"Ghost Mountain" is the story of Bunseng Taing, a Cambodian refugee who made his way to Connecticut in 1980 after surviving both the Killing Fields and a second horror never before documented. He was among 45,000 refugees who managed to escape to what they believed was safety in Thailand, only to be forced back over the Cambodian border in an area heavily infested with landmines.
"Ghost Mountain" is the story of Bunseng Taing, a Cambodian refugee who made his way to Connecticut in 1980 after surviving both the Killing Fields and a second horror never before documented. He was among 45,000 refugees who managed to escape to what they believed was safety in Thailand, only to be forced back over the Cambodian border in an area heavily infested with landmines.
"Ghost Mountain" is the story of Bunseng Taing, a Cambodian refugee who made his way to Connecticut in 1980 after surviving both the Killing Fields and a second horror never before documented. He was among 45,000 refugees who managed to escape to what they believed was safety in Thailand, only to be forced back over the Cambodian border in an area heavily infested with landmines.
Production Manager
Вьетнамский ветеран кончает жизнь самоубийством, спрыгнув с крыши городской больницы. В оставленном письме он сообщает своему другу Митчу о плане захвата центрального парка перед днем ветеранов. Также он оставляет ему карту, на которой отмечены оружие и боеприпасы, разбросанные по всему парку. Митч решает воплотить неоконченный план умершего друга в жизнь…