Um Tae-shick


Digital Intermediate
Переживая потерю, бывшая телохранительница по имени Ок Джу решает исполнить последнее желание лучшей подруги, которую ей не удалось защитить. Месть так сладка.
Родная душа
Digital Intermediate
Две 13-летние одноклассницы подружились и стали лучшими подругами. После окончания школы их дороги разошлись, но судьбы окажутся тесно переплетёнными на протяжении ещё долгих лет.
Digital Colorist
A story of how Park Kang’s life is changed on Christmas day. Park Kang is a popular actor, but he is also a scandal maker. His manager is Jo Yoon and they are also long-time friends. One day, Park Kang’s ex-girlfriend Soo Hyun suddenly appears in front of Park Kang.
Следующая жертва
Digital Colorist
Во время стажировки старшеклассницы Сохи в крупной компании происходит таинственный инцидент, который приводит к её смерти. За расследование этого загадочного дела берётся женщина-детектив Юджин, которой предстоит распутать цепочку странных событий и выяснить, кто или что в действительности стоит за этим противоречивым преступлением...
Back to the Hong Kong
Digital Colorist
Man-ok, a film director who arrived in Mokpo in 2022 after passing through Hong Kong in 1986, met with Yeo-myoung again and learned the true meaning of making a movie
The Girl on a Bulldozer
Digital Colorist
Haeyoung is a hopeless girl. She lives with her father who runs a Chinese restaurant, and a younger sibling. One day, her father has a mysterious accident, which places her in a position of responsibility. She is now not only the head of the house and must look after her younger sibling, but also an investigator tasked with finding the truth about the accident, and a fighter standing against the ugly world.
Горячая кровь
Digital Colorist
Мужчина, родившийся и выросший на окраине Пусана, ввязывается в гангстерскую войну за выживание.
The Box
Digital Colorist
Уличный музыкант знакомится с музыкальным продюсером, и они вдвоём отправляются в путешествие, которое перевернёт их жизни.
Digital Colorist
Трогательный, эмоциональный сюжет «Фукуока», знакомит с тихим, добродушным мужчиной среднего возраста, хозяина небольшой, скромной лавки по продаже разнообразной, книгопечатной продукции, обитающий в тихом провинциальном городке японской префектуры. Он ведет незаметный, нелюдимый образ существования, стараясь избегать ненужных мелких конфликтов с окружающими миром, давно приняв горечь одиночества холостяцкой жизни. Хотя этому следовала действительная, малоприятная причина, к которой герой изредка возвращался воспоминаниями с немалым сожалением о потерянных годах, при глубоком разочаровании в людях.
Счастливая Чхан Силь
Digital Colorist
After losing her job, Chansil, a movie producer, moves to a small mountain village. The owner of her house, an old lady looks suspicious, and what she does to earn a living is unfamiliar to her. From one day on, a cool-looking ghost keeps appearing in front of Chansil’s eyes.
A Little Princess
Digital Colorist
Mal-soon is a tough granny in a shanty town in Busan. In front of her, 12-year-old Gong-ju appears with her baby sister Jin-ju on her back. Gong-ju claims that she is the daughter of Mal-soon’s runaway daughter. Mal-soon’s peaceful life becomes a mess with these little strangers, but Mal-soon doesn’t feel bad living with them.
The Divine Move 2: The Wrathful
Digital Colorist
In the 1990s, when Go gambling fever swept Korea, Gui-su loses everything because his father gambled obsessively until there was nothing left. Left all alone in the world, Gui-su meets a mentor and Go teacher, Il-do, and goes through vicious training to become the grandmaster of Go. He sets out for revenge on the world that destroyed his life, but soon finds himself chased by an unknown loner pursuing his own vendetta.
Ode to the Goose
Digital Colorist
Yoon-young has been harboring feelings for Song-hyun, a friend's wife. When he finds out that she is divorced, Yoon-young and Songhyun take a trip to Gunsan on a whim. They find lodging at an inn where the middle-aged owner lives with his autistic daughter who does not leave her room. The four become star crossed lovers in the city of Gunsan.
Children Gone to Poland
Digital Colorist
Tracing the footsteps of North Korean orphans who went to Poland during the Korean War, two women, one from the North and the other from the South, bond through the solidarity of wound and forge together a path toward healing.
Miss Baek
Digital Colorist
A woman's past as a convict follows her everywhere and because of this she doesn't open up to others. But then she strikes up a friendship with a broken child who has suffered from domestic violence and decides to save the girl from the cruel world. A man who holds feelings for the woman, tries to protect her in his own way.
А теперь я иду встретиться с тобой
Digital Colorist
Су-а, жена У-джина, умерла и оставила его с малолетним сыном. Перед смертью она сделала для ребёнка книжку, где написала, что вернётся в один дождливый день. Год спустя папа с сыном встречают женщину, которая как две капли воды похожа на Су-а, но та ничего не помнит.
The King's Case Note
Digital Colorist
A clever king of Joseon and his brilliant chronicler hunt for the truth behind a crime that threatens the throne and the stability of the country.
New Trial
Digital Colorist
A taxi driver is found dead, and Hyun-woo, the only witness, charged with a murder and serves 10 years in prison. While offering pro bono services, a lawyer Junyoung meets Hyun-woo, and they begin their journey to prove his innocence.
A Quiet Dream
Digital Colorist
They’re losers, but nice ones. Every day they sit at Yeri’s bar, smitten by the young Chinese-Korean woman. Yeri doesn’t have a preference. To her, they are equally sweet: Jongbin, a milk-drinking epileptic, Ikjune, a former petty criminal, and the introverted Jungbum, who fled from North Korea.
Мужчина и женщина
Digital Colorist
Они встретились в Финляндии, где их дети ходили в специализированную школу. У обоих есть семьи, но их так сильно влечёт друг к другу. Потом они столкнулись в Корее и уже больше не могли жить друг без друга.
The King of Jokgu
Digital Colorist
When Man-seob comes back to school after completing military service, he organizes the school's Jokgu team to win Anna's heart.
Digital Colorist
Stas is a young third generation Koryo-saram, a member of the Korean minority in Central Asia that was deported from the Russian Far East by Stalin. He and his three friends Kasoy, Shin and Said try to escape from the grim life in Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, and one day, they also try heroin. Then, however, Kasoy gets killed by a gang. 6 years later, Shin has emigrated to South Korea, Said has become a drug addict and Stas is now a police officer. Said commits suicide by overdosing and Stas, who has has since then also become a drug addict, decides to turn over a new leaf. He follows Shin to South Korea, but can this be Hanaan for him, the Promised Land?
Director of Photography
Stas is a young third generation Koryo-saram, a member of the Korean minority in Central Asia that was deported from the Russian Far East by Stalin. He and his three friends Kasoy, Shin and Said try to escape from the grim life in Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, and one day, they also try heroin. Then, however, Kasoy gets killed by a gang. 6 years later, Shin has emigrated to South Korea, Said has become a drug addict and Stas is now a police officer. Said commits suicide by overdosing and Stas, who has has since then also become a drug addict, decides to turn over a new leaf. He follows Shin to South Korea, but can this be Hanaan for him, the Promised Land?