Erica Malunguinho


Political Bodies
At a time when the far right is ascending to power around the world, the 2020 Brazilian municipal elections saw a surprising and unprecedented record of LGBT candidates. This film follows four young queer politicians during their electoral campaigns and reveals their struggle to affirm their rights to exist and be heard.
Отец Риты
Erica Malunguinho
Роке и Пудим, композиторы старой школы Вай-Вай, делят однокомнатную квартиру, десятилетия дружбы, любовь к своей школе самбы и сомнение в прошлом: что случилось с танцовщицей Ритой, их страстью. Появление Ритиньи, дочери танцовщицы, грозит положить конец этой дружбе.
Body: Its Autobiography
Ela mesma
A documentary that shows a body in social and family isolation, but the distance is not caused by the coronavirus, but by being a transvestite. Renata Carvalho is a character of herself, her voice tells us the historicity/transcestrality of her body and the structural transphobia.