirley Hemphill (What's Happening!!), Paul Mooney (Hollywood Shuffle), LaWanda Page (Sanford and Son), Tim Reid (WKRP in Cincinnati), Edie McClurg (Ferris Bueller's Day Off) and Marsha Warfield (Night Court) and Peter Cullen (The Tigger Movie).
Dave Burnham
When Roy and Elaine Keenan realize their family is drifting apart, they decide that something needs to be done. Roy forces his work to take a back seat and they seize the opportunity to recreate a vacation from their past. A peaceful stay in a quaint hotel is just what they need, however that is not what is in store for them. With four deranged murderers patrolling the seemingly mundane halls, the odds are definitely not in the Keenan family's favor. Roy must fight for his life and those of his family as their simple weekend getaway truly turns into a vacation to die for.