Danilo Do Carmo


What Remains On The Way
Lilian and her four kids are in search for a better life. She dares to leave her violent husband in Guatemala and joins the migrant caravan in order to make it to the Mexican-US border. Being a single mother, this is her only chance to make the dangerous way through Mexico.
A story slowly reveals itself: a spattering of campfires and makeshift tents is actually a caravan heading to the US border in search of safety and a new life. Silent images and fragments of touching conversations calmly direct the viewer’s attention to individual destinies. What seems so abstract and far away, suddenly becomes close and alive.
A story slowly reveals itself: a spattering of campfires and makeshift tents is actually a caravan heading to the US border in search of safety and a new life. Silent images and fragments of touching conversations calmly direct the viewer’s attention to individual destinies. What seems so abstract and far away, suddenly becomes close and alive.