Anouk Zivy


Давно не виделись
Девять лет назад они пережили короткий роман. Они встретились на вокзале случайно: он только вернулся, она вот-вот уезжает. У них есть восемьдесят минут до отправления поезда, чтобы подвести промежуточный итог уже прожитой жизни, с ее достижениями, надеждами и утраченными иллюзиями. И, может быть, это их последний шанс что-то изменить.
De Gaulle bâtisseur
Philippe-Alain Michaud, le réel traversé par la fiction
To be in Venice and see the architecture of New York, to perceive in a painting by Tintoretto the birth of animated images, to look at the burlesque Cretinetti as the ancestor of montage - so many shifts, displacements, and striking telescopings that Philippe-Alain Michaud proposes in this film dedicated to him. To follow this art historian, curator of the cinema collections at the Centre Pompidou, is to go from the oriental carpet to the film, or from the first fireworks to the cinema. And everywhere the animation of the images - projections of Antony McCall, or of Paul Sharits, Column without end of Brancusi, Pasolini's Accatone - everything moves! Under the tutelage of Aby Warburg, the great art historian of the early twentieth century, precursor of iconology and image comparison, to whom Philippe-Alain Michaud was the first in France to devote an important essay, eleven images are placed on the table to describe the singular journey of this art historian.
First Came The Silence
Claire, eleven years, carries with it a big secret. But neither her daddy nor anybody else will ever know. Except perhaps Eric, playing her boyfriend, who is not afraid of Uncle Etienne.
O Fato Completo ou À Procura de Alberto
"At first everything was relatively simple. I was looking for a boy of African origins, between 16 and 18 years old to incarnate the role of Alberto in the film I had just written. As they were not actors, I asked candidates to tell me a story of their choice. What they gave me was a lot of life, and they did it with such generosity and authenticity that I was the one concerned. Would I be able to find the same strength, the same emotion?" - Inês de Medeiros
Yelema II
Safi, a young girl who took over from her father at the head of the family business, directs her activities towards long-term investment. But her project is compromised because of the allocation of developed areas.
Жанна-Дева – Тюрьмы
Assistant Editor
Во второй части рассказывается, как Жанна, несмотря на нежелание Королевского совета, продолжает освободительную войну против англичан. Победа под Орлеаном. Миропомазание короля Карла в Реймсе. Она приходит на помощь Компьеню, осажденному бургундцами и, в результате предательства, попадает в плен. Король Карл, который стольким был ей обязан, не делает ничего, чтобы спасти Жанну. Вскоре за 10 000 золотых ливров бургундцы продают её англичанам. Инквизиционный процесс Жанны д’Арк проходит в Руане под председательством Пьера Кошона, епископа Бове. Жанна была признана виновной по всем основным пунктам обвинения как вероотступница и еретичка, после чего сжигается на костре...
Les deux Fragonard
Assistant Editor
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.